

So I sat there washed up in thought as I was stranded on an island. Now how exactly did this come to be?

Well, I woke up, rubbed my eyes, found this note that said I'm in one piece, found this color and shape-changing fruit, and realized I was stranded on an Island.

I know, that doesn't at all explain what's going on. Heck, I thought it was a prank at first. But then I remembered I don't have any friends. So I guess this really happening.

Oddly, I wasn't exactly that freaked out. Actually, I don't feel anything. No sadness or anger from being stripped away from my family, no excitement from being in one piece, and no distress from being stranded on an island.

Wait… no I'm definitely feeling distressed.

'What to do? What to do?' I lackluster panic in my head. The island I was on was a shitty one. No trees, no animals, no people, just sand.

I hate sand. You know the rest.

Having nothing else to do, I pick up the ever-changing fruit. It changes every ten to twenty seconds, and it has these swirls on it. Without a doubt, it's a devil-

My mind stopped as I paused at what was currently in my hands. I remember seeing its purple body many times at the beginning show and throughout.

The Gum-Gum fruit, otherwise known as Human-Human Fruit, Model: Nika. My mouth became unhinged but I was barely able to stop myself from completely devouring the fruit.

I was currently trapped on an island, and with a quick survey, I saw no ships nearby. 'Eating this kind of devil fruit will do me no good aaaannd it's gone.' I comment as it shape-shifted to a different fruit. It sucks but it's not like I won't have a second chance if help does come.

Besides, I don't know if that fruit would even work or the effect it would have on the narrative. There can't be two people with the same fruit.

I'll wait for a ship to come by, and if one doesn't I'll try to eat a logia fruit. I don't exactly remember all the fruits so if it comes to that I'll take my chances with the Mera-Mera fruit.

Kinda sounds hypocritical but it's only if I have to.

Soooooooooo. Saw that game last night?

Sorry, sorry, it's just that I realize I have nothing else to do. It's just sand on this island. And I hate sand.


After spending a day on this island, I have decided to eat the Mera fruit immediately for many reasons. One, I'm bored. Two, I'm hungry. Three, I'm bored. And Four, I'm bored. Good reasons.

I honestly thought I was stronger-minded than this, but I guess it's harder than it looks.

Anyway, I'm just going to wait for this bad boy to turn into it.

[12 hours later]

'Any days now.'

[12 more hours later]

'My throat hurts'

[A day later]

'You not going to change into it while I sleep right?'


[A week later]

'F-fuck.' I whine as the cruel sun beams down my face. The sand was too hot to lay down during the day, so I lay in the shallow water. 'I must be in the East Blue to be staving this bad. Oh, Baratie. Save me!' I desperately pleaded.

Suddenly, I felt a scowl emerge from my face as I clutched the fruit beside me. I held it in front of my face in anger as the Mera-Mera fruit.

If I was going to die, I might as well eat it. 'Fine, I didn't want to be a fire man anyway.' I said while turning my head like tsundere, peeking to see if it changed into it.

It didn't, instead turning into a round ball with a fuzzy, white cover.

…I can't go on like this. Need to eat it now.

'I hope I don't die like this.' I thought as I bit into it. It was disgusting, unbelievably, disgusting, but that didn't stop me from chowing down. My body felt light as a breeze of knowledge entered my head.

A sense of relief emerges as I smile at my luck. I got a logia. A good one. The Kaze-Kaze fruit, or the wind-wind fruit. I lucked out.

No… I lucked in. Fuck this world man. I have only been here for nine days. Trying to kill.

I would've ranted some more but I am currently weakening. I need food. If I wait any longer I just might die. I have no time to lose.

I used my newly attained knowledge and closed my eyes, concentrating on became air. Seeing my lower legs completely transparent and my upper flying.

I immediately gain a higher attitude, wondering what direction to go, when a stranded breeze passes by.

It has to mean something. I propelled myself using the air and followed the wind.

The air resistance brushes my face as I rush through the air. But almost immediately, a wave of dizziness overcame me. I became light-headed, threatening to almost fall into the blue sea. I barely manage to pull myself up. Barely.

But the symptoms of low nutrition were getting worse. My vision was getting blurry and my eyes kept threatening to close.

I felt dead at this moment. Maybe I shouldn't have waited this long. Maybe if I was a little more bolder, maybe I would have gotten to see this world a little more. All these days starving on a desert island only to fall in the sea.

I suddenly stop flying, my body beaming affected by gravity again. My body spun lively as I watched the skies get farther away.

"I guess this is the end," I whispered as my eyes were engulfed by darkness.


Word count: 979

An idea that came to me.

Don't ask about my other stories. I'm struggling.