
Bride Of Fate

It was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, but when the groom decided to make a last-minute exit at the wedding altar, she didn't break into tears. Instead, she mustered the courage to utter the boldest words she'd ever spoken: "I'll marry anyone here, right now!" In a surprising twist of fate, an unexpected voice from the crowd broke the stunned silence, responding with a resounding, "I'll marry you." To her astonishment, the man who stood up to accept her impromptu proposal was none other than her fiance's own brother. What began as a desperate and unconventional union quickly transformed into something neither of them had anticipated. From the very start, he made it clear that their relationship was built on convenience and mutual benefit, and she reluctantly agreed. She believed she could keep her emotions in check, taking it all in stride. However, life had a wicked sense of humor, and it had no intentions of following their carefully laid plans. As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the lines between convenience and genuine affection blurred. Unforeseen circumstances, shared experiences, and undeniable chemistry threw them into a whirlwind of passion, confusion, and heartache. Their journey became a rollercoaster ride of unexpected twists, challenging their notions of love, loyalty, and destiny. In this gripping tale of love, fate, and the unpredictability of the heart, they would discover that sometimes the most courageous words spoken in the heat of the moment could change the course of their lives forever.

Divine_Mist · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Awakening To Reality

Once Shen Haosong had finished speaking, he clapped his hands and remarked, "Look at what a valuable gem Si Yueyun had lost, only to pick up a large piece of cloth."

Gu Antong remained silent, while Si Zhenxuan cast a slightly surprised glance at her, though there was a subtle, appreciative smile on his lips.

"Why didn't you mention that you gave it to me exclusively?" Si Zhenxuan inquired, closing the folder with a deep question.

Shen Haosong reclined in his chair and posed his question deliberately, "The Si family is treating you this way. Zhenxuan, aren't you interested in gaining your independence?"


From the western restaurant to their hotel, Gu Antong found herself deeply absorbed in Shen Haosong's plans, and she couldn't divert her thoughts.

It was clear that Shen Haosong was a man of his word. When he said he wanted Si Zhenxuan to establish his own household, he not only prepared a century-old brand project but also introduced Mr. Tang Lao, an investor who could provide support and guidance.

Shen Haosong was resourceful indeed.

Gu Antong had expressed her desire for a bath that evening, so she encouraged Si Zhenxuan to take his bath first. By the time she emerged from the bathroom, it was nearly ten o'clock in the evening.

Si Zhenxuan had yet to finish reviewing the documents; all the design sketches lay forgotten. Evidently, Shen Haosong's words had given Si Zhenxuan much to contemplate.

Si Zhenxuan didn't immediately accept or decline the proposal.

Shen Haosong wasn't in a hurry; he simply told Si Zhenxuan to think it over.

Gu Antong climbed onto the bed, leaning over him and inquired, "Why didn't you agree to Shen Haosong's proposition right away?"

Si Zhenxuan's gaze wavered as he looked up from the documents. The woman who had just bathed exuded a delightful fragrance, her hair slightly damp. Regardless of her earlier cold demeanor, now she seemed rather lazy.

Si Zhenxuan explained, "If I leave, the Si family's market share will shrink rapidly. So, regardless of the preparations I make, I have to pave the way for Si. Alternatively, Yue Yun could grow into her own."

It seemed odd that Si Yueyun could mature.

Gu Antong's stomach grumbled, but she refrained from voicing her thoughts. She didn't press Si Zhenxuan for an immediate decision. Instead, she lay on his shoulder and playfully remarked, "In any case, you'll have to assist with my family's affairs."

"Very well. I've already arranged for someone to contact your family," Si Zhenxuan assured her, evidently satisfied with her reliance as he held her close.

Gu Antong chuckled.

Si Zhenxuan seemed to recall something; he closed the folder in his hand, concealing it near her ear as he inquired, "Who taught you the insights you shared about Jingchun today?"

"Mr. Xie taught me," Gu Antong replied, blinking. "He visited our group today to discuss the project and brought along a Market Research Report for the 30-year-old female demographic. That's how I learned about it."

"Xie Jianchen," Si Zhenxuan repeated the name suddenly.

Gu Antong nodded, her tone becoming slightly tense, as if she needed to allay any suspicions. She emphasized, "You still want me to participate in this project. You insisted that I be a part of it, or else I would... Ah..."

