
5:08 pm

A dull and lazy day today, I lay in my mother's bed. She is out at work.

I stare at the ceiling to wast time and overthink life. How did I get here? Oh yeah, I remember. I wish I could go back in time and reverse everything that's happened to me.

December 25, I got a message from my closest friends mother.

" ***** committed suicide, time of death 3:42. I'm so so so so sorry I know how close she was to you."

Bullshit. They didn't care, nobody noticed, nobody asked either.

I lost someone so precious to me, and nobody cared.

Nobody is as they seem. They all wear a mask to hide what is on the inside. I certainly do.

Age 13 and I already lost someone to suicide. It's not common in today's world either.

The adults that try and "make the world a better place " are liars and cheaters. Nobody is who they say they are. Corrupt by money and power. Our world is being torn apart and nobody is doing anything to fix it.

It's amazing how blind people are.