

Glick's POV:

It was a slow day on bondi today. I was sitting down at backpackers watch the surfers. There was one girl she was killing it she kept getting waves and she was really good.

The swell grew as the day went on and beach goers cleared the sand but most the surfers stayed. It definitely was nice because we had a slower day once the beach cleared some.

"Bondi central to south rhino there's a girl straight out the back of the rip. She is starting to struggle. How about taking a paddle out to her." "Alright I'll take a paddle out." I stripped my shirt off and grabbed my board and paddles out to her. As I was getting closer I could hear her muffled screams of help as she was going under.

I had her in my line of sight. Just seconds from her when she went completely under. I lost complete sight of her. You get a sunken feeling in your stomach when you completely lose sight of a patient. I sat there for a second looking around making sure I didn't completely go past her before I dove in the water to try and find her. All of a sudden a hand slapped my board and I didn't even wait before reaching in and pulling them up by whatever.

It was the girl that i paddled out for. I just felt instantly relieved when I got her fully on my board. We were just out far enough that we weren't getting pounded by waves so she was able to get he breath before going back in. "Did you take in a lot of water." "Not *cough* really." She sat up on the board with saying that still coughing. "Pat my back please." I patted her back lightly not wanting to hurt her. She was really pretty. And a hell of a good surfer. "No! Take your hand make a fist and beat my back harder. I'll tell ya if it's to hard." "I don't want to hurt you are you sure?" She just shook your head yes. I did exactly what it said and beat her back for a minute till she said stop. "I don't want to spew on you." "Can we get back in before you spew. You need to get some oxygen in you." "Possibly" she laid back down on the board and we started on our journey back to shore.

About half way through she did exactly what she said she needed to do and spewed. Once we got back onto the sand I sat her on the back of the buggy and got her some oxygen. "Do you feel better? Or do I need to get an ambo called for you?" "No I think I'm good for the moment. I got most of the water up." "Okay." I let her sit there for a few minutes just breathing in oxygen to get her going. "Bondi central to south rhino. How is the girl doing? Do we need to call in an ambo?" "Uh glick to bondi central. She's doing a lot better since she spewed. I'm giving her oxygen right now. I'm gonna give a few minutes on the oxy and then see how she's doing." "Okay right on singlets is on the way so you can focus on her."

Singlets showed up which meant I could completely focus on this girl. "You probably find is so unappealing that I completely spewed everywhere." She chuckled at herself. "It's one of the perks that come with the job. But you're a really good surfer what happened for you do go down so quick?" I poked a bit at her but I was also really curious of why she sunk so quickly. "Well I'm not a good swimmer in open water. And my snapped so I completely lost my board. It makes no sense of why I'm not a good swimmer when I surf but it just is. Anyway sorry for being a bother to you." "It's glick and you are not a bother once so ever." "Well glick am I good to leave?" "You can if you want. Don't you want to stick around to look for your board?" "It's eco safe and like biodegradable or something if it got totally lost. I'm not extremely worried it's also haven't surfaced yet so I was just gonna come back in the morning to try and find it. But if you do find it I'll leave my number in the lifeguard tower for you to return it." "Well okay you're free to go then just if you feel funny get to hospital immediately to try to avoid secondary drowning." Yeah yeah I know. Thank you for rescuing me today." With that she started walking away towards the tower. I never even got her name. "My name is (y/n) by the way! It will be with my information!" Is she a mind reader? Well at least I knew her name now.

"Dude I think she liked you." Singlets must be loosing his mind. Women don't usually like me. "Nah man I think she was just really embarrassed because she spewed everywhere on the paddle back in." "Why did you have to pay her back? We were all wondering that in the tower." "I don't know. Maybe to aggravate the water that she swallowed.? I never asked." We chatted for a bit and kept an eye on the water.

It was finally closing time and we done packed up the beach and started cleaning up the tower to head home when a surfer knocked on the door to return a board they found while surfing. Which singlets took care of them. "Glick is this the board of your girl earlier?" Singlets is joking right?

"I don't know she didn't give me a description on what it exactly looked like. It was eco friendly or something." "Oh yeah she left a full description for us if we found it and her number and she showed me a picture. That's definitely her board." Harries said. He really wasn't helping at all but I would like to maybe see her again. "Call her man. Return her board to her. Come on be her knight in shining board shorts." I just glared at him and took my phone out to call her because they wouldn't let it go until I did.

The phone ringed a couple times before she picked up "hello?" "Hey it's Anthony Glick with the bondi lifeguards we were packing up the beach and found your board you lost earlier today." I said in one breath. I was really nervous about calling her. "Oh really? Thank you so much! I can come by tomorrow and pick it up. I'm currently really busy or I'd run down there to get it." "It's not a problem. We can keep it in the tower for the night or I can bring it to you."

Stupid stupid stupid. What was I even saying? I heard the boys say something about what I said. "Actually that would be nice if it's not much trouble since I've got a shift to do tomorrow. You know where that new bakery opened down by the main junction? I'll be there just come by." She's quite straight forward. "Uhh yeah I know where that's at but are they usually closed by now?" "Yeah they are but I think the owner could let it slide." I heard her laugh a bit. "Alright I swing by with your board in a few." "Thank you heaps!" Before I could say anything else she hung up. "You're gonna take her her board?" "Yeah I guess I am." Singlets and Harries were in shock a bit but so was I. I can't believe I offered to take (y/n) her board.

I finished my work and grabbed my stuff and (y/n)'a board and walked over to the bakery. I got there and knocked on the door since it was locked. I soon seen (y/n) pop up from behind the counter like some cartoon. She came and opened the door for me. "Hey! Welcome to sweet treats delight!" She said once I was fully in the shop. I looked around then at her and noticed that she was absolutely covered in baking ingredients. It was really adorable if I was being honest. "Here's your board back safe and sound." I just kind of held the board out awkwardly. "Thank you! So much for everything that you have done today. Can I offer you some cookies or cupcakes for your troubles for everything?" " I guess cookies. But it's really no trouble. I'll pay for them so they don't have to come out of your pay." " aren't you just so sweet. But they are on the house. It's honestly not much coming out of my pay since I own the place." Wow she owns this places? "Well it's a really nice place you got." "Well thank you."

We chatted for a bit getting to know each other a bit better. But it started getting late. " it's getting late and I got a shift at tamarama tomorrow. I better get going." "Well can I at least east get your number? " I couldn't help but smile at her. I grabbed my stuff and the cookies that she boxed up for me already. "(Y/n) you already have it. I called you from my personal phone. Just be sure to use it if you need a knight in shining boardies." She laugh. "Well okay then. Good night Anthony. I will text you sometime then." I said my farewells to her and headed out her shop.  I wasn't even gone two minutes and she texted me. I couldn't help but walk home with a smile plastered on my face.