The words were abruptly cut off, as Zhen Xuan swiftly rolled over, pressing her beneath him.

Gu An Tong's face turned crimson as she gazed at him, her lips quivering several times, yet she couldn't find her voice. She looked pitifully into Si Zhen Xuan's face, thinking he appeared more mature than his age suggested.

It wasn't just about appearing older; it was about looking responsible.

Si Zhen Xuan exuded a sense of duty and responsibility that set him apart from others, making him attractive to women no matter how you looked at it.

"Did he ask you out alone?" Si Zhen Xuan's eyes showed a trace of restraint when he mentioned the incident from earlier in the day.

Gu An Tong had to confess, "Honestly, he didn't. I don't recall him saying anything like that. I truly don't know."

"Gu An Tong," Si Zhen Xuan's voice suddenly cooled, carrying a weight of authority. "If you neglect your duties as a wife, you'll soon forget that we are husband and wife."

"But you said not to expect anything when you don't perform..." Gu An Tong replied, even more aggrieved at this point.

Zhen Xuan sighed softly. "Gu An Tong..."

He preferred addressing her by her full name. Superficially, it might seem distant, but it held a certain unspoken intimacy, as if her name rolled off his tongue, gradually dissolving the coldness between them.

Although both were reserved individuals, they had been veering toward losing control.

Before long, the bedspread gently enveloped the two of them. While his eyes held a deep emotional intensity, they remained clear.

Tears welled up in Gu An Tong's eyes. She realized that her actions today symbolized her true union with Si Zhen Xuan.

Initially, Si Yueyun had shown no interest in her, and Si Zhen Xuan appeared to have someone he preferred. She had felt like an outsider. The original Kaolin Flower of Fengcheng was bitter in the Si brothers' hearts. Si Yueyun didn't want her, and Si Zhen Xuan didn't seem to like her much.

Gu An Tong clung to him tightly. Then, she softly asked, "Are we really married?"

Si Zhen Xuan was taken aback. He planted a gentle kiss on her forehead, saturated with sweat, and responded in a hushed tone, "Yes, we are husband and wife."

... Due to certain sensitive details, I'm refraining from further elaboration, kindly supplement the rest of the story according to your preferences.

Until six in the morning.

Gu An Tong awoke from Si Zhen Xuan's embrace. She rubbed her eyes in disbelief, as if she were trapped in a dream. Gradually, she realized she had been with Si Zhen Xuan for a long time. Her back and legs ached. Had he held her all night? This was the first time she couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for herself.

Later, she discovered that Si Zhen Xuan had planned this carefully. Otherwise, how could he be so adept at it?

Gu An Tong chuckled, recollecting that Xie Jianchen's provocation last night had spurred him to make her his own repeatedly. He had insisted she reveal who her husband was. Naturally, it was him.

With a slight squint of her eyes, Gu

Are we married? Yes, we are indeed married.

Suddenly, a hand firmly grasps another, and the deep gaze of Si Zhenxuan is reflected in the eyes of Gu Antong. Her face blushes. She's still adjusting to this new relationship.

She tries to withdraw her hand, but Si Zhenxuan's grip is tight, and his other hand rests gently on her chest.

"Good morning," he says as he pulls her close. Si Zhenxuan leans in for a French kiss and then releases her, asking, "Are you feeling tired?"

"Well..." Gu Antong turns over.

In reality, Gu Antong hasn't thought much about having children. After all, her relationship with Si Zhenxuan as husband and wife is relatively new. She's a bit surprised by Si Zhenxuan's statement that he doesn't want children. She had been about to ask why, but the words get stuck in her throat. Instead, she changes her question to, "When can we have them?"

Si Zhenxuan had just gotten up, and he turns around unexpectedly. After a moment, he responds, "I'm not fond of children."

Gu Antong is taken aback.

Their relationship had been progressing so well, but now, she feels a sudden pang of disappointment. If he truly loved her, he should want to have children with her. Even though she understands that perhaps Si Zhenxuan's reluctance is because he's an adopted child who never received much parental care, it still stings.

But maybe she's overthinking it. Perhaps it's just not the right time.

Gu Antong shakes off her daydreams and looks up to see Si Zhenxuan emerging from a shower, dressed in sportswear, ready for his morning exercise.

"Are you heading downstairs to work out?" Gu Antong sprawls on the bed, not in the mood to move. Is he a superhero or something? He's