
Braided heart

Title: "Braided heart" Synopsis: Buzzing city of California, Cherry is filled with life and purpose but without a romantic love life. Her days are filled with the sweet adventurous moment and freedom and the company of two charming men who have captured her heart. Introducing Cherry, a stunning combination of grace, charm, and a loving heart. Cherry is a romantic female character. Cherry is a woman in her late 20s, and she exudes elegance in all of her actions. Her deep shade of hazel eyes have a hint of warmth and intrigue, and her long, chestnut hair falls down her back in loose waves. Cherry must wrestle with the ultimate quandary as she navigates the complexities of her heart: Is it possible to be sincerely in love with two people at once? Her quest for self-awareness leads her through the pulsating streets of Los Angeles, the seductive atmosphere of the Community, and the cozy environment that serve as the setting for her passionate conundrums. "Braided Heart" a compelling and heartfelt story about love, desire, and the decisions we make in the quest for happiness. Readers will be left wondering which man, if any, will win Cherry's love in the end as her heart is tugged in two distinct directions.

Oladapo_Ajayi_5140 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The city of love

Cherry speaking "I guess this is the first day I realized that I was born with a purpose when I discovered how life has been so precious to me, I heard about God a lot, from church, neighbors and friends and they described Him as the big man up there who sent His only son to die for us. But yet I hardly believe, thinking can that be true because they said he did a lot of miracles and has his armies that worked for him. These armies are called angels and they are the ones who are looking after us. But this city is different from others because we felt somebody is watching us and keeping us safe, who are they' are but we think they are God's armies called the angels and this is our story "

Cherry walking down the street as she was observing someone walking behind her and she looked back but no one was there, she thought to herself if she was hallucinating? No, that is not possible because she has not been on drugs. she continues down the street towards her apartment as two guys drove to her side in a brown car trying to harass her but she did not reply a word and she started walking hastily while the first guy in the car said to her "hey pretty damsel, why are you walking around all by yourself at night? or do feel like going home with daddy?" Not even a word from cherry as she was scared thinking those guys may want to attack her or maybe even kidnap her, she continues to walk home as she did not reply with a word, the second guy in the car was a blonde hair guy and he said "hey baby, don't be scared, just come to daddy" when they got to a very isolated place, both of them looked at each other and was about to come out of the car to kidnap cherry, surprisingly, the engine of the car went off and the guys both looked at each other and one asked the other, "Stan, did you do that?" "No, I did not" replied the other blonde and everything got locked including the door and the light of the car went off and on, alarm of the car began to blare aloud. In the midst of the confusion, cherry took to her heels and fled. She got to the front of her apartment exhausted and gasping trying to get her breath. There comes her old neighbor Mrs Smith as she approached cherry and asked, "are you being chased? Or are you running a marathon race or something" cherry responded"two guys was about to kidnap me but something happened, I never knew how I got away from them" Mrs Smith who was an old woman in her late 60's replied, that is a miracle from heaven" cherry was confused while she did a hand gesture showing she doesn't understand what Mrs Smith said and she walked into her apartment.

Cherry entered and went straight to the fridge to take some drinks as she was drinking she heard a sound from the kitchen and went to check it out but couldn't find what happened but saw a spoon on the floor and picked it up, placed it in the right place. She budged and said to herself "this is strange". Cherry walked back to the living room and her phone rang, it was her best friend Bennett calling and she picked with a smile while she is also doing other things in the kitchen. Cherry began, "Hi Bennett" Voice from the phone "Cherryyyy, hey girl, what's up with you today" Bennett replied "am good, was stressed today, coupled with almost been kidnapped by some stranger today" "what? How did it happened?" Voice from the phone. Just wanted to grab something in town, happened when coming back home". Voice from the phone "Cherry, you need to be careful out there" sure I will, thanks, so, how is Mason?" Voice from the phone replied "he is good, will be going together to Elizabeth's party on Friday and also will you be going too?" Cherry replied, "no, I will pass on that" Bennett spoke with a worried voice, "come on what is wrong with you, you need to meet people out there so you won't get depressed" 'i am not depressed" said Cherry she walked into the kitchen while she was talking with Bennett on phone. Their conversation continues and she said "I just want to stay alone and think about my life" voice on the phone (Bennett) "I know you better and can't leave you by yourself, beside Elizabeth is our friend and not been there for her can be disappointing." "Okay, let's do this but I might not be fun filled today." Replied Cherry. She continues "alright, I will be waiting for you to come pick me up on Friday" voice on the phone (Bennett) continues"Okay, byeee and will be happy to see you " Cherry "Bye " and she ends the call, dropped the phone on the table as she looked towards the window and it is opened and she said, "this looks strange, I have not opened the window since I got in. Or did I forgot to lock it? No, I could remember that I locked it." Cherry looked around and thinking that maybe a thief might have entered. She said in fear"Oh my God" and she ran inside to check some of her goods and property, searching furiously for something missing but she paused a few minutes later and said to herself, "wait a minute, nothing is missing, what is happening to me?" She took courage to herself and said "maybe I think too much these days and she budged her shoulder and left to the sitting room to watch movie and she jumped on her three sitter chair and took the remote to put on the tv and she remembered that she hasn't eaten and she walked straight to the kitchen. When she entered, Cherry saw a disappearing image and was scared and she quickly took a knife and said "who is there, with a little bit of confidence while holding the knife in her hands and a voice from nowhere asked "can you see me?" She replied and said "who are you and what do you want from me?"