
Unexpected Tough Fight

Pati stood in front of the door with the Peacekeeping Sword Grinder in his hand.

The silvery green color on the edge of the sword glistens under the light inside the restaurant, it gives off a glint of fierceness that in turn added conformity to the others. It's like an invisible aura that makes them assured that if it's Pati, then they don't need to worry about anything.

"Show off!", Jeff suddenly remarks with his arms crossed in front of him.

Without even asking about the annoyed expression on his face, the others know that he did that out of jealousy seeing Salsa's eyes sparkle a little seeing Pati's back.

Jeff has already made it obvious that he likes Salsa, even a blind person can see that.

Ignoring the jealous remarks, Pati fixated his attention on the sturdy teak wood door in front of them that is being banged and struck a couple of times by the Zombies on the opposite side. There is no way to see the outside of the restaurant since this place is very closed.

There are no windows on the first floor, and barging out of the restaurant will be plain stupid.

Despite his confidence in his ability ever since absorbing the Street Fighter Champion passive skill, Pati doesn't know what Zombies are on the other side. There might be the dogs he saw earlier.

Pati has never fought those kinds of Zombies, and it might have skills as Tanky did.

Even though he can actually kill the Zombified Dog easily, there is not just one of them but multiple of them that will definitely threaten his life. There's also a chance that if he just barges outside like a maniac, one or two Zombies will go inside the restaurant.

Just from briefly thinking, he already discovered many bad outcomes from barging out of the door.

With that, Pati decided to turn around and went to the second floor. He jumped to the second floor effortlessly thanks to his strength and went instantly to the windows there.

Since the windows on the second floor face the other side, Pati can't just peek out.


Breaking one of the windows using the hilt of his sword, Pati stands on the window before looking up. Nodding to himself, Pati propels himself with a jump to reach the roof of the restaurant building. It's a huge leap but he manages to grab onto the roof with one hand.

Pati then pulls himself up and went to the other side to inspect the Zombies.

Looking down from above, he finds Walkers that should be around a dozen of them. There is also another weird-looking Zombie that has long hair with a wide mouth filled with needle-sharp teeth that don't even remotely resemble human teeth.

Upon seeing the Zombie's throat glowing with green light, Pati remembers this Zombie.

Back when he was still in the university and looking out at the situation outside from the ninth-floor classroom's window, Pati saw a Zombie that possess a scream that can create a soundwave.

Since it's recent only a couple of days ago, Pati remembers the scene vividly.

The high-pitch scream creates a green soundwave that makes the people caught on it bleed from their ears, some even have their entire head explode from being exposed to the soundwave.

'I need to get be careful with that one', Pati thought mentally warning himself.

After checking the front of the building his eyes then shifted to the place where the pack of oversized dog Zombies is located, Pati finds none of them can be seen. It gave him a sense of relief since if the dog Zombies are not here then this should be easy.

Some Brawlers can be seen around the area as they should also be attracted by the noise of the fight inside the restaurant, but fighting Brawlers is not something Pati finds difficult.

His very first fight major fight is against a Brawler, so he's confident.

Putting his attention back to the Zombies in front of the building, Pati grips his sword tightly.

From all of the Zombies that are banging on the door of the restaurant, Pati fixated his eyes on the Zombie that can create a high-pitch soundwave. Killing it first will be his priority.

While hawking this particular Zombie from above, Pati waited for the perfect moment.

Just as the particular Zombie suddenly turns its head to the side hearing a noise, Pati immediately jumped down from the roof with the Peacekeeping Sword Grinder ready to obliterate the particular Zombie from existence.

All he needs is one slash and the particular Zombie should be crippled and killed easily.

But just as he swung his sword in a horizontal arc intending to decapitate the particular Zombie, it suddenly tilts its head a little before jumping away enough to dodge the reach of the sword.

Pati was surprised when he missed, it's a perfect opportunity to strike and shouldn't miss.

The Walkers on his back banging on the door stopped when they heard the swooshing sound of the sword, they all turns around and started roaring menacingly spitting saliva here and there. But this got ignored by Pati.

He only raises his gaze to look at the particular Zombie but soon his eyes widen.

Since the particular Zombie that he's targeting has long hair but not thick, Pati saw a glimpse of something moving underneath the cover of the long thin hair. It didn't take long for him to realize that it was another eye.

'What the fuck?! Since when Zombies can develop organs like this?!', Pati exclaimed inside his head.

Despite his timing of attack should be flawless and certainly should kill this particular Zombie, turns out this particular Zombie has another eye on the back of its head.

This allows it to see Pati's advance and dodge the sword easily, it can see its back!

Pati didn't idle along and went into his battle stance with his left foot forward, bending his knees into a tight and strong stance while his sword is held horizontally just beside his right ear.

In response to his battle stance, the particular Zombie's throat started glowing brightly.

Looking at this, Pati knows exactly what it's about to do.

