
New Wands and a Diary 5

"These are Wand Holsters, Harry. I think you saw them at least. You can have both of them as a gift from me for your upcoming birthday". Harry tried to protest but couldn't make Walkrow take his gift back.

"Both the Holsters are made of Dragonhide and has runes carved into them for all sorts of protections for a wand" assured Walkrow and Harry took them and put one in his right hand.

"I recommend you learn Duel wielding, Harry" Walkrow said and explained about Duel wielding. Harry nodded.

"What about this" asked Harry taking out his Holly with Phoenix feather wand. Walkrow looked at it hard and nodded to himself coming to a conclusion.

"Well, it is not useful to you anymore and is just as any other wand I guess. But if you improve your control and command on your magic, that allows you to wield any wand without any problem. That is up to you by the way. As for the wand, I can just snap it in half or you can keep it as it is yours" suggested Walkrow and Harry thought about it for some time.

"Well, if you can, can you remove the trace on it. I don't want the ministry finding anything I do at home" he said winking at the old man. Currently, he doesn't have any problem doing magic at home because of Dobby, the ever-helpful house elf that he is, did something that managed to blur the senses of the ministry or whoever is in charge of monitoring the use of underage magic.

Harry used his freedom happily to 'discipline' the Dursleys. Walkrow nodded and used some kind of instrument, which gave a small white glow, the trace was removed.

"Speaking of trace, do my new wands have one?" Asked Harry.

"No. Your mother's wand doesn't have one from the beginning and your wand was not added with one. I doubt it will accept even if I tried. As I said, it is very protective of its Master" he said with a smile and Harry nodded at him in satisfaction.

"What is the cost, Sir. I think it is costly as it is made of pretty much rare materials"

"Yes, Harry. But you have contributed half of them and they are as rare as the others. It comes to around 1000 Galleons. Of course, it is high, as I am Wandcrafter instead of just Wandmaker like Ollivander" he said with a smug smile. Harry nodded and paid the man and left the shop and nearly left Knockturn Alley when he bumped into someone.

"Ouch. Watch it, shorty" said a frustrated female voice. Harry first wanted to apologise, but when he was called out for his height, all his etiquette and apology went down the drain. He looked at the person who bumped into him and saw a mop of pink hair. How odd?

"And how do I do that? You just bumped me by the way, pinky" Harry nearly yelled (nearly blowing up his cover, as he is under the hood, so that managed to save his face) managing to get up. Mira silently laughed at her master's change of behaviour.

"What. Did you just call me pinky! You short stuff. How old are you? 10 years?" she said indignantly. Harry's temper rose and they had a back and forth for some time, no one in the Alley looking at them as if they are invisible. A gruff throat-clearing came from somewhere but they didn't hear it.

"Tonks, what are doing playing with a kid?" came the gruff voice of Alastor 'Mad eye' Moody, a Senior Auror.

"But Moody, this short stupid kid bumped into me" she shouted in outrage.

"What are you talking pinky? You are the one who bumped into me. You see Sir, I'm minding my business walking on the road then this overgrown child came and bumped into me out of nowhere and if I remember correctly, she tripped and bumped into me but she blames me" Harry said managing to drown 'Tonks' name and her protests in the background with his accusation by pointing a finger at her.

Moody had enough of this useless childish quarrel that reminded him of his days when his friends had similar quarrels with their lovers.

"You both will stop this lovers quarrel this instant or I'll stun you and separate you by force," he said pointing his wand at them.

"Fine, I have better things to do than to quarrel with an overgrown pink child. Have a good day" Harry said and left both of them.

"Hey, you take that back" shouted Tonks, her hair changing colours, but Harry ignored her and went on his way to the Leaky Cauldron.

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