
Another Class?

The Labyrinth of the Yoke.

This was an ancient structure built by Fulgardt many years prior to his death. It held countless treasures that he had found in his lifetime. 

It also held his prime legacy, the power that he cultivated on his own. The power of the Insurgent Magnus. The power to wield both purity through [Just Light] and evil through [Evil Darkness].

This was as much as most who challenged this dreadful place knew. All this was to them a place where they could party up and obtain riches and power while exercising some manner of caution.

Of course, the majority if people that hunted these legacies were reckless or desperate warriors, their deaths guaranteed.

However, the situation within the Labyrinth was vastly different.

The Labyrinth was larger than most would even know. It was incredibly vast and filled with many stages and rooms that held specific purposes beyond the thoughts and dreams of mortals.

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