
The Time is nigh (R18)

The little cottage that Kano had called his other home, 'Ah, my summer home in the Hamptons!' soon came into view as he and Alice walked towards it. The entirety of the walk, she never once let go of his hand. Along the way, he had explained to her that he was not that great of a guy, he was impulsive and rash, he would probably have other women too eventually simply because of his own lack of ability to reign himself in. He tried to tell her that he had already hurt another woman because of this and he did not want to do so to any other woman ever again. But this seemed to only strengthen her resolve to be with him and on top of that, she simply stated that many powerful men had multiple women. Wives, concubines, mistresses, it was the way of the world in Chelandria.

It was like a light bulb suddenly popping in his skull, he did not have to concern himself too much here. As long as he explained his position, it was their decision whether to be with him or not. It was truly as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. With a slight yell of exultation he pulled Alice to him and planted a happy kiss upon her lips, eliciting a surprised yelp that quickly turned into a small moan of bliss. After they finally separated, Alice was blushing quite a bit and felt quite breathless from the intensity of such a kiss. It felt different from any other kiss she had ever felt. It was warm and wanting, but not simply in a lust for her body, but as if his very soul wanted her own. To mix together and be as one for all eternity.

"Scoundrel." she whispered but without a hint of malice in the word. She may die tomorrow, but for now, she was alive and would be damned if the last man that she was with was someone she did not want. Here and now she wanted a man and he wanted her. A knowing smile ran across Kano's face as he realized what Alice was thinking and he pulled her into his arms in a princess carry. With a few solid steps he carried her inside and a quick kick shut the door as well as throwing over the bar to keep it shut. Gently he laid Alice down upon his bed, she had not made a sound the entire time since she last spoke, but the cherry tongue of hers traced her lips when her back touched the covered straw. Their bodies pressed together while their tongues danced and hands roamed freely, all thoughts of the coming morning fleeing before the heat that rose between them. For now, they were simply a man and a woman that needed each other in the most intimate ways. Buttons were undone and garments of cloth were strewn about as they unhurriedly bared each other.

With her chest free of restraint, he kissed and nibbled his way down her neck, to her bust, until he found the peaks of those glorious mountains. He suckled and bit at her nipples, eliciting delighted moans, but he did not stop there. He journeyed further south to follow the happy trail down her stomach. Alice felt both confused and overjoyed at his touch, no one had ever treated her this way. She felt as if he were worshiping every single inch of her flesh and that she was the only woman in the world that existed. Then, his tongue found her sweetened cave and burrowed its way inside which made her arch her back off of the bed in surprise at the delicious feeling. She thought that this was the greatest of pleasures, but suddenly that marvelous muscle moved upward and encircled her engorged clit. Shudders rippled through her body and an overwhelming pressure quickly built up inside that immediately burst forth. She cried out as she climaxed and gripped his hair with her hands as her thighs clamped down upon his head and her hips ground her most private place against his face until this amazing feeling subsided. Such a thing had never happened to her before, she had never known that the act of love could ever feel so good.

Kano had never stopped his actions though and continued to worship her body with his tongue and lips. When his face returned to hers, she felt something hot touch her folds and could not help but glance down to see it. Her eyes widened in shock and she sharply breathed in as she wondered whether it would fit. Looking back at him she saw those gentle eyes and calmed her nerves, he would not hurt her, this she was sure of. Giving him a quick nod, he began kissing her luscious lips while he slowly pressed inside of her. Her body gave way and another wave of pleasure began building up inside of her. Halfway through, she clamped down upon him and screamed once more as her entire being vibrated from the intensity of her orgasm. As it faded, she slumped back onto the bed and her eyes rolled upwards as she felt the mighty dragon continue to press on into his new lair. Finally, it stopped as there was no further for it to go and she was certain it felt like it would have continued on to her throat if it could. Such a feeling of being filled to this extent and knowing that any more movements from her love would surely send her over the edge again flashed prominently in her mind as she tried to regain some semblance of sense, but then he began to pull back. Just as he reached the edge and almost slipping out of her, he would press forward until he sheathed himself to the hilt. His hands kept roaming about her body, sometimes holding her own hands, but she paid them no mind being fully immersed in the wonderous feeling his magnificent organ was giving her.

