
Ch:2 Crimson

A flash of red could be seen sneaking up upon the main barracks. Maru went around the side and towards what she already knew was a window that didn't work; she opened it and crawled through.

Maru took in the room; it could be seen as a small storage room located in the barracks, but she knew it was the room that contained the items that the miners previously owned but was taken from them until they left, either because it was something dangerous like a weapon or they were expensive.

Maru began walking through the room, looking around, and she saw all sorts of little items, but it was one large cluster that she set her sight on. At the far side of the right wall near the door contained some lockers. Maru then headed towards the lockers and stood there for a second, reading the names of the many miners that lived in the camp. She stopped at the name she was looking for: "Maru Arktis" was the name that was written on a label in the middle of the locker's door.

Once spotting her name, Maru tried to open the door but didn't budge due to it being locked. Maru looked around the room to find something that could help her open the door, and once her eyes landed on a pickaxe that was on the far side of the wall, she rushed over and picked it up.

Feeling the old wooden handle and the hefty tool in her hands, she raised it up above her head, and it came swinging down on the hinge of the door. There was a loud crash, but it didn't do enough damage to be able to open it, so she took the pickaxe and did it again, and again, and again. On the last hit, the locker's door broke the hinges, and with a loud crash, the door came tumbling out.

Inside the dark locker, there were two items: one long and thin, while the other was small and slightly bulky. Maru reached out and grabbed the small item. It was a gun that had a blade that ran the length of the barrel to the trigger guard. The gun was painted maroon on most parts with white swirls crawling up its length. She took a moment to get used to the item being in her hand again after so many years and noticed how small it is compared to what she remembered.

After the small pause, Maru attached the pistol and its holster to her hip, and again, she reached into the locker and grabbed the long item. The first part of the item that came out was a handle that seemed to have a white cloth wrapped around it, with the bottom end exposed, made of a white metal with a tiny hinge on the side. More of the item was exposed: it was a maroon scabbard, the same color as the gun, with the same white swirls going down its length.

Drawing the blade from within the scabbard, Maru felt the familiar weight once again. The blade was a katana with the back half of the blade painted in the maroon again, while the front half was a metallic color. With a nostalgic sigh and smile, Maru thought, 'How long has it been since I've seen these two?'

With that thought, memories flooded Maru's mind of days from the past: the swinging of training swords and a kind woman standing off to the side, smiling kindly.

With another long-winded sigh, Maru covered the sword with its scabbard and attached it to her side.

'It truly has been too long, Reikon and Shinsei.'

With that last thought, Maru grabbed the few small vials and bullets of dust that were lying around in the locker and climbed back through the window, landed on the hard ground, and sprinted off in the darkness towards the large commotion at the gates, which has now moved a significant amount into the camp.

Running towards the seemingly everlasting fight, Maru spotted a dozen or so SDC guards firing from behind hastily erected barriers, and the perpetual smirk on her face could grow quicker.

"Oo, this is gonna be fun," Maru said, the smirk continuing to grow into a vicious smile.


Sienna Khan's POV:

"Why is this raid taking so long?" Sienna Khan, the newly appointed leader of the White Fang, exclaimed to a grunt amidst the loud gunfire.

"They somehow set up barriers; it's stopping our men from advancing and giving those bastard humans free shots. We're practically sitting ducks."

"What are we gonna do? How do we get past?" another grunt asked while shooting.

"We need to get some people behind the barriers, Adam!" Sienna yelled.

"Yes, high leader," a young red-haired Faunus who had horns on top of his head kneeled.

"You and I are going to lead a team to go behind the barriers and attack the unsuspecting guards. Go gather a team now!" Sienna commanded.

"Yes, high leader," Adam replied.

A short time later, there was a group of 5 Faunus kneeling in front of both Sienna and Adam.

"I assume Adam told you what you were called here about," Sienna said.

"Yes, high leader!" The group chorused.

"Good. Here's the plan, Nyx!"

"Yes, high leader!" a man who seemed to have crow feathers in his hair stood and said.

"We are going to use your semblance to sneak around to the other side of the barriers and attack the guards. Is that understood?"


"Good, let's get going. We only need a plan for getting behind. As soon as we get there, just go all out and try to open a path."

"Yes, high leader!" They yelled in unison.

Shadows overtook the group as they all pulled out their weapons, ready for the impending fight.

Sienna had a grip on her Cerberus whip, ready to fight anyone who would attack. But as soon as the shadows dispersed, she caught sight of something she didn't expect.

A white-haired girl in a maroon Atlas military cloak appeared to be surrounded by five SDC guards. The more shocking part was the number of bodies that seemed to litter the ground around her, and the amount of blood that seemed to pool and saturate the ground, making it look like a stream was starting to form.

The young arctic fox Faunus girl, who couldn't be older than 18 and appeared to be of mixed Mistral and Atlas descent, didn't even seem fazed by being outnumbered. The crazed and bloodthirsty smile on her face said it all.

After a slight pause, the girl suddenly leaped into action. Raising her sword into position in front of her, she ran towards the nearest guard. What followed was the most mesmerizing and vicious dance Sienna had ever seen.

When the girl brought her sword down, it came down with swift precision and seemed to cleave through the flesh and bone of the unlucky man's arm. Before he could react to losing his arm, he was swiftly and cleanly cut in two through the midsection.

This seemed to agitate the other

guards who started firing on the girl, but she stood there and suddenly vanished. Appearing behind the furthest guard from her original position, she cut his head off with one swing of her sword.

After dispatching this guard, three were left. The girl seemed to pause and just let the bullets bounce off her aura, hardly reacting to the force. She decided to put her sword back into its scabbard and pulled out a gun that seemed to have a knife in the front.

She started to run towards the guards, this time dodging and weaving with swiftness that seemed to be humanly impossible. Once she was within a couple of meters, she jumped and flipped over the three guards, planting three quick and clean shots through their skulls. Landing, she looked over the gun and put it back into her holster.

"What in the brother gods was that?!" Nyx exclaimed, a sentiment shared by all the terrorists in the group.

All of the Faunus flinched when a displeased snarl appeared on what was a viciously smiling face a few moments ago. Then the girl let out a loud scream.

"What in the fuck was that? How the fuck? I didn't know I was that rusty?! God damn itttt!"

After letting out a scream, the girl seemed to forget her prior grievances and turned to the ongoing battle and the backs of the guards who were still blissfully unaware of the battle taking place behind them.

The girl gained a smirk on her face and started to head towards another set of guards. Most of the group let out breaths they didn't even know they were holding once she turned her back.

"My, what an interesting girl," Sienna said more to herself than anyone else. She admired her ferocity, even if her actions defied any form of categorization.

Thanks for reading i had fun writing this one got to introduce the first cannon character being Sienna Khan. Even though Sienna doesn’t get much screen time in the show she is still one of my favourite characters. Anyway hoped you enjoyed my first try at an action scene. This chapter is also longer then the last hope it was good

Thank you for reading and please add this to your collection or give power stones


Word count:1502

Angel_1860creators' thoughts
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