
Chapter Two- Blake

Laken. I've never heard that name before, but it fits her. She makes me think of a cool wind blowing across the lake behind my grandma's house on the hottest day of summer. A wind that makes you turn your face up to the sky and beg for more. She has an intensity about her that draws me in. She also has spunk and I like that in a woman. A soft woman can't handle my brand of sex.

I saw how she was checking me out, and I could tell that I was affecting her just as much as she was affecting me. She's beautiful with her shiny, straight, dark brown hair that goes down to her shoulder blades, and I want to run my fingers through it to see if it's as soft as it looks.

Her brown eyes hide the darkness and pain I am dying to uncover. She's not pencil-thin like a lot of girls I've seen so far in this school that were trying to get my attention. I like my girls curvy, and Laken definitely has curves, but all in the right places. Thick thighs that are the perfect size to wrap around me. Tits that are bigger than a hand full, but not overly large. A waist that is small, but her hips flare out in the most erotic way.

But her personality fills the space around her. I could listen to that smart mouth all day. She's very entertaining, and I want to know everything about her. When her eyes met mine I was entranced just as much as she was. It was a cosmic collision. She took my breath, and I don't think I want it back.

I need to see who this Jared fucker is. If he's bothering her then he has another thing coming. She obviously doesn't like him, and she definitely doesn't want to "bounce on his dick". I hate guys who prey on girls like that. Saying no the first time should be enough, even if it's delivered in a smart ass way.

Damn, she makes me smile and I haven't truly smiled in a long time. This girl can end up being addictive. I can tell she's a loner, just like me. But my loner status is because I just got out of juvie, and had to move in with my grandma in a different town than I grew up in. So I don't know anyone here, and the plan was to stick to myself and just get through this last year of school without fucking up so I don't get sent back to juvie.

This is a small town so I'm sure by the end of the day there will be rumors going around about me on how I got sent away. I don't regret what I did to land myself in juvie, and I would happily do it again. But being on probation for the next year has me watching my step so I don't land back in there.

But Laken is someone I want to figure out. What is that darkness I saw behind her brown eyes? I don't like the pain I saw either, and the panic I saw in her eyes after Principle Douche extended her detention made my instincts go haywire. Why would she panic from having to get detention for two hours? Are her parents strict? I just know that when I saw it, it made me tense up with a bad feeling.

I've been sitting here for the first two class periods of the day waiting on my damn schedule. I'm finally given my schedule and books when the bell rings for my lunch period. I find my locker and stuff all of my books in it and try to find the cafeteria.

As soon as I walk into the doors I have a thin blonde in my face, flipping her hair over her shoulder, and giving me a sultry look.

"Hi, I'm Tillie. I know you're new here so I just wanted to welcome you and tell you that you can sit at our table."

I look in the direction she waves her hand to, and I see a table filled with more perfect skinny girls staring at me, each with various smiles and hungry looks at my body.

The guys at the table are all giving me variations of death glares. Don't worry guys, you can have them. I'm more interested in a woman who doesn't think her pussy is gold and everyone wants a piece of it.

I can probably find out who fuckface is so I nod my head. She smiles even wider and puts her hand on my arm to lead me over there. I brush her arm off and her smile falters a bit before she fixes it on her heavily makeup-painted face.

I follow her to the table and she makes a pretty redhead get up and move to the other side of the table so I can sit next to her. Red isn't happy, but I get the feeling that if you don't do as Queen Tillie says then you will pay for it.

She starts introducing me to everyone, but I'm not really interested till I hear the name, Jared. I look to where Tillie is looking and see the piece-of-shit guy who is staring at me like he wants to punch me. I have the girl's attention instead of him right now, and he's not liking it.

So, he's an attention-seeking fuckface who thinks he's God's gift to women everywhere. I snort with amusement and tune into what Tillie is saying.

"Jared is the football team captain, and I'm the head cheerleader, of course, and I'm also the captain of the volleyball team," looking at me like I should be impressed.