She lost count of how many times she died that night, his slow deliberate movements at first eventually turned more hurried until he was pistoning deep inside of her such that their flesh would crash together with resounding smacks. Melodious moans and cries of passion mixed with his grunts and groans of exertion. Alice had lost her mind long ago, so far gone down this path of pleasure that she knew nothing other than the presence of her love and what he was doing to her and that wonderous feeling as she reached the heights of lust with him. Finally, he let loose within her which in turn brought another crash of pleasure from her as if her body wanted to milk him of every drop of his seed. Kano collapsed atop of her and caught his breath as sanity slowly began to seep back into Alice's brain. Their lips met once more, but it felt more comfortable and less hurried than before. She could not help but giggle in joy as he wrapped his arms around her as she snuggled up against him from the side. Somehow, they had pulled the blanket up around them before both passed into the comfy embrace of sleep.


While the two lovers were busy in the throes of passion, three women were in a heated debate inside the Academy itself. Nastalia glared at their elven sister and could not help but be irritated with her. "Who else could make such a shot in the dark? I saw his body. The arrow I pulled out had no markings and was dead center of his eyebrows!"

The elven rogue was busy running a brush through her hair and was shrugging nonchalantly. "I keep telling you, it was not me. There had to be someone else. After I started to return, I was caught by a direwolf and had to kill it first. While I was fighting with it, I heard a scream and when I finally made it there to the cottage, there was only the Necromancer lying on the ground. I agree that it was a rather incredible shot, but I insist. It was not I. I was originally ordered to by the Hierophant in order to keep from any attacks on the village by the soulless."

"She is right, Red. There are tears in her cloak that resemble a wolf's claws. Also, I do not think she would simply take the risk of possibly hitting Alice. Besides. Kano-kun has done nothing wrong."

Nastalia stopped short as she stared at her other sister in arms. "Li li. Don't tell me you are falling for this rogue. Surely not." She chided gently but without a hint of malice.

"She is already blushing and her thighs are tensing." The lovely elven woman stated as she put her brush down. "She wants him in a carnal manner."

Li na blushed furiously as she pointed a shaking finger at the elf. "Who wants him in a carnal manner?! Your mother wants him in a carnal manner!"

The elf pondered for a moment before nodding. "Yes, he is quite handsome and very strong looking. Yes, my mother would indeed like to have him in such a manner as younger men are much more virile. He would have a high likelihood of making her with child. Too bad he does not have the right genes for procreation. All he would make would be another half-elf."

Nastalia laughed uproariously at Li na's embarrassed face. "I think his child would also be exceptionally handsome or beautiful as well. Does our little Whisper want a little half-elf with those eyes running around her ankles? Or does she want her own ankles around my Kano?" She stopped short as she realized what she said and the other two women hit her with their pillows.

"Your Kano?! Who said he was yours?! I kissed him first!" Li na yelled out before she too realized what she said and also stopped short. Whisper looked at the two of them and shook her head. Indeed, the young human was quite attractive and had quite a few good qualities, but her heart was attached to another. Someone whom could not reciprocate, but she clung to him anyway. She would follow him to the ends of the world and back, if only to stay by his side. Whisper understood what Alice had said earlier that day in the town square. A reliable man was indeed a rare and glorious find. She knew. Her own love had saved her... but she did not know if he loved her back.

Nastalia easily figured out what Whisper was thinking and reached out to hug her. "You know he can't. The family would never allow it. You have no standing and he will be a family head one day. He has to worry about the image of the family first and an elf as a mistress would humiliating for those old purists. Humans are for humans, elves are to be slaves at best. Even if you worshiped the same god, they would never allow it."

Whisper nodded yet she still clung to that last bit of hope in her heart. She was still young as it was, barely breaking her first century alive, which for an elf was roughly late teens. Still, she only had eyes for her own hero, but at least understood why her two friends were so love struck with the young necromancer. He had all of the qualities of a man that would go far in this world.

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