
Reincarnate in a new life

It has been a month since I made a hole in my throat with a pen. Yesterday, the world made me jump from the second floor to avoid a helicopter that was going to crash. Well, that's my life.

I'm not sure when I fell asleep, but I feel like this is a dream, I am a little dizzy. Leaving that aside, in front of me is a miserable man who was about to die; it's not that I feel sorry for him, but this dream showed me his life and I can't help paying attention.

This man was born with all the bad luck in the world if the earth spoke and screamed that it hates him, I wouldn't be surprised, just like this person was born hated by the world, with bad luck following him every step he takes.

At least I am alive.

He grew up without parents and was raised by a kind old couple, unfortunately, they died when he was twelve years old.

From that moment on, he knew what survival meant. He worked with kind people who gave him the opportunity despite his age, to he could survive until adulthood. In my case, I was able to get a scholarship and manage to study while working.

Upon reaching adulthood, he worked as a fisherman for several years until his bad luck caught up with him... His boat sank during a storm and he fell into the sea.

The unfortunate man suffered for several minutes before drowning, it's a shame.

*Another timeline*

It took a long time to see thousands of different timelines, I lost count of how many miserable and world-hated lives I saw die... if only they weren't the same person every time I would feel less miserable observing helplessly.

I looked at this timeline, it's the same man as always this time he had more luck than in the last timeline, his adoptive grandparents didn't die until he was seventeen and he could get by better.

He's intelligent and got a scholarship to attend a boarding school, he worked and studied until he graduated and became a doctor.

He thinks that if he saves human lives, he would have less bad luck. It's not a bad idea, but unfortunately, his idea failed. Working one night as an emergency doctor, a gunshot wound arrived.

The criminal was ruthless and without any consideration for human life, when he had the opportunity he took a nurse by the neck to threaten everyone and be attended to.

Obviously, he attended to him. Even without the threat, doctors save lives, whether they're criminals or not. 'The laws will judge him later' - was what the man thought.

But the criminal showed no mercy and shot him when he had just finished treating him, the man was very naive, or maybe it was his bad luck again. It doesn't matter anymore. He died from bleeding even being in a hospital. Another miserable ending for the same person.

*Another timeline*

This time the man chose a science career, he felt that his bad luck was not natural, so maybe he could find the reason.


He died when there was an accident in the laboratory and toxic gas was released...

Interestingly this happened when none of the 20 people who worked in that laboratory were there, besides him of course.

*Another timeline*

The young man did not give up and became an astronaut and offered himself a mission involving a several-year trip to Mars.

Months later exploring the huge red mountains he felt free, he no longer had that strange sensation of a knife at his neck since he was born...

Technology advanced and a base on Mars was decided to be made, to see if it was possible to raise crops, he offered himself to live there and carry out the experiment, but after a couple of years he was already showing signs of damage caused by prolonged life in space.

With no more options and scolded by his superiors, he returned to Earth hoping to recover for his next mission.

The man was received as a hero, he did not expect this; he became the man who lived the longest in space; the first to colonize Mars and raise life on another planet, his achievements were incredible.

Unfortunately, the man's body collapsed shortly after arriving, because he could not withstand the changes in gravity and his body showed a new condition never before seen in astronauts, he had a stroke and died at forty years old.

This happened countless times, I came to the conclusion that it was impossible for this man to live a normal life.

"That was very long... How long did I sleep?" - I woke up from my dream with a headache, I had fallen asleep on the couch.

Right now I was living with a friend in a shared apartment, well this friend says we are acquaintances, my bad luck has never affected anyone besides me, but I avoid contact with people.

Although I'm only sixteen, I've managed to live relatively well and free from being taken to an orphanage, although my life is plagued by bad luck and the world's attempts to kill me, I do what I can.

Who am I fooling?!, it's obvious that that man was me! I saw my death ten thousand times... or the death of other I's like in a Marvel multiverse, I don't know how to feel now.

It's always the same...

Now... about that strange dream where I see death countless times, some in a horrible way and even creatively I must admit, I must say that almost never the same way of dying repeated. Although it may sound arrogant, I believe that I could have survived those deaths.

