8 Ch. 8 Meanwhile...

While Lila was gallivanting off in the business world, her personal Mr. Sandman was on his own keeping watch of the house. He kept a list for these type of things, this wasn't his first mission. The list goes something like this:

-See the mission to get an idea what they are working with

-Sprinkle dust on the main items

-go through any written record to find the dream soulmate

It took him all morning to go through all the boxes. Finally he found her diary in the 83 box he checked. Sighing he fell back onto a pile of boxes. Exhausted he looked around him. This place was a mess. Covering his eyes with his hand he groaned.

"How can someone possible own so much stuff!!!" He exclaimed. Exhausted he looked up at the ceiling. Scrunching his eyes closed he decided to use magic. Just this once. He felt a tingling from the tips of his fingers up his arms and throughout his body. The magic flowed outward as it overflowed his body. The magic filled the house with the scent of caramel. When he opened his eyes the house was just the way it had been before and the diary was still in his hands. With a breath of satisfaction he decided to begin reading it. Flipping to the first page he saw an index.

He hesitated as he saw some depressing titles. For days in a row the new titles were, "Worst day ever, Worst day ever 2, Worst day ever 3..." and so on. He frowned feeling something he never felt before. In his profession they didn't care about the people, just the mission and its being completed. But this inexplicable feeling made him realize, was this what it felt like to care about people?

Carefully ignoring the feeling he continued on. He read the endless chapters and after about 46 he realized that he could trace her problems all back to one thing. Him. He felt her pain fill him up and envelop him like a dark cloud as he read. Without even realizing he was easily building up a dream guy for Lila. Someone who cares and understands. Someone she could put her trust in again without questioning if he would betray her. He felt her pain as she had found that guy and he destroyed her.

Sighing he felt like his research was done so he appropriately returned her diary and sighed hiding his face in his hands. Suddenly it hit him, the dark cloud faltered in its downpour of sadness upon him, if she endured this pain because she lost something the joy she must have felt before she lost it must have been astronomical. As he felt the sadness slowly ooze out of him replaced by the thoughts that it was his job to bring her back that joy, he could hear a slight drizzle outside. Dragging himself up from the pile of boxes he had squashed he went to the large window in the living room. He continued thinking of joyful things, one odd thought stuck out in his head and kept repeating. Its my job to bring her the happiness she deserves and make her dreams come true. He laughed at his own irony. It really was his job but for once he wanted to do it.

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud CRASH in the street. Rushing out the front door with out a seconds hesitation he arrived on the scene of a car accident.

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