3 The Creep

I am annoyed. I, the innocent Vincent, am now forced into the job of bounty hunter again. Fujiwara-san set me up. She obviously knew that my apartment is going through massive renovation that will be done in a decade. What a cunning woman, I will be sure to get back at her later. For now, I will get some lunch.

"Wait!" I heard from behind me, as I was about to open the door.

It was Fujiwara-san, again.

"Come with me, your results were just finalised." She announced.

I almost forgot that the league is very professional about this sort of stuff. It's one of the reasons that 'heroes' aren't around anymore. They just couldn't manage themselves. Bounty hunters might as well be considered heroes, just with a salary. But hey, money makes the world go round, I think that's how the phrase goes.

"Are you just going to wait around?" Fujiwara-san asked in a very annoyed tone.

"Okay, lead the way."

I followed behind her as we walked through another maze of hallways. It was almost as if the building was a labyrinth of time, just trying to suck out your attention span. By the end of the long walk, we reached a door. It had a sign with the words: 'Presentation Room'. Fujiwara-san than opened the door and ushered me in.

"Get in."

I was greeted by 5 different people in combat armor and costumes. All of which were all looking at me intensely. One of them, a woman in a full hooded black robe with a crown, started to speak.

"I am SS Rank #9, Night Queen. Please take a seat, Vincent." She said in a stone cold voice.

"Yes, madam." I responded, as I rushed towards the empty seat.

I looked around to the other 4 figures, but they all seemed to be out of the spotlight, almost as if the world was using a form of plot armor on them. All I could see were their eyes, or visors, and whatnot.

"Let's get down to business, you aren't a first time bounty hunter, are you?" Night Queen said.

"I am Vincent, an enthusiast of blade arts, that is all." I stated.

"My crown says otherwise." She spoke.

"You see, this crown can provide me randomised knowledge on a target individual. It just stated that you are more than a 'enthusiast'."

"... pfffft- how did you manage that?" She laughed.

I was immediately frightened, it was as if she had just stared into the depths of my homework folder. Only bad things can happen now. I have no choice, I must confess, otherwise she will ruin my life.

"Ever heard of 'Blade Shower'?" I asked.

"Fufufu... that guy was one hell of a creep. He certainly dressed and acted the part. I don't understand how a reasonable person could think that dressing up like the Grim Reaper and using flying blades, could possibly not make them look like a creep. he also dressed incredibly lazily, it was as if he never washed his costume and armour." Night Queen joked.

"I agree, he took the sadistic vibe to a whole new level. It even scares me. I can still hear the internet recordings of him clicking his young as he finishes off his targets. One time he even tortured a monster until it cried, and monsters basically have no fear or sense of pain!" Fujiwara-san interrupted.

"Well I used to be Blade Shower. By the way, I am not a sadistic maniac, and my costume is meant to be dirty."



"Well at least you improved your demeanour, but I still can't imagine you as Blade Shower. But you seem around the same height as him in the videos." Night Queen said.

"My little intern was a bad boy all along... I guess someone needs to be punished..." Fujiwara-san looked at me with a merciless smile.