"you take things so relaxedly" - the voice of an elderly man sounded beside me. Right now I'm depressed I don't even feel like paying attention. Probably it's a thief or some murderer. Well, we'll see what he tries to kill me with this time.

"Well after surviving so many things I guess I just got used to it, if you're going to kill me try it now... I have to prepare dinner"

"Ha-ha boy, I'm not here for that, as you observed every variant of yours from the infinite timelines died..."


"No one should have so many miserable futures" - The man next to me said with sadness.

Wait, did this guy say that all my variants died? I quickly turned to look at the man next to me.

I've been reading comics since I was little I understand about infinite timelines and alternate worlds!. Besides even if I believe everything I saw in my dreams, I only saw myself die ten thousand times not infinite times.

"Although in one timeline you are born in the middle of the war and killed with a bomb, in another timeline you will be Elon Musk's son, that's how the Karma law of this world works"

"Karma?, what are you saying?... wait, to start who are you?! " - I looked at the man dressed in white with wide-open eyes, I know him he's a famous actor.

"Look at me well, you should notice it...", the now old man smiled kindly. It's true, that face, a white suit and refined bearing and a halo of light.

"You're Morgan Free-!"

"God..." - Morgan interrupted me mercilessly.

"But you look the same as the actor" - I didn't believe him and leaned back in the chair - "What does god need from a mortal like me?"

"Don't look me like that, I don't have an appearance, or gender as such, I'm just an incorporeal entity that's nowhere, I came with Morgan Freeman's face because it's an easy way to interact with you" - The white-suited man answered me calmly.

"And how can you assure me that this is not a joke?"

"Do you think Morgan Freeman would come to make a joke on you?"

He has a point... I sat next to God and drank my coffee cup, although now it was cold, I made it to drink while watching a movie but I became unconscious.

"It's impressive how you take the fact of seeing thousands of people die with your face and meet god as if it wasn't a big deal" God appeared with a cup of tea and drank next to me. I was a little surprised to see this act that defies physics.

"Well if you're God you know that every day they try to kill me, I'm not someone very impressive"

It's not like I felt the pain of all those deaths, they were movies with me as the protagonist, although I won't deny that I feel tired, I feel like I slept for an eternity.

"Kid, do you want to run away? Do you want to get away from this world that doesn't accept you? Or even reincarnate into another?"

What a silly question...

"There's nothing I want more than that" - I have nothing left here, my entire life has been a series of unfortunate events. If what I saw is real, like my other variants, I'll die miserably someday, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but at some point, I'll make a mistake and that'll be it. Despite not wanting to give up or be afraid of the world wanting to kill me, if there's a chance to end all this, I'll take it.

God looked at me for a few moments and then smiled warmly.

I admit even I was surprised at how easy it is to trust this person. Perhaps the instinct I've cultivated for years tells me that he is harmless. Or deep in my heart, I had already accepted this man's identity as the being called God.

"Take this, kid, it's something I created to help you... I would have liked to give you one of those systems they love in reincarnation stories, but I'm very old and these new things aren't my strong suit... besides I think you value this more..." God took out a golden notebook and gave it to me - "now that you've seen so many miserable futures and lived a life of suffering, you'll understand the value of power, and I hope you grow beyond what's possible".

God stood up and looked at me seriously, "Don't worry, even though you'll reincarnate I won't change your appearance, or the blood you inherited from your mother, that's something that belongs to you; the one who you are now is yours, just like your real mother, you won't lose that. You'll only have a new body that I'll create from scratch in another world".

Like Adam?... to be honest, I'm not excited about that, although in my case I won't be the perfect man, just an aberration with a new body. I'm fine with that, if the world stops trying to kill me, it's worth it.

"Of course, you'll have to start as a baby, but don't worry, this 'Wish Note' will help you survive".

Wish Note? Is it a version of the Death Note but for wishes? That's one of the few anime I've seen and I really liked it.

"I'm glad you understand quickly, that's right, this is Death Note but wishes... but kid, remember that the true power is hard to get... don't blindly trust this Wish Note".The words of the elder put a great pressure on my shoulders.

"Can't you just remove my bad luck? You're God, right?"

