

what's danger without warning signs "you are playing with fire little girl, I can burn you in a second ." he warned with his burning eyes. " I am determined to go to hell with you, if that's what it takes, make me yours." she was also determined to make this work " take my hand then, hold on." he smirked

Ta_Sha_6022 · Fantasy
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20 Chs


Blood spreed all over the white marble floor, coloring it with it's red velvet color, it was a horrifying site to look at, a young woman sat there on the cold bloody floor dressed in a white summer dress, she was in tears as she embraced the blood in her arms, she slowly stood up approaching the bedside table, she took the knife that was lying there and positioned it to her chest, she didn't think twice and stabbed herself falling to the ground, she at least died knowing she will only love one man who she truly cared about, now they can finally reunite in hell.

the alarm went off pulling the little woman out of her weird scary nightmare, she took a deep breath in and out curling herself in bed as she ran her fingers through her long blonde hair," honey, may I come in?." her mother smiled," you're already in mom."

" you've been having those nightmares again? Leah, I know things have been hard for you after your Dad passed away and us moving to this big city, but it's for your own good, everything will be fine." she assured her,"oh yeah mom, you brought me here to sell me to some rich guy I don't know, am I that worth nothing to you? huh." Leah said," Leah we lost the house, the farm everything your father worked on, I needed this money to support you and he offered that money , he will give it to me all in cash once he comes to pick you up this weekend."

" get out,"

" Leah -

" I said get out! I want to be alone." Leah screamed, her mother respected her wishes and left her alone," Europe is a very beautiful place and she wanted to explore it, get away from the house and think, especially finding a way to get out of this mess, a crazy idea popped into her head, she got out of bed and went to take a shower, after a long relaxing bath, she went back to her room picked out a yellow sweater and blue jeans with black boots, she got dressed tying her hair and went downstairs," someone looks adorable." an old woman smiled," good morning to you too granny." Leah kissed her grandma's cheek," are you going out?." her mother asked," I will see you later granny." Leah said and walked out, she got into her small gray car and drove away, she spent the entire day at the European library down center, at noon she got into her car and drove to an isolated underground bar, she went inside and sat at the bar section," excuse me, can i get a glass of wine or cocktail." Leah said," sorry gorgeous, we only have beer and shots." the bar tender said," five shots please."

" coming right up gorgeous." he brought up six shots," the sixth is in the house." he winked at her," thanks." Leah gulped each glass up one by one. in a far corner sat a tall slender man, he wore all black Crossing his right leg on thee other, he was twirling a glass of whiskey as he stared at the little woman taking shots like crazy," I know that look in your eyes, do you want me to find out who she is?." a woman sitting beside him spoke," is that supposed to be a question?." the man spoke simply, his voice was so deep, rough, a mixed of thunder, so sexy and alluring, the woman stood up and approached Leah at the bar section," Hi, I'm Kisha."

" Leah." she gave a warm smile," you're really pretty, you're not from around here are you?." Kisha said," Uhm no, I just moved here with my mom, we moved in with my grandma."

" Interesting, and what's a girl like you doing in a place like this? it's not safe." Kisha raised a brow," I guess I'm looking forward to having a good night" Leah simply said tilting her head to the side," who's that?." she added looking at the man seated in a far corner," you like what you see?." Kisha smirked," he is hot and sexy, no doubt about that." Leah said," walk up to him and talk to him." Kisha said," no I shouldn't, he looks -

" intimidating? Kisha finished her sentence," you did say you're here to have a good night," she added, Leah took a deep breath gulping up one last shot before getting up, she was so dizzy and drunk, she gathered all her strength to walk up to him, she pulled out a chair and sat down," Hi, I, I'm Leah." she introduced herself," you're drunk." the man spoke coldly," you're scary, you are scaring me, I knew this was a bad idea." Leah face palmed her forehead, the man didn't expect to hear such a response from her, Leah took the whiskey away from his hand taking a sip, the man frowned taking it back," you're already wasted and you still want to drink?."

" please don't stop me I need this to forget what my selfish mom is planning, even if it's only for a night." Leah said intriguing him to know more about her," what brings you here little girl?." he asked," I want to make a deal with you handsome." Leah said in a drunken state, the man raised an eye brow at her waiting to hear her out," my mom, what's to sell me, no, no, she already sold me to this wealthy man I do not know, he is supposed to pick me up this weekend, but I do not want to go anywhere with him."

