

Soooooo… you know how I said I was going to do my best to update more often if not every day? Weeeeeeell since my last update it's been nine months… I didn't do a very good job of that now did I? Haha

So anyway I thought I'd add in a quick summary of what's been happening.

1. I celebrated my one year anniversary at work

2. Delayed going to school again cuz I don't know what to major in

3. I've been getting better at knowing when I'm feeling depressed… soon I hope to deal with it in healthier ways

4. My parents are officially getting the big divorce

5. I'm about to buy a truck (my first)

6. I left my teen years behind (!!!)

7. I got my first reptile baby!

A bunch more happened obviously but those were the big ones I could think of off the top of my head. Life has been treating me ok, lots of bad days but plenty of good ones too.


Also spoiler alert!

I don't think I'll ever finish the short story called this family. If I do tho I'm just gonna write the talking points down.

At work I call my sister, everything is going fine until I hear some deep rumbling and high pitch screeching. The call cuts abruptly and I become worried.

After unlocking my bike I speed home. There is only silence beside the pounding of my heart and my pedals getting me closer and closer home.

As I begin the final push up the hill before my house I come to a halt. All my neighbours are standing on their driveways looking towards the end of the street. The same direction my house sits. I only have a couple bushes blocking my view of the house.

As I take the final steps forwards all I feel is confusion. There's nothing there. No house. No tree. No lawn and no driveway. It's as though there was a giant black hole sucking all light and everyone's attention towards it.

Dropping my bike I run forward, thinking my eyes were blurry because of the dark.

Unfortunately my eyesight was correct. There really was nothing there.

Nothing at all.


Right we'll that was more words than I was intending on writing… with it being a dream it didn't really end in a normal way so I'm not sure I'm a fan of how I ended up editing it but such is life. Not everything is perfect.

Obviously I won't be making any big promises about the next time I post since I can't seem to keep them but I won't be deleting this anytime soon either.

It's fun to write whenever I feel like or whenever the feeling rises.

I also never make drafts so maybe I'll start doing that so I have a starting point whenever I want to write… kinda like writing prompts but partly written

To the 3 people that have added this story to their collections, while I don’t really know what that means I really appreciate it! Little proof like that that someone is reading is wonderful!!

Thanks again to whoever read this far! Hope your days are happy!

Questionablemnmcreators' thoughts
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