
The start

A bright sunny day at Besobbe High school, one of the most prestigious schools in Florida. This is the beginning of a new year, meaning new students, and time for a new semester.

-Inside the school in a Hallway-

"Do you know how much I hate this girl?" Jake says, standing in front of a locker, talking to his friend Johan. "There are many girls here! who could you be talking about?" Johan jokingly asks, shrugging. Jake sighed "You know who I'm talking to." Jake said. Johan scratches his head "Was she not at our middle school back in Georgia?" John asks. Jake shakes his head up and down. "She is a spoiled kid, just like you," Johan stated. Jake looks at Johan with the side of his eye "Look, my father may be rich but I ain't spoiled" Jake argues."It was a joke"." John laughs.

"Excuse me" a young girl, with short hair, utters. "Can I help you?" Jake asks. "Can you fucking move?" she rudely says. "Chill out." Johan interferes "Are you trying to access your locker or something?" Johan continues. "Fucking move." she angrily says which caught everyone's attention. "Let's slide man," Jake says, squeezing his teeth together with anger, If only she was a male, a fight would have broken out.

-Math Class-

"Don't tell me that you are still mad?"Johan curiously asks. "I'm not mad, I'm freaking annoyed" Jake stated, stretching his arms. "She was beautiful," Johan smirks. "Yes, she is," Jake responds truthfully. "Interesting," Johan says. "What?" Jake asks, not knowing what Johan is talking about. "I have known you for 7 years, and you never agree with me, whenever I say a girl is cute." Johan annoyingly said, pulling Jake's shirt. "She's not bad." Jake says, trying to shift the question, but Johan notices "don't you even try to not respond to my question." Johan smiles.

"Hey you two, chatters at the back, be quiet," the teacher says out loud. "yes sir" Johan replies, holding his thumb up. "If I hear you two talk again, the principal office will be your destination." The teacher warns them. "Bullshit" Jake whispers. Johan buries his hands in his face, trying to hide his laughing face. Time passed, the teacher was writing notes on the whiteboard with a blue marker, everyone was silent since they did not want to get punished on their first day of school, and it would be more than punishment because they are freshmen.

-Bell sound-

"Finally" Jake shouts with excitement after the teacher left. "this man was tripping," Johan said, putting his notebook inside his bag. "He wears glasses what did you expect?" Jake jokingly asks not really wanted to hear Johan's answer, and Johan knows that, so he just smiles."You going to eat?" Jake asks. Johan cracks his finger then sits down "Not really, I'm just going to wait for the other teacher to come after the break." Johan says. Jake grabs his seat also. "Well, I'm gonna stay in here also," Jake says.

Jake scratches his head, Johan looks at him "What's up?" Johan as scrolling down on his phone" Jake holds his hip, concentrating "I need to pee" He jumps from his seat, and outside not even knowing where the bathroom is. "Does he even know where the bathroom is?" Johan says in mind, laughing.

Jake is clueless about the location of the bathroom, he locates two students, standing in the hallway who are chatting while eating, he approaches them, holding his pee "Excuse guys?" The students look at him "Yes" one of them gently replies. "I'm kinda new here, and I would like to ask if you guys know where the bathroom is," Jake says, concentrating on every part of his body. One of the students who are a girl notices his pain, she puts one of her fingers on her lip and decides to help the poor guy. "Go straight outside, and once you get outside turn right, and go straight again until you notice the last door then go in, the first door that you see inside, would be your destination" The girl explains to him how to get there. Jake runs away without saying thank you. "You are welcome" The girl shouted. "You look happy, considering the fact that he's a total stranger" the girl's friend sarcastically uttered The girl looks at her with her eyes closed as she twists her mouth to the right. "I was just smiling because of the way he was trying to hold himself from peeing" her friend makes a strange voice with her throat "Or could it be love at first sight?" she jokingly asks, trying to make her mad. "shut up, I'm not in love with the guy, he's tall, rude, and etc" the girl rolled her as she points out things she hates about Jake. "So basically, you are telling me if he had none of those attributes, you would have considered him a challenger for your precious heart?" her friend interrogates, smirking at her. "girl shut up," She said as she pushes her friend away.

-The Winchester's house-

After school ended, Jake and Johan were picked up by Jake's father on a Chevrolet. Johan was dropped off in front of his house then Jake went home. They arrived home safely, they headed inside the house.

"Father?" Jake says. His father is a muscular man around his 30's, a tall-looking man with great facial features, calm, kind, and also supportive in everything aspect. "Yeah" his father responded, taking off his suit since he came from work. "I thought you had a date yesterday?" Jake curiously questions his father's motives. His father coughs a little bit as he clenches his hand in front of his mouth "It was today, I was so excited that I thought today was the 14 of February. Jakes loudly laughs "Is she beautiful?" Jake asks as he sits on the side of the couch. "She's pretty." his father replies. Jake shakes his head, twisting his mouth. "I'm heading upstairs," Jake said. "Jake, the neighbor was cooking some Haitian food, and she said that she offered me, so I accepted be sure to open the door." his father informs him. "ok."

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