" and how do I come in into your pity issue, it's not my problem." he said calmly," sleep with me," Leah blurted out surprising the man," I, I want you to sleep with me and pretend to be my boyfriend, that way the deal that was made won't go through." she told him," you're talking nonsense now, I don't do girlfriends, I can't even pretend, more especially with a girl like yourself."

" what is that supposed to mean? I am very beautiful that I know of." Leah frowned," no doubt about that, I'm talking about your dress cord, it's too childish, covers most of your skin and to much different colors, it's burning my eyes." he told her," well I love my clothes, they're warm and soft, please accept this deal, I will pay you any amount of money you just help me, please." Leah begged," and how will you pay me?." he asked, Leah didn't have any means of income, she didn't know how she would pay him but right now she was desperate for help and she was determined not to leave this place without him accepting her proposal," I don't know." she responded sadly, the man sighed leaning back in his seat and stared at her for a while before he spoke," here's the deal little girl, you don't have to pay me with cash, but you will have to pay me with something more valuable than money, and when that day comes you won't dare step back, deal?." Leah wondered what he met by that but this wasn't the time to think about anything, she immediately accept," Deal." she said, the man smirked taking a sip of his whiskey," what's your name?." she asked, the man paused for a while as if thinking about something, he gulped down all the whiskey down his throat putting down the glass," Lucian." he said," Lucian," she repeated," sounds more like Lucifer." she added, Lucian smirked," why? scared that you just made a deal with the Devil?."

" would you let me visit hell?." Leah smiled," do you want to get burnt kitty cat?." he raised his brows, Leah stared at his strawberry red thin lips, they were calling out her name, she couldn't hold back the urge anymore and kissed him softly, the kiss was gentle and tender, yet again with no experience. Lucian pulled back fighting his urge to do something he would regret later on, she was drunk and probably doesn't know what she was doing," it's late kitty cat, you're drunk and you need rest." he stood up and gathered Leah in his arms, he took her to the car sitting on the driver's seat," I don't want to go home, please don't take me home, take me with you instead." Leah said in a sleepy tone, there was no way Lucian could take her to his home, he drove to the hotel and carried her in his arms," welcome Mr Reign." the receptionist smiled, Lucian got into the elevator straight up to his suite," I think I'm gonna throw up." Leah said, Lucian took her to the bathroom putting her down, Leah threw up in the toilet while Lucian held up her hair," I need to shower, I stink." Leah mumbled, Lucian took off her yellow sweater, then her top, shoes and jeans, he took off his clothes getting into the shower with her cause she couldn't keep her balance, after the warm shower Lucian took her back to the room, he grabbed his clean shirt handing it to her," take off your wet lingeries and put this on." he said turning away, Leah took off her wet underwear and bra," done." she said, Lucian turned back around and saw she was completely naked, his eyes slightly widened seeing how perfectly shaped her body was, she has a slender waist but perfectly curved, her round breast was nothing he had imagined for a moment but she was perfect, he fought the urge of pinning her down on the bed and getting his way with her so badly, he might be a Temptation to others, but she was a temptation to him, Lucian bit the corner of his lip painfully to tame himself, he took the shirt making Leah wear it and buttoned it up," you will go to sleep now understood." he told her, Leah nodded her head like a little obedient kid, Lucian made her lay down tucking her into bed and she closed her eyes falling asleep, Lucian sighed putting on sweat pants and a black t-shirt, he grabbed one of the pillows and slept on the couch.

the next morning Leah opened her eyes she was greeted by the orange sun peeking through the window, she sat up holding her head, the images from last night came flashing back to her, she got out of bed going to the bathroom, she picked up the spare toothbrush brushing her teeth and freshened up, Leah left the room going to the living room, Lucian was having a cup of coffee when he saw Leah approaching," Good morning." she smiled sweetly," Morning." he greeted back with his sexy husky voice, he poured some coffee in a mug and handed it to her," thank you." she took it taking a sip," I'm sorry if I gave you a hard time last night, it's not like me getting drunk." she said," you had your reasons." Lucian simply said," I really do need your help, I don't want to be bounded to someone I don't love, that's not how I imagined my life to turn out."