But realizing that his back is still in line with the restaurant building, Pati can't dodge to the side in case the soundwave hits the restaurant's entrance and tore a hole that will expose the others.

His eyes glisten fiercely as a surge of energy enters his legs, "Leap!"


With the addition of the Leap skill he used, Pati's movement is blazingly fast as he reaches the particular Zombie's front with two wide steps in succession. Even with his swift movement, slashing the particular Zombie with his sword will deliver a late blow.

Pati decided to use his left hand and strike a palm just under the particular Zombie's chin.


The palm strike hits the particular Zombie's chin cleanly and broke its jaw, but it also forcefully makes the particular Zombie face up before powerful soundwave blasts to the sky. It created a green soundwave that looks like a spiral.

It still rattles Pati's eardrums despite the particular Zombie facing up.

'Damn it's loud, what kind of person does this Zombie is made from?! A fucking rock star?', Pati curses inside his head while covering his ears the best he can.

After the soundwave faded, Pati dodge a swipe from the particular Zombie.

Pati jumped back before instantly dashing inside again intending to punch the particular Zombie right on its stomach, but he saw the particular Zombie put on its guard as if it can read his mind. Changing his plan of attack mid-dash, he swept the particular's Zombie feet with a one-legged rotating sweep that landed on the ankles.

With the Street Fighter Champion passive skill he absorbed, his movement is fluid like water.

It's like he has been training this kind of technique for years without stopping, many people find it very hard to apply such a technique in a real fight but he did it without any problem at all.

While the particular Zombie hasn't landed on the ground yet, Pati holds the sword with both hands.

There is nothing the Zombie can do to dodge this attack with its body still flying in the void, and with a bulge of the muscles in his arms, Pati slashes down vertically boasting his strength stat points.



Because of getting hit by that powerful slash, the particular Zombie got sent crashing to the other side. It crashes into the opposite building of the restaurant where the others are in.

Despite landing the slash, there's not a hint of happiness on Pati's face.

'It manages to parry my attack, such a reflex...', Pati thought with a troubled look.

Just before the Peacekeeping Sword Grinder manages to hit the particular Zombie, it manages to raise its claws enough to block the slash and avoid a fatal blow.

It's an out-worldly reflex that surprises Pati but it's not enough to stop him.

Without giving the particular Zombie any rest, his leg muscles bulged once more as he dashes into the opposite building with the intent to finish the fight quickly. But the thought of the particular Zombie hasn't recovered from the previous attack was dead wrong.


Pati holds the Peacekeeping Sword Grinder in front of him when a green soundwave heading his way.


Using the Peacekeeping Sword Grinder as a shield, Pati hides behind the sword while trying to defend himself against the green soundwave. He got pushed back a little despite his firm step on the ground.

While this is all happening, the messages from the system started popping into his vision.

[You are damaged, -100 Hp]

[You are damaged, -70 Hp]

[... 70 Hp]

[... 80 Hp]

Just from blocking the soundwave alone, his hp is starting to decrease rapidly.

Without much thinking, Pati slowly advanced forward while fighting off the green soundwave that makes his eardrums tremble chaotically. The ringing sound sent a pang inside his head but he kept pressing on fearlessly.

Step by step he started advancing closer to the particular Zombie with its opened savage mouth.

"Raargh!", Pati's body wobbles as blood flows down from his ears, the green shockwave becomes even stronger the closer he gets so he decided to add 10 points more into his strength stat.


The ground cracked after Pati stepped on it strongly, he's now a couple of steps away from the particular Zombie that is rooted on its spot.

Gathering the remaining strength, Pati's eyes flash determinedly.

Now he's just a step away from the particular Zombie, he uses the Fear of Mind skill that stunned the particular Zombie for a second. But this opening is enough for Pati to use the sword by hitting the ground and propelling his body out of the green soundwave, he then gritted his teeth before with a twist of his waist swinging the sword right at the particular Zombie.

Before the particular Zombie can even turn its head towards him, Pati already sliced its neck.

There are gruesome lines as the flesh on the particular Zombie's neck got sliced by the rigid sharp teeth of the Peacekeeping Sword Grinder blade, its head then falls to the ground with a thud.

[Gained a level 29 Three-eyed Screamer Chaos]

[You have reached level 19! stats have been distributed accordingly]

[You have reached level 20...]

[You have reached level 21...]

Just from killing the particular Zombie that turns out to be a Three-eyed Screamer, he leveled up 3 times and reaches level 21. It's a huge leap and definitely worth the difficulty.

With the pain in his body especially his ears,

Pati falls to his knees supporting his body only with the sword, he's breathing heavily.

Although there are Zombies scarier than this Three-eyes Screamer that he just killed like the bird Zombie earlier, this one is no doubt the hardest Zombie fight he has experienced. It's simply astonishing thinking that this Three-eyed Screamer turns out to be a powerful Zombie.

Opening his status window, Pati smiled wryly, 'Fuck... I almost died'

[Health: 140/1350]

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