
Chapter 1 Get Out of Prison

In the northwest of Texas.

"Sherlock, you can get out of the prison now." The prison guard opened the iron door and pointed at a strong man in the corner.

"I can be released from the prison?" Sherlock stood up slowly and asked in disbelief.

Time went back to five years ago.

"Sherlock, you are suspected of intentional homicide. The evidence is sufficient. Now I declare that you are sentenced to life imprisonment."

The former king of the underworld lost his freedom.

But Sherlock didn't expect that he would be released five years later!

Looking back at the place where he had been locked up for five years, Sherlock called a taxi.


A man walked out of a villa.

"Has he come out?"

"He has left the prison, Mr. Smith." The man replied respectfully.

"Where do you think he will go next?" Smith smiled and lit a cigar.

"Houston, to look for his former leader and his girlfriend Laura."

The man said.

"Have you arranged everything?"

"Yes, Mr. Smith."

"Well, I hope he won't make any concessions in the past five years. So, he can smoothly pass our examination and come back to inherit the family power." Smith nodded slightly.

No one could have thought that Sherlock, who didn't know his parents were from an early age, would be the heir of the most powerful gangland in the United States!

"Sir, where are you going?" The taxi driver was a young man, showing his white teeth.

"Houston downtown." Sherlock looked out of the window. He didn't want to stay in this place which imprisoned him for about five years for one second.

"Are you just released from the prison, sir?" The driver smiled with understanding. He thought a place where people who came out of the prison would go for the first time.

Sherlock nodded.

"You haven't had sex for a long time, right? Do you want to find some women?" The driver asked.

Sherlock laughed and nodded with agreement.

In the heart of downtown Houston, there is a famous red-light district, which has the best prostitutes in the city.

Half an hour later, the taxi arrived at the destination.

"Here we are, sir."


Sherlock got out of the car and gave him one hundred dollars.

"Keep the change. Any extra is a tip."

"Thank you, sir. Have a good time."

One hundred dollars was nothing to Sherlock. Before he was put into prison, he was a member of a famous gang in Houston, and his account had already been worth millions of dollars.

Moreover, five years ago, he took the blame for the leader and got a compensation of ten million dollars.

Of course, the ten million dollars was not in his hand. After the case was pronounced five years ago, it should have been transferred to his sister Lara's account.

At the door, two women were applying lipsticks with a black tight vest and chest as big as a basketball, and their skirt was so short that he could see the black T-String underwear.

When they saw Sherlock, they walked up to him with a smile. They put his arms on their chests and rubbed against each other.

Stimulated by the soft breast, his penis swelled up quickly, and his palms kept rubbing the huge breasts of the two women.

"Let's go to a private room." After entering the room, Sherlock said to the waiter at the door, throwing a tip of one hundred dollars at the same time.

The waiter understood what he meant. He tapped his fingers and a woman not far away immediately nodded to arrange.

The two maids left automatically and went back to the door to receive the next guest.

On the dance floor, the young men and the young women twisted their bodies crazily. The girl in a white and short skirt led Sherlock to the innermost black box.

"Please wait a moment, Sir." The girl in a white and short skirt bent over, poured him a glass of whiskey, and turned on a piece of light music. She smiled at Sherlock, gently bit her lips, and put her arms around his neck.

Sherlock took out a hundred dollars with one hand and stuffed it into her chest along the cleavage. This was a tip for her, but he didn't take it back. Instead, he massaged her chest.

"Hmm..." The girl in white could not help but let out a faint groan. She twisted her waist, indicating him to move faster. She wanted to go crazy before the prostitutes came.

Of course, Sherlock, who hadn't had sex for five years, was very happy to satisfy her. After all, he couldn't stand it anymore.

Sherlock's hands had penetrated through the short skirt and kept rubbing the woman's pussy. He could feel that his hands were wet. It was obvious that they were mucus secreted by the woman's pussy.

The woman kept groaning and Sherlock began to take off her underwear with one hand.

The groan became louder and louder. The girl in white clothes and a short skirt looked crazier and crazier. She leaned against Sherlock, with her chest against his cheek and enjoying Sherlock's kiss.

Then, the girl squatted down, untied the Sherlock belt with her hands, and took out Sherlock's penis from his underwear. She opened her mouth and licked Sherlock's penis. Seeing the satisfied expression on Sherlock's face, she lowered her head and put Sherlock's solid penis into her mouth.

Sherlock couldn't help but growl. He put his hands on the girl's head and pressed it against her throat.

At this time, the door was opened and a sexy girl in a black dress came in. She was a prostitute arranged for Sherlock.

Sherlock, who was enjoying his meal, didn't stop.

The woman in black was not surprised at all. She walked to the side of the two, unbuttoned her dress expressionlessly, and began to take off her clothes, ready to join the crazy action of the two.

At this moment, Sherlock suddenly felt that the newcomer looked familiar.

"Laura?" Sherlock asked tentatively.

"Ah!" The familiar voice shocked Laura. She looked at the man in front of her in surprise.

"Is that you?" Sherlock couldn't believe it when he saw Laura's dull face.

"Brother!" Laura finally came to her senses. Her numb expression returned to a trace. She threw herself into Sherlock's arms and cried bitterly.

"You can leave now." Sherlock took out another two hundred dollars and stuffed them into the girl's chest.

"Remember to call me next time you come." The woman in white put on the clothes she had just taken off and left with satisfaction.

After she left, Sherlock stood up and picked up the clothes on the ground, ready to help Laura put them on.

"Laura, what happened? Why are you here as a prostitute?"

Laura was the prostitute arranged for him, his sister.

"What the hell is going on?" Sherlock felt something was wrong. Five years ago, he was put into prison for Bullock and handed over her sister Laura to him. In addition, he also gave her ten million dollars as compensation, plus some savings he had left for her, which were enough for her to live.

"Why are you here today? What happened in the past five years?"

With the help of Sherlock, Laura calmed down and put on her clothes. When she was about to say something, the door was opened and two men came in.

Seeing the two people coming in, Laura stood up in a hurry. Her body was trembling slightly, and she was very scared!

"I said nothing!"

Laura explained hurriedly.

But the two ignored Laura's words.

One of them slapped Laura in the face.


Blood flowed out from the corner of Laura's mouth and she was hit heavily to the ground.

Another man grabbed her hair and was about to drag her away.

Next chapter