" you rather be bounded to me? Lucian raised an eye brow," don't mistaken me for a gentleman kitty cat, I'm not sweet nor caring, I have a dark side that you wouldn't want to see or get to know, so I will give you one last chance to run as far as possible and never look back, it's for your own good." he warned her," is that supposed to scare me?," Leah said surprising him," I am determined to make this work, I have come this far searching for the devil in order to seal the deal, I am not leaving without finalizing it." she added," you're playing with fire little girl, I can burn you in a second." Lucian warned, Leah thought she saw a spark of fire in his eyes as he said those words, but she already made up her mind of not leaving this place without him accepting her deal," I am determined to go to hell with you if that's what it takes, make me yours." she was also determined to make this work, Lucian could see the determination in her eyes and voice, but he wasn't going to accept her proposal that easily," I like your determination, if this deal is going to push through you will have to take a test."

" a test?," Leah repeated," yes, a test, tomorrow 1pm sharp, don't be late." he told her," alright." Leah nodded, once her clothes were brought back from laundry she changed in them," thank you for taking care of me last night, I will take my leave now." she said and left, on her way out she crossed path with a tall slender red haired woman wearing black leather pants, white top and a leather jacket with high black boots, she was pretty and damn serious, Leah saw her enter Lucian's room and wondered what kind of relationship the two of them shared, first it was Kisha from the bar now this woman, pushing the thought to the back of her head, she continued to mind her own business.

The woman went inside taking out a brown envelope from her jacket handing it to Lucian," this isn't part of my job Lucian." she complained," you work for me so stop complaining." Lucian calmly said, the woman gave a heavy sigh and went to pour a glass of red wine, she sat on the couch relaxing, Lucian opened the envelope taking out a white paper, this file has all Leah's information about her family and personal information," and it looks like she's already somebody's new toy, he will have fun with her." the woman said, Lucian didn't order to check Leah's background only, but also the person who bought her off was non other than Azra, someone he knows very too well for that matter, and he doesn't deserve a girl like Leah," how much did he pay her off?." Lucian asked," 30.5 Million in cash, he already gave the girl's mother 5million and the rest 30 million will be paid this weekend when he picks her up." she said," he has spent a lot of money on this one than his other toys." Lucian said amusingly," that's Azra being Azra you know him better than anyone Lucian."

" Louis, Find out where Azra is and notify me about his whereabouts."

" Azra traveled to France, now if I may take my leave I have other things to do, excuse me." Louis said and left, Lucian sighed pouring red wine in a glass, he sat on the couch staring at Leah's file while he took a sip.

Leah arrived back home and saw her mother pacing back and forth in the living room," did somebody die? why the wrong faces?." Leah spoke from the doorway, both her mother and grandmother turned to her and was glad to see she was okay," Leah, where have you been? I thought something bad happened to you I was about to call the cops." her mother said hugging her," were you scared that something bad happened to me or you were scared you actually lost your ticket?." Leah said," Leah please, not this statement again."

" why? the truth hurts doesn't it, the facts still remains the facts that you sold your daughter for money, now if you excuse me I'm exhausted and need rest." Leah said running upstairs, she needed to figure out what kind of test Lucian was talking about, and if she pass his test then he would help her out, Leah was good in math and science, if he asks her any questions from these two then it wouldn't be a problem, Leah spent the entire day in her room, she ate her lunch and dinner in her room so she wouldn't have to face her mother downstairs," Leah," there was a knock on the door," look who's here to see you." her grandmother opened the door widely and a slightly shorter young woman stood there wearing a wide smile on her face," Anna! Leah smiled seeing her childhood friend," I will leave you two to catch up." her grandma said, Anna went and sat on the bed besides her," you were in town and you didn't think it was necessary to let me know?," Anna said," I'm sorry, with everything that has been going on has been stressful for me." Leah apologized," your grandma told me about it, just look at it as a contract marriage, a wealthy and handsome man." Anna smiled," wealthy yes but the handsome not quite sure cause I haven't met him yet, besides I met someone who's more handsome like any man have ever laid my eyes on before Anna, his silky smooth hair, face, eyes, lips, his body, chest, arms and everything on him is perfect." Leah said," it's more like you're describing a prince charming in a fairytale book Leah, are you sure you weren't imagining things."

