
Chapter 4 Miss friend

As Ariel and her mother went to a shop to buy something and went home. Arriving at the gates of the Kuroberu mansion, Ariel walked out of the car and went inside their house. The servants gave ways and bowed to her courteously. She nod her head and headed to her room immediately, after a long day all she wants to do was to role around her bed of boredom.

Knocking the door, her brother came in scanning the room and he headed towards the bedside which was on the next door.

" Wake up you Sloth. It's lunch and yet you are still there mugging yourself on the bed". Ariel's brother said, Julius Skylar. Fifteen years old, a high school student in Balmore Academy.

" I'm not hungry... ". Lazily Ariel replied and wrapped up herself on the blanket. Julius got a little annoyed and nug Ariel out of the bed, he pushed her up trying to give her piggyback as he carry her onto his back. Ariel's eyes were still closed, Julius brought Ariel to the living room which where their grandparents was waiting.

" She kind of sleepy again... ". Julius explains to them and put Ariel down on the sofa, he smiked a little pity to his sister, she looks petty laying down on the sofa. Their grandmother Lucinda Tina reached her hands to Ariel and ruffled Ariel's hair. She sighed in relief and wore a smile towards Ariel.

" She's tired, give her some time to rest". Their Grandfather Athan Jeo Shen says to them and patted Lucinda's shoulder. They nod and left Ariel with Julius, he gave a slight smile and also did bowed his head.

" Hah~, such a troublesome thing... ". He left Ariel on the living room alone to get some blanket, when he came back he saw Ariel wasn't in the living room. He tries to search for her and found her outside, she was lazily walking towards the pavilion near the riverside. He panics and chases Ariel outside, a young ponytail girl was walking around on the stall when she noticed someone walking towards the dark pavilion. She is Lilith Lee, matching age of Ariel and the daughter of a businessman of the business industries in Cazelle city. Her parent's and Ariel's are cooperating with each other as to the others.

She tries to observe Ariel and saw a man chasing after her, shouting to stop. She stood up quickly after seeing the situation and also ran towards Ariel, it gave her goosebumps to see Ariel sleep walking and was heading to the forbidden pavilion. When she reached Ariel, she quickly grabbed Ariel's wrist and pressed up Ariel's chin. Ariel hasn't woke up but she stopped on walking, Lilith was relieved after and glanced to Julius.

Julius reached and bent his knees as he panted for air, he smiled at Lilith and carried Ariel in his arms.

" Thank you young lady, why are you here?". Julius asked and leaned Ariel's head to his arms. " I was just waiting for my dad, he said he is on an important meeting". Lilith told Julius, her soft voice was very pleasant and her pink long sleeves dress makes her really cute with the white ribbon around her chest. Her sparkling light blue eyes stares at Julius, she smiled and turned to go back on where she was before. " What's your name? ". Julius questions her, his voice was a little hoarse but he sounds really nice. Lilith stops walking and turned to Julius, She smiled to him genuinely as she answers.

" I'm Lilith Freya Lee, it's nice to meet you young master Shen". Lilith said smiling. " It's a little lonely if you stay here, It takes some more time before they will end their meeting.

You'll get bored, how about you come inside with us?". Julius invites Lilith and she nod since she was kind of feel lonely here, it was her third time coming to the Kuroberu masion and she have never seen this two before. Looking at the dashing young man, she noticed it was the young master Julius of the Shen family. He is quite famous and a talented person too. Many girls would chase after him if they saw him, his charismatic aura makes everyone around fall for him. The reflection of sunlight makes his dark silky hair turns to blueish and his amber panther- like eyes glints as you look at him. His stares sends chills to the spines, he is like a Prince in fairytales.

Ariel had just woke up from her sleep, the sweet soothing sent filled her nose as her mouth waters. She quickly stood up and went to the kitchen, when she opens the door. The sent is even more intense, she look up to the man in front of her it was Julius. He smiles and tells Ariel to go to the dining table to eat, the servants had prepared many dishes for the meeting and is also celebrating for Ariel's discharge. The people from the office of Ariel's father had finally came out, some were a little tired as they sat onto the big wide and long table. The maids laid the dishes and serves the other guests, it wasn't that many. Only tens of guests where here, and Lilith's was the last one who came out with Ariel's dad.

