
Wedding Night to Remember


What stood before her was neither a man nor a beast. The thing was reaching the high door edges and was breathing I unrestrained rage.

She gasped and its head snapped to her. That when she saw the blood red eyes her own blood ran cold. Unlike beasts it stood tall, taller than her by three times.

In slow strides it leaped to her, his dripping with red liquid. She looked at him from her veil and her fear forced her to crawl back without taking eyes away from him.

Forgetting even to breathe, her instincts kicked in against her better judgment. But soon she knew it was her biggest mistake of the night.

As the creature saw her giving chase, it took after her. The room that could compete a hall wasn't big enough as he covered it in some strides.

She had gotten between a small gap between two walls. It wasn't thick enough in length for him to reach inside but it was great in breath so even his claws didn't reach her.

Unable to reach her it roared and hit the walls. His first three hits just shook the walls

Her heart thumped as tears streamed down her face in fear. She was sticking to the end of the suffocating ridge.

She didn't need to think again of why they were pushing her to be prepared as soon as possible. Calling for help must as well additional entertainment for them.

They knew they were sending her to miserable death.

His fourth hit formed cracks The beast was insistent in reaching her and constant hit the walls. Little by little the stone wall broke as cracks formed. She wished she hadn't hid here.

Now when the walls will collapse, she might bury under the debris. She touched the walls frantically hoping to find anything that could salvage her but her hands only came in contact with shaking walls and cracks.

His fifth broke part of the walls as rubble of the wall fell in front of her. As dust fell on her it finally brought Laylin back to her senses.

It was the End. She was going to ripped to shreds by this inhumane creature. Blood drained from her face at the thought that she had done nothing wrong to deserve this union.

Another hit sent broken blocks flying. Her father must have known. Everyone knew. They sent her to death in a carriage carved in gold. A Grand Funeral.

'If I'm going to die, why should I take my secret to my grave? At least her father will pay back for his cruelty once Rakhbar realizes the presence of a Witch in the procession…'

With a bitter smile she raised both her hands and pushed the debris fallen or chipped at the beast. With a Roar it was thrown to the furniture.

She ran out and tried to looked around. Windows and a door.

But before she could reach anywhere the Beast had recoiled and with blood dripping from the sharp shards he looked much more lethal. He jumped at her with ferocity.

His brutal eyes burned in her.

She threw the wooden table at him but he, in his rage threw it away with a claw without taking his eyes off her.

She knew her first attack had caught him off-guard but she won't be anymore lucky. Her lips trembled as her strength left her body.

"Leave me… I said, leave me alone!" As a last ditch effort, she tried to shout at her possible betrothed with a hope he understood her in this fit of insanity.

"I don't deserve this." As she mumbled back her words, she suddenly felt an intense gaze looking at her and took a step back.

The beast looked a lot bigger suddenly and shook his head while holding his head without taking his eyes off her.

She couldn't figure out why he was looking at her like that. As if it couldn't get worse, the beast's face became colder for some reason. He leaped close to her and roared harshly.

She froze as their bodies met within a hair's breadth, the smell of blood, and faint forest piercing the tip of her nose. His masculine odor flashed across her mind, and she immediately knew what was to become of her.

Mysterious heat blossomed from his hard, penetrating gaze. He looked down at her like one looking at a raw meat, like a hound on the brink of biting its meal.

She dropped her eyes in a hurry, her face burning with tears as if she was under the unforgiving heat of the sun.

With her heart beating faster with every second, she knew she could never hope to match him. Her breath was taking in her scent furiously.

She bit her lips, her mood as if she was standing at the tip of a cliff. Their marriage was made solely for the convenience of the Ehan.

She shivered at the thought that no one was coming to save her from her wretched husband on her supposed wedding day.

Ideas drifted in her head in self derision. Despite her situation she decided to refute as a last dith effort. She looked up and under her lips began reciting.

"Breath be taken of my woes. Breath be taken of my woes. Breath be taken of my woes."

The beast roared and clutched his neck as he couldn't breath anymore. A she began relieving. The beast took her by the neck and had her against the wall. She couldn't spell anymore as the lack of oxygen had her turning blue.

With her shivering hand she summoned every matter to strike his back. He hissed but didn't whine. Her eyes saw some flickering shadows behind him but they could be her failing eyes playing tricks on her.

She felt she was about to pass out when his hold loosened. She was to slip to the floor several feet down when he clutched her waist with his claws.

Her eyes were blurring her vision but the next moment a scream left her as he bit her close to her neck.

She didn't know for how long the excruciating pain went on and how long she wailed and cried but when she came to he was slipping out of the place. With a groan she slipped back in unconsciousness.

The next her eyes opened, she was little more lucid and realized she was still on the floor> from the window she could see moon illuminating the night.

She ached and hissed but crawled to the bed, which though had shifted from it's place was still in one piece. Same couldn't be said about pillows or sheets.

Flailing and falling she picked a pillow and blanket and slipped on the bed before her consciousness gave out again.

Hi Lovelies!

I hope you are enjoying the story so far and plaese let me know.

Your comments encourage me to write.

Seinna_Rykecreators' thoughts