" of course not he was real, I even spent a night with him, I mean he took care of me whilst I was drunk."

" did you two have sex?." Anna asked in a low tone," what? of course not Anna, he just took care of me." Leah chuckled," I'm curious about this man, I know every potential handsome bachelor in Europe, what's his name?." Anna said, Leah smiled remembering his name," Lucian, Lucian Reign." she said lost in her thoughts, Anna frowned upon hearing the name she just mentioned," did you just say Lucian Reign?!."

" yes, anything wrong?," Leah asked seeing the shock in her best friends eyes," Leah, no one has ever seen Lucian Reign face to face, some say he is only legend, fiction and origin, some are even lucky knowing his name, he is pretty private and known for his charms and looks, some say he is closest to be the devil in fact he is known to be Lucifer, at least the hot sexy version of Lucifer, I only know he owns an underground bar down street but it's rare to find him there only if you're lucky, but even if you do find him there it's impossible to get near him only if he wants you to." Anna explained," so what you're trying to say is that he wanted me to approach him?." Leah stared at Anna confusion written all over her face," maybe he got attracted to you." Anna said, Leah wondered what the so called " Lucifer" was up to and what his intentions were about, Leah and Anna spent the entire day together in the room, Anna stayed for dinner, helped clean the dishes and went back to her apartment, Leah went up to her room, she freshened up and threw herself in bed, she had a long exhausting day so she fell asleep immediately.

the next morning, far from the crowded city in the west side lied a huge modern white mansion. it has a huge courtyard and a garden

it has a huge large swimming pool in the back, quite beautiful, the inside was unbelievably breathtaking. the Chandler lighting every corner of the rooms, Lucian sat in the living room on the sofa near the fireplace, twirling a glass of red wine in his hand," Master, you have a visitor." his Butler informed and left. a tall man dressed in a black suit walked in, he has smooth dark hair, a slightly pale smooth skin, brown eyes and slightly red thin lips," you've been quite quiet, so quiet." the man spoke and went to sit on the opposite side near the fireplace," thought you be relieved that I'm no longer causing chaos in the world." Lucian spoke," that's what worries me Lucian, you're too relaxed. I hate to admit but I rather see you causing chaos than sitting on your back being so calm and relaxed." he said," Relax Zac, and next time call before you decide to appear in my house, that's why in this modern times they're cell phones." Lucian said, Zac narrowed his sharp eyes at him," I will take my leave now." Zac said getting up and walked out, Lucian sighed putting down his wine glass, he stared at his watch. it was already 10:30am, Lucian went and spent the rest 2hour 30minutes in his study. while back in the city in a small warm cream white house, Leah was going through her wardrobe trying to find something suitable to wear.she picked out a yellow top, blue jeans and her favorite orange scarf. she quickly took a bath and got dressed rushing downstairs," see you soon grandma love you." Leah said running out of the house and got into her car, she was so late and she didn't want to fail her test," I wonder what that girl is up to?." her mother said," oh let her be Mary." the old woman smiled. Leah arrived at the hotel and went inside, she approached the receptionist section and said," good afternoon, I'm here to see Mr Reign."

