13 Family Reunion.

Mum am back!!!,. Cecilia my dear you have finally decided to see your old parents after so many years, mum enough with the Cecilia, I have told you all to call me Jennifer, I don't like being referred to as my mum's junior and after all I call you and dad everyday.

OK my dear, but you know that Jennifer was the name you formed after getting into high school, and also that call you are talking about, it's me that is always calling you. but Cecilia is definitely a good name being named after your mother (Jason said).It not as if I don't like Cecilia but my teachers kept referring to me as junior just because they know my mum's name, and we all know that it is only Golden that has the right to call me Cecilia, I just love the way her voice says the name Cecilia .

Enough of the chit chat go and freshen up so will can get set for dinner( Jason said),. but dad it's only still 5pm. Alright I have an idea in mind we will have an early dinner and play a lot of games, after all it's a family reunion,(Jennifer said).

I have somethings to do before my "birthday" after all mum and dad forbade me of going to work this weekend(Golden said as she was planning on leaving the sitting room). gold stop saying your birthday as if it's a bad event, we all know it's a happy event. Golden nodded and left the room to prepare for dinner, but when she returned everyone was seated and the only space left was the chair beside Kenneth, she sensed that her family was behind it all, she simply sat near Kenneth but as dinner was being eaten her sister said,. Kenneth when are you getting married to my sister?, I was so shocked that I chocked on my food and started coughing badly with everyone attending to me my sister let the matter slide.

Golden can do as much drama as she wants but I will certainly get her married to ken before I leave for Australia in a month time I have a good plan in mind and I just know who will help me and become my accomplice for this plan to work (Jennifer smiled in her mind).

After hours of playing different games I was exhausted and wanted to go to bed when my sister said she was doing a sleepover with me I couldn't help the sound of argh that left my lips,. sleepover with my sister are always the same she talks and talks with the competition of knowing who sleeps first, as usual I sleep before her everytime we do a sleepover. I turned and told her that she can come along as I left my sister said she will put her kids to bed and then meet me in the room I nodded and left.

Jennifer I have thought about what you told me and I agree but am afarid what your sister will do if she finds out what we have done I don't think she will be happy about it. Don't worry about my sister she won't know it was you and l that planned it,I just need your help to accomplish this it's already long over due(Jennifer told the person in the shadow before leaving for her sister's room).

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