
My Time in the Cell

they threw me in a sectioned of cell in the oubliette and I fell asleep of the hard-cold ground until sleep took hold. the next day came too soon five elderly women came into my cell and started to strip me bare.

"what are you doing?" I shrieked at them as the cold air hit my skin none of the women answered me and they simply continued doing whatever they were bust doing

"FOUND IT" one of the women yelled after what seemed like hours of silence. I looked to where the women were pointing and saw my birthmark. One of the men who dragged me in here earlier ran in and pushed the women away from me and stared at me like I had two heads.

"stay away the devil has claimed her" the man whispered yelled to the women looking anywhere but at me.

"claimed me how? I don't understand" again no one paid any heed to me and just left me standing there bare.

A week passed, and the men brought more and more confused women into the cells. And all of them being searched for the devil's mark. And on every single one of these women, they seemed to find some sort of mark. One woman I had known as a loyal housewife was brought to the cells crying. The 5 women yet again come in and started to search her and there on her left hip was a small bruise probably from hose work I have had a few of them in my time as a housewife.

A few days later the men came into my cell and handed me a dress and placed a bucket of water on the ground. When he men left I cleaned up and got dressed. Once I was done the water in the bucket was brown and bottomless.

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