" you must be Miss Ansh, Mr Reign hasn't arrived yet but he asked me to give you his card to his suite." the young woman handed her the access card," thank you." Leah took it and went into the elevator up. she swiped the card to the door going inside, she dropped her handbag on the couch as she looked around, more like snooping around. she went to his bedroom and saw a black clothing lying on the bed, Leah slowly approached the bedside and picked it up in her hands. her eyes widened seeing a sexy revealing Lingerie, Leah only saw these in stores at a distance and now she was holding one in her hands," you can put it on." she heard a deep sexy voice speak behind her, Leah startled throwing the lingerie onto the bed," you, you startled me, how long have you been standing there?."Leah said," long enough to see how confused you look just by staring at those." Lucian simply said," no, no I wasn't staring." Leah denied it," put it on." Lucian said," put it on? Leah repeated," it's part of your test, if you're going to be my fake girlfriend you will have to convince me that you're worth my time and company, you will have to seduce me Miss Ansh." Lucian told her, Leah blinked a few times. obviously shocked by what he was asking her to do," I'm not someone who likes repeating himself, if you're not ready for this test you're free to go and find someone else to help you, you can leave now." Lucian said and turned his back at her about to leave," wait! I will put it on, I will do whatever you instruct of me." Leah said picking up the lingerie and went to the bathroom, she closed the door behind her. she looked at her reflection in the mirror before staring at the black lingerie in her hands, Leah took off her clothes and put on the Lingerie, it was tight and fit her perfectly although it was pretty revealing and showed a lot of skin, she let her hair loose so it at least covered her shoulders, taking a deep breath Leah stepped out of the bathroom. Lucian sat on the bed waiting patiently when he saw Leah step out of the bathroom, he looked at her body from head to toe, her body was driving him crazy, her figure, structure and her smooth white skin was calling his soul, she is like an angel and he was the devil, they both knew Angels and Demons will never get along, or can they? Leah approached the bed and slowly got on top spreading her legs apart and sat on his laps, Lucian took a red pill handing it out for her to take," what is it?." Leah asked in a flat tone," you will take it like a good girl, won't you?." Lucian simply said," it will simply calm your nerves." he added, Leah opened her mouth taking the pill," are you sure you want to go further with this test?." he whispered, Leah nodded simply," you like to be reminded that I'm not so nice once I get your panties off." Lucian added, Leah bit her lower lip suddenly feeling a burning heat between her legs, it was a new experience, a new feeling, Lucian held her bare waist tightly, Leah held both sides of his strong neck and bit his lower lip gently, she pulled back staring into his eyes," have never kissed any man before so tell me if I'm doing it right or wrong." she said slamming her lips on his once more without opening her mouth," I think I'll take control kitty cat." Lucian said seeing they were not going anywhere with this, he pulled her closer to his body, he split her mouth open with his tongue and deepened the kiss, Leah followed his movement of his mouth and she instantly catch on, Lucian grabbed her soft round butt while he moved to kiss her neck, Leah moaned clinging onto his body," more." Leah moaned for more, the desire building up inside of her was torturing and she wanted more of it, she desperately took off Lucian's shirt throwing it aside, skin to skin feeling each other's warmth, Lucian flipped her over so she was pinned down on the bed," have you ever had sex before?." he asked her in his deep husky voice, Leah embarrassingly shook her head, Lucian tucked some hair behind her ear," what a sweet innocent kitty cat." he smirked, he kissed her collarbone before pulling back and got out of bed," why did you stop?." Leah asked sitting up," get dressed." he told her," did I pass the test?." Lucian paused tilting his head to the side," you ask a lot of questions kitty cat, I'm expecting someone, it will be inconvenient for you to be here so get dressed and leave." Lucian said grabbing his shirt and walked out of the room, Leah frowned. she didn't know what she did wrong, she got out of bed going to the bathroom, she simply got dressed and walked out of the room, when she stepped into the living room Leah found a woman dressed in a short revealing black dress as she sat on the couch drinking a glass of wine while Lucian was finishing up on a call," Lucian honey, who is she?." the woman asked," she was just leaving, weren't you Miss Ansh?." Lucian said, Leah looked at the sexy woman sitting on the couch before looking back at Lucian," Excuse me." she said and left in a hurry," she's so weird, but I'm thirsty for you." the woman jumped on Lucian like a vicious tigress," f*ck me right here." she said kissing him hungrily, Lucian laid her on the couch stripping off her clothes and stripped off his, and made out on the couch," it gets better and better every time, thank you." the woman smiled," so I was thinking if I can spend a night and we can have more fun tonight." she added," tempting offer, but I have work to do, maybe next time." Lucian said calmly, the woman sighed getting up," am gonna take a shower, care to join me?." she said going to the bathroom," I'll join you in a minute." he said pressing his temples.


The first chapter of BOUNDED TO LUCIFER, leave a first chapter comment below to know what you think of it, your views are super important to me.. leave a super gift in the comment section 😁🙏 the votes, support, gifts and reviews are all I need to continue this long fascinating journey with you guys. more love to you all