" Oh, your awake". Lilith said behind Ariel then Ariel turns to look, they both glanced and gave a smile to each other.

" Hi, I'm Lilith Lee. It's nice to meet you Ms. Ariel". Lilith reaches her hands to Ariel and shake Ariel's hands with hers. " Oh, hello. How did you know my name? ". Ariel asked Lilith with a confused smile. Lilith grins and look at Ariel then to Julius whose standing behind the walls. " My brother told you?". Ariel points to her brother then to Lilith, she nods and smiled. " It's really a pleasure to meet you, it's true that you look like a princess". Lilith praises Ariel, Lilith didn't let go of Ariel's hand and her eyes were twinkling as she looked at Ariel.

" You too, so uhm. Shall we eat then?". •-•Ariel looks at Lilith, Lilith nod and they both held hands. " Ariel!...". Sweet lovely five feet taller to Ariel approaches the both of them. Ariel smiled exceedingly after seeing her bestfriend Mona Alia Min. " Mona. How you there?" Mona and Ariel hugged each other, Ariel cling on to Mona's shoulder and hugged her tightly.

Mona was taller to Ariel so this always happens, it has been a month since they have met after the school has ended. " I miss you ^~^". Mona's voice was quite pitch that she sounds like she was singing. " Hey, where did you came from?" Julius walks towards us and asked Mona, Mona gave a glare to Julius and look away. Julius giggles and sat down on the coach beside the painting walls, Ariel looks at him and whined.

" Stop the nonsense brother" Ariel told Julius, he smirks smugly and stood up. He swings his hands side ways and walks to them, but before he could talk to them. He felt someone holding him back, he turns his gaze and met Adrian. Adrian Keth Mington smiles towards them all and nug up Julius'. Julius, his best friend classmate and they often hang out together. The only son of the famous Mington artist of Ming Holland corporation. The business partner of Lee Nether group industry.

" Jul, how's your Va~ca. huh?". Adrain asks and winks at Ariel who was staring at them blankly. " I didn't went their for vacation, you know that". Julius responded sardonically and looks away, Adrian tries to hold back his laughter and puffed out his cheeks. " Ariel, how have you been?" Adrian returns back to his self for a moments and asked sternly.

" Why do you care?". Asks Ariel and glances at him in seriousness, he walked behind her and whispered on her ears. " Because I like... you..." Adrian smirks smugly at her, she furrows and pushed Adrian way from her.

" Don't you talk to me like that or I'll slice your tongue out of your mouth". Ariel warns Adrian to his actions, he steps back and chuckled looking on Ariel's expression.

" Silly, don't think so deja vu. Of course I care. Your my bestfriend's sista after all. And besides, I'm older to you and you know I'm not interested in love life". Adrian responded, one of the maids approached them and told to go on the table for the food was ready. Ariel grins to Adrain before she went to the table, she took a sit and sat next to Julius.

" Oh, so your sitting next to me?". Julius muttered to Ariel, he gets a little hoarse when Ariel sat beside him. She just gave him a blank expression and smiles, Mona sat next to Lilith and Adrian near Julius. They starts to eat after the guests and their parents had done with their dinner. After they had finished eating the meal silently, one starts to go home.

" Bye!, See you again some time". Lilith and her father Mr. Robert bid goodbyes to them as they went inside the car and drove out of the Kuroberu mansion. One by one, they all starts to leave and said bye to the others. Ariel was happy to see her friends and wants to hang out with them again and this is probably the best month for her because summer has about to begun. When she just thought about it, it made her even more joyfully before going to her bedroom to sleep.

How is it?. Still in progress but I hope you like it. Continue to read and join us lovely readers.

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This next chapter, well be having a riddle for fun. Please join and leave some comments if you have Idea or is you interested. Don't be other's as awkward, take this as a friendly request from the author. Your words and opinions may motivates me. Thank you all

Luv u all, Cluvel♧

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