
Compromising Fate

They exchanged looks of mirth then Princess Hilda, Princess Sienna, and Princess Bella came forward.

They and all other present did a courtesy deeper than usual. "Royal Princess." Laylin deducted the sneer behind their courtesy and gripped the maid's hand tighter.

"You may rise." Her voice barely had the firmness it usually did. It was hoarse from crying and screeching for hours.

The other Princesses had always envied her. The King never named any of his other wives Queen after his first Queen passed away which alleviated Laylin's title higher than his wives and other children. The only legitimate heir to the Throne.

'Maybe this is why he was getting rid of me.' Laylin let out a bitter smile.

They raised their heads with smug expressions, "Royal Princess, we must congratulate you on the exultant occasion." Helda, the eldest, chirped gleefully.

Laylin's throat parched and her eyes stung, her contoured painful features remained hidden behind her veil. Of course, they were glad. She gave a precise nod.

She couldn't deny her father had indulged her to no end, just to make a show. She had the biggest entourage and her own wing which was previously the Queen's while all other children lived in two wings one of the Princesses and the other of Princes except the Crown Prince who had his wing too.

On her Quinceañera, the King had named a river after her and announced the National Treasure would pay the dowry of any woman named after her of age 14 to 19. Any royal treasure that would be accredited or emerge he would first present to her.

'All to reduce me to a glamorous prize.' She squinted her eyes, she never understood her father or his actions.

As she was about to turn to leave Princess Sienna stepped forward blocking her path, "Royal Princess, we have set a performance this fine afternoon in your honor. Please join us." To spectators, it would look like they were genuinely celebrating her happiness but she knew.

They were celebrating her impending funeral. They were celebrating that it wasn't them. In a Nation full of Beasts where the only humans that were, were slaves. They knew what her life would be. She clenched her free hand.

If not that, there were records of miserable lives of previous Princess Tributes. None lasted more than a year.

A shuddering breath left her. She titled her head toward her Governess, knowing she won't be able to speak without breaking down.

Governess was quick to understand. She stepped forward and gave a short courtesy, then spoke rigidly and formally, "Princesses, excuse the Royal Princess. She's worn out preparing for her wedding rituals and would like to rest before her travel."

With that, they proceeded ahead as tears streamed down her face again, this time without bothering to entertain any other vain entity. No one but her veil beared witness to her despair.

The King, he did love her but his love was too materialistic and cold. Sometimes it looked like he gives things to her that he wished to give her mother but couldn't. When she was born he was an illegitimate Prince who became King when his legitimate Brother died of illness.

Before which he wasn't treated well. Her mother was a daughter of an Archduke and married him for love, against her family wishes. When he became King, he was consumed with the role and neglected his family. He wanted to prove to the court he was worthy but her mother passed away in that period in a carriage accident.

He was her only family. She would give her life and a half for him but he was asking her to leave him, her people, and everything she had ever known to die miserably.

Her mother was a witch of an ancient bloodline. She had kept her secret till now, humans couldn't tell but on certain occasions, when moon cycles varied Lycans could sense witch's aura.

Witchery was forbidden and practicing witches were burnt alive but witches couldn't help it. If they didn't learn to control the aura, they die as it consumes their life source.

She halted her feet for a while to look out from the window at the setting sun, the last of it she'll see. Her heart thumped down. Her country was rich in resources and beauty with all four seasons. None of which was extreme, it didn't snow here, and neither did they face tremendous rains, heat waves, or storms.

She was sure she will miss her home, her safe home. A sigh of longing left her and she resumed her walk back. It was like her father was treasuring a sacrifice for years, from the looks of it.

She reached her wing, her male knights stood out of the door and her three maids and one Governess entered. "Eloise." She uttered the name of her youngest slave of sixteen summers, Eloise rushed closer. She looked at her through the veil and flickered her hand to the others. They performed a courtesy and excused themselves.

As they left, she took off her veil and then one after another the pieces of jewels on her body, throwing them around. Eloise came forward unfastening her dress, followed by her footwear and undergarment.

Once bare, Eloise at once wrapped her in a silk robe. Laylin strode toward the double doors, the doors opened on their own with a flick. When she passed, the doors shut on their own by her witch aura. Then she immersed herself in the large sunken tub, the water was warm caressing her skin. It flowed here from a natural spring.

Perks of being a sacrifice.

She could run away but there was nothing else she knew besides the Palace walls. Her mother's family had broken ties with her mother and her uncle, the archduke had voted against her in the court. Tiring days always mellowed when she immersed in water but today her muscles didn't relax but she still scrubbed herself. Unlike her sisters, she didn't like many seeing her body much less touching it. Once done she closed her eyes under the steam and went through her thoughts.

She was relieved of her duties as the Royal Adviser and Strategist a week ago, the only thing she genuinely liked doing. It was as if she was no one on her own anymore but a perfect shell of a trophy for a man in power, willing to pay the prevalent favors. A tear leaked and diffused.

Every object in the room began vibrating, the water became erratic.

She didn't want to go there, she couldn't but she'll have to. She sniffed. There was never a time, she felt she belonged but there was a hope that one day she will. All for vain!

The objects in the bathroom elevated off the ground as her emotions disturbed further.

Her bathwater was mixed with essential oils and salts, her skin was scoured of all unnecessary hair. She was prepped like a prize for someone who might even tear her into pieces or maul her on her first day. It was a life of imprisonment or a night of escape.

The water surrounding her fogged further, boiling and spurting out of the surface. The air became humid and heavy enough to suffocate any living being in close vicinity.

Her father will assassinate her if she did escape, and if she could afford to run out of the borders beasts will kill her. It wasn't hard to decide, she owed this to her people for all the luxuries she has enjoyed. Serene to her toe bones, she had never had a rebellious streak. She always was mature but daughters whose mothers die tend to mature faster.

The temperature and pressure in the room amplified, shattering and clanging voices echoed.

There was no other way. She has exhausted all her means and tomorrow she will surrender to her faith with her head held high. In her hysterical state, she burst out crying like a child. She sobbed as she would never cry in anyone's presence.

It hurts... It hurts a lot.

A commotion began, several shouts resounded outside her door. Her entourage screamed profanities and tried to break the shield Laylin had created to no avail.

She broke out of her stupor by their voices. She sighed and released all the elements. Her Governess, a powerful witch rushed in but Laylin waved her off.

"Royal Princess, you can't—"

"Please leave."

She observed the Princess for some moments and ordered the staff to return. She deserved to lose control on such a day.

Laylin was bitter ad angry. To think that you do everything in your life to please someone. That the sole purpose of your life was to please someone, someone you look up to. Your father! And that someone, for whom caring is far-fetched, who doesn't even acknowledge your effort, for a matter-of-fact, your existence but adorn you in the best of garments, relish you with everything fine.

Another reason for her reluctance was that she was a Witch descendant. Everyone despised witches, Beasts more than humans. Her mother was a witch, even her father never knew. If only she was alive, her father wouldn't dare do that to her.

The thought hadn't escaped her that if her mother was here, this wouldn't be her faith. Her mother would've fought for her. Once all her tears dried she came out of the water, wrapped her hair in a towel and her body in a robe.

Witches were considered unnatural creatures who summoned demons and cast curses. They were slaughtered in the name of religion so they usually stayed hidden. Like Laylin, her mother, and her maternal Grandmother.

Laylin's entourage was handpicked by her Governess. These people were all either wizards, withes, or hybrids. Not that anybody else knew.

Without bothering to dry or dress she leaped in her bed, dismissing Eloise. She closed her eyes, wished this was all a dream and she would wake up tomorrow.

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