
pilot episode

"The moment we're born, we're all given peace.

But it all changes until we grew older. In our childhood we're not afraid of anything because all we think is the fun in life, but as we grew older you'll began to realise that life is really not only about fun. There's some challenges too."


"We'll realise then that life has ups and downs. But there are instances that you'll have to choose your faith. It's your choice if you want to take that path. But remember to choose wisely, because it will be hard to go back."


"And if you know someone in this situation, help them. We humans are supposed to unite and help each other. That's our duty. Though there are times that some people can't help anyone for they are in danger, and it'll be my duty to help them."


"But there are times that other people helping you is not enough. Sometimes, you need to help yourself to stand up and be independent. When we were kids, we're dependent because we know that we have our parents to lead us, but they are not forever so we need to learn to be independent."


"Because sometimes, other people tend to forget to be the independent and responsible one. So no matter what your age is, you need to be independent and be a leader. Lead all the people who are lost in their paths."


"Though there are times that people don't listen even if you try to lead them to the right path. You try to help them but they are too blinded with hate and anger. And with that too much anger and hatred, they forgot that life can be as simple as possible."


"Even though there are times that we question if life is even a life or is a death in disguise, we shouldn't judge it. Because life is a game; you thought the game is hard but it's actually simple."


"And when you're in a game, you have missions to complete. It may be complicated and it will make you lose a life, you still have to continue until you make it to the end and made the goal."


"But sometimes, it gets unfair. You know you're right, you know you are righteous and innocent, but people would always find ways ti bring you down even if they get dirty. We became mad because of it. You will desire revenge."


"But of course, we can try again. Restart again the game and try harder. Just like in real life. We can start a new life. And try harder and be a better person, because every person has something good in them. They just don't know how to use it."


"And that will be our fate. Our lives will be challenged. Some are being challenged too much, some are not in their right path, and some lost a loved-one. But we have to know that that's the beauty of life.

And you have to experience it, whether you like it, or not."


Hi everyone! How ya’ll like the start? Well i know it doesn’t really have anything beefy or whatever but I hope it’s a good opening for the book! I plan to make this like a Netflix Series or whatever with seasons and imma call the chapters as episodes. Anyways, have a good day!

maiynesong_wpcreators' thoughts
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