

Hey human.

How do you do?

Feeling empty?

Did you desire for power?



We shall bleー


The sound of something that smack each other heared through the hall, I mean space?No, what is it? Its dark but bright enough that we can see the surrounding.

This place looks like consist of black floors and dark sky. The sky have many stars hang on it and their lights reflect to the floor so its brighting the space.

"Hey! What is dat for!?"

"Shut up. Stop messing around."

Two guys, I mean two males that look like a high schooler is start arguing.

One male have short black hair and wear glasses. His face gives vibe like 'Im smart guy'. He wear black t-shirt and black pant and if you look at him carefully, he looks kind of handsome.

The other male have a pink hair. Yes, pinky boy. His face looks younger and little cute. He also gives vibe like 'im kid and wanna play' with casual red shirt and short pant. Truly sickening.

"Who is messing around!? I just wanna start it with some grand opening!"

"We're not some 'Hero and Demon Lord' kind of story character, so keep it down."

"Heh, what a boring answer."

"It's the truth, though."

Yep, they're our protagonists.


[Heart's POV]

Hello guys! My name is Heart! Did you know what is heart mean? It means heart!

Giggle Giggle.

Oops, sorry to starling you guys. But I truly welcome you guys! nice to meet you!

Okay, because today is our opening i'll start it by explaining about me and Brain existences.

First is, we're not humans. I mean even if we look like a male teenager we're still not a member of human race. We're... Hm? What is it that Brain tell me before? Ah, right! We're Imaginary Creature.

Getting confused? Yeah, me too. At first i dont get it what is Brain talking about but after some sparta learning courses with him this information is not getting out from my head. I wish I forgot it already.

Imaginary Creature is something kind of existence that human create or magine in their unconscious space. Like when you were kid and feeling lonely or in your sleep's dream, you intentionally create something right? Bear, Alien, Robot, Teletubies and etc.

We're like that too. We're not humas but we're alive so I dont really care, though.

Second, because we're Imaginary Creature we lived in human's unconscious space. And apparently our human host is a male high schooler. Woohoo! Hooray youth!

The place that you guys look before is our human uncoscious space, its little dark but comfy enough for us to live.

This space is also imaginary so we can create almost anything here. But we're no allowed to create something that threaten this space existence. Brain said that even though here is imaginary space we can't mess with it. Because if we greatly affect or wreckin havoc this space, it also may affect our human host in a bad way. I love our human, so im behaving right now.

And the third isー

"Okay, time's up."

Brain!? What are you doing here!?

"What the heck, did you mean by 'here'? We live in the same space."

Oh, right i forgot that.

"I just want to tell you that your time is over and now is my turn, so back off."

How cold...

"Shut up."


[Brain' POV]

Sigh, that idiot. It's so tiring to lived with him, just what the heck is he thinking? Always messing around through the space and now he starts messing with our opening. So tired.

Oh? Hello guys. My name is Brain, nice to meet you. Now i'll continue that idiot's explanation.

Third is we can observe outside world through our human's eyes. I mean you know about VR Game right? And their interface is like hologram window right? Our observation device is like that too.

Through our human eyes we can create a hologram window that enable us to see what our human see. A high tech feature.

We also can hear anything through that window. For axample like, our human's conversation, TV's sound, Buzzing sound of mosquito that circling aroung our human's ears and etc.

I dont know how we can do that but it's really useful and fun, so i don really mind it.

Fourth, is. We're specials.




What? Im being serious here. Dont you think the way we explain everything to you guys is the evident that we're specials?

Normally a Imaginary Creature dont have awareness, i mean they do have personality but they would never realize that they were Imaginary Creature. So we're literally special because right after being created we realize that we're creature created by our human. Even we cant interact with him we can feel that we're born from his imagination.

And the other evident is, i suspect that we're our human's split personalities. Ridiculous, right?

I mean if not why we can affect and manipulate his unconscious space? And apparently when the first time we used Obeserving Window (It's the name of the hologram windom that Heart give) we feel familiar to the outside world. If we're normal Imaginary Creature we wouldn't feel that way.

The last evident is, we can access our human memories. Like when our human became nine years old he begging his parents to buy him a phone. It's so funny when we see our human rolling aroung the floor with the cute teary face.

So after all of those evidents the most logical result that i can think is, we're our human's split personalities.

I, Brain created from our human's brain at base and my personalities include logical, rational, thinker, and etc.

In the other hand Heart created from our human's heart at base and his personalities include emotional, energetic, simpathetic and etc.

To put it simply, im a cold person and he's a (Idiotically) bright person.

And the last fact about us, isー

"We're brothers!"



"We're brothers!"

"...!? What the f*ck are you talking about!?"

"It's true okay? And you said that we're being created at the same time so we're literally twin brothers!"

Heart make a stir with his hand up above, his face looks so satisfied after saying that sentence.


Brain just look at Heart with a weird gaze and after some time, he avert his gaze to the other way.

"Hey! Respond to me!"

"Whose want to respond to the idiot guy like you?"

"Who is the idiot!? And even im a idiot that gonna make you a idiot's twin!"

"Nah, who are you? Are we acquaintance? Stop talking to me, it's make me uncomfortable."


The red faced Heart start glaring at Brain with his deadly gaze. His face is so red that make anyone who see him may think that he's some kind of 'red devil'.

"Okay my bad. By the way can you close this opening now? Im tired and want to rest."

"You always like that. But okay, it's our opening so i'll close it for the sake you guys."

"Okay, bye."

After said a farewell Brain walk away from Heart. And Heart just sending him with his deadly demonic gaze.

"Tch, what a terrible guy he is. And so guys, what do you think about our opening? Interested? This opening is only for explaination so that you wont get confuse when you read this story. Hopefully we can meet again in the next issue! See ya! Have a nice day!!"

Heart wave his hand to you guys. Can you wave your hand to him too?

The first chapter! Woohoo! I know this chapter may contains a lot of miss grammar but hopefully you enjoy this chapter guys! Thank you for reading!

Louinouscreators' thoughts