Hate to say it Blondie, but you are absolutely not my type. My type just walked through the door, and I can't take my eyes off of her.

I see most of the guys are looking at her too and I clench my jaw. She has no idea she draws so much attention, but Blondie notices it. The attention isn't on her anymore and she can't stand it.

She tries to grab my attention again, but at this moment, no one could drag my attention from Laken. The way her hips swing when she walks brings attention to her perfect round ass. Fuck, just the way she walks is making me hard.

Laken grabs her plate and starts walking to a table on the other side of the cafeteria, and I'm so entranced by her that I don't even notice that Tillie has gotten up and is headed her way. What the hell is she doing?

Laken notices her as soon as she sits down, rolls her eyes, and looks exasperated that Tillie is coming her way. I notice that the whole cafeteria has gone silent. I look around and see that everyone's eyes are on them. Is this normal? Through the silence, I can hear every word they are saying.

"Welcome back, whore, I see you're still here. No one wants you here, bitch," Tillie sneers at her.

Laken smiles and bats her eyelashes at her and says in a sweet voice, "Oh, Tillie. I'm so happy to be graced with your mean girl presence. I don't know how I lived through the summer without seeing your grotesque face every day. Oh, wait. I did see your Mom though. She was bent over the front receptionist desk of your daddy's car dealership exchanging cars for dick."

Everyone starts laughing, and Tillie's face is almost purple from the anger shooting out of her eyes at Laken. Tillie lets out a high-pitch squeal that makes my eyebrows pop up to my hairline, as she grabs Laken's drink and splashes it in her face.

Now everyone is laughing at her, and Tillie looks like she just won a prize. Laken just freezes, and this flat expression covers her face. Her eyes turn hard, pushing her feelings behind an instructable wall.

"Leave this school, leave this town, and stay the hell away from here, 'cause you are a nobody and no one wants you here", Tillie decrees.

No one gets up to help Laken as Tillie sashays her way back to our table, looking at me like I'm supposed to fall in love with her for what she just did. This bitch is psychotic if she thinks that's a turn-on for me. Or even a quality I would want in a woman.

Everyone just goes back to eating and talking as if nothing happened. Laken gets up and starts walking towards the cafeteria doors. I get up and walk her way, hearing Tillie call my name, but Laken gives me a hard look, with dim shrouded eyes that send a punch to my gut. I stop in my tracks and let her walk by me and through the doors.

Tillie is still calling out my name so I go back to the table since I know right now isn't the right time to talk to Laken, even though my feet want to follow her. I sit back down next to Tillie, and she tries putting her hand on my arm again so I jerk my arm back and cross my arms over my chest.

Jared is staring daggers at me so I stare right back at him till he looks away first. I don't know what this dude's problem is. I pretend like I'm listening to Tillie talk the entire time till it's time to go to our next class. Thank God, because it's like hearing a seagull squawk.

Walking into English I take a seat in the back and slouch down. Right when the bell rings, Laken walks into the room and searches out a seat. And the only seat available is right in front of me.

She stalls for a moment, then straightens her spine, and plops down into the chair with a huff. I can't help but chuckle, and her whole body tenses. I don't know what that's about, but at least I'm affecting her in some way.

The teacher starts talking about an essay that will be due in a week- what teacher assigns an essay on the first day of school- and I lean up and put my elbows on the desk. I can smell her and she smells absolutely edible. A mix of vanilla and cherry. I take in a big breath of her scent, and she notices.

She turns her head to the side and hisses in a low voice, "Are you sniffing me?"

"I am, Sweets, and you smell incredible", I rumble back.

"That's really creepy and don't call me Sweets!" she snaps back.

"Why not? You smell like sweets and I have a really big sweet tooth. I could eat sweets all day long."

She huffs and turns back to the teacher, but I catch her squeezing her thighs together. Oh, this is going to be a very fun school year.