"Kid, I long ago decided not to intervene in the fate of this world, even if it was destroyed, man chose to walk with his own feet... that's why, even if I want to, I can't take away your bad luck", the old man spoke apologetically. So my condition is caused by man and not by natural forces?... did my parents have something to do with it?.

I looked at the kind old man in front of me, I have to say I didn't expect so much humility from God. Treating me and speaking to me as equal although I am just a simple human.

I see, this is the God of my world... whom I even came to hate thinking he was responsible for my destiny.

For some reason, it comforts me that it's not such an incomprehensible existence like in many stories, where he only watched man's stupidity with indifference...

"Why now?" - I asked the last thing that bothered me. Why did God wait until now for this?.

"I'm sorry kid, only when the last "you" was left I could intervene, you are the last variant of yourself and that allowed me to help you.

In some way, it feels unpleasant to hear that, and it puts even more weight on my shoulders, but it's okay, even if I end up dying like the others, at least I'll try until my last breath.

"Well, whatever awaits me, it can't be worse than what's here" - I clenched my fists with conviction.

"Haha, I knew you'd like it!, so where will you go?, are you a fan of these comics aren't you?" the old man walked towards a shelf filled with comics. I wouldn't say I'm a fan, but I've read a lot.

"Do you want to go to any of these worlds?" - The old man seemed happy, as if he had wanted to do this for a long time.

"Come on kid, you know, you're going to fight villains!, save the girl!, etc... you can also become a villain and rule the world... it's not a bad idea either"

Ruling the world?!, !you're not supposed to say that!, !you should be against it!.

"Calm down, I'm not suggesting you become a homicidal psycho, but utopias with Dictator Kings in fantasy stories can end up working haha"

This old man...

The old man continued browsing comics for a while - "Mmm, Marvel, and DC only? there are also The boys comics, kid, there are more publishers than these, what about The Invincible or Academy Umbrella?, haven't you read them?, you should read them."

Well... The Invincible thought he would read it soon, but what does it say?! Marvel?!, DC?! "You know that in those places, they destroy a universe every three stories, right?"

"That's why I gave you the Wish Note... It's a weak version of the power I used to create this world.."

"What did you say?," I think my ears didn't work properly for a second.

"Well, if you don't want to, that's fine, how about some anime?, although you like comics less, they should be safer in general, of course, there are exceptions" - the old man took a Naruto manga, I have few mangas and almost all are popular shonen. I really don't know much about anime and manga.

Wait, that's not the important thing, I don't want to have to fight for my life, I just want to live peacefully without having to be all the time in tension and adrenaline waiting for the world to kill me.

"Old man, I prefer a normal world, where bad luck doesn't chase me, with that I am happy..."

The old man left the One Piece manga in its place, that's the last volume that came out and I haven't read it yet...

"If that's what you want, I'll be happy to help you," The old man said with a smile, it was strange to see because he has the face of Morgan Freeman, but I guess it doesn't matter. As for the Wish Note, I already have an idea of how it works.

We talked for a while more about some things, I resolved my pending issues.

I went to say goodbye at the graves of my adoptive grandparents and my mother, who I never knew who she was... they took care of me since I was a child, I learned to survive thanks to them.

'I'll miss them...'

I left my comic collection to my idiot friend, that will be enough to compensate for our slight two-year friendship...

When I saw him at the entrance, he asked some questions, but he quickly forgot, he was too drunk to understand that I was going on permanent vacation.

After choosing a couple of abilities with the Wish Note to protect me, although not excessively, since I'm going to a peaceful world I don't need to be able to destroy islands for that.

The old man said goodbye to this world - "Good trip, kid, even though it's the first time I'm doing this, you should be able to arrive safely to a peaceful world haha."

Why do these words not instill trust in me? A bright white light started to envelop me, I felt as if I was losing my sense of my body.

The old man saw me worried and laughed as he opened a portal on the floor - "Don't worry! What's the worst that could happen?! End up in a world plagued by supervillains, with no memories, and everyone sees you using your abilities, you would need all the bad luck in the world for that haha... a" - the old man stopped laughing and looked at me falling surprised as if he realized something.

Darn it!


*Two years later*

When I became aware, I was in a white room, finally regaining consciousness. It seems that the old man affected me greatly.


An alarm started to sound throughout the place, and red lights flooded my vision.


Next chapter