
Chapter 555 We are so fierce!  (2 in 1)


A few days later.

A cliff somewhere in the Coronet mountains.

A man stood wearing a black long coat with an ordinary face, holding a gray and white Eevee in his arms, a cool breeze blowing against his cheeks, tugging at the ends of his hair.

Looking at the lush and green forest of lush and green below, and behind it is a snow mountain that shows the scenery.


A black dot appeared in the distance, moving towards him rapidly approaching.

The black dot is getting bigger and bigger, and it is slowly revealing its appearance.

This was a majestic-looking Salamence that could fly long distances by gently flapping his wings.

On Salamence's back stood a woman.

The future hunter J, but currently the hunter "Tyrunt" Joanna.

Hu Hu -

As Salamence approached, the cold wind from the mountain changed slightly.

The uncontrolled airflow made the man's hair messy.

The Eevee in his arms gripped the man's clothes tightly, and his thick hair wavy and layered under the agitation of the airflow.


Eevee cowered, and didn't seem to have any sympathy for this kind of behavior akin to a demonstration.

But the man was expressionless, just silently watching Salamence fall to the ground.

Joanna's eyes were on him too.

She was a little surprised when she saw the color of Eevee's fur, but she didn't show her surprise.

Shiny Pokémon, she often sees.

"What is wrong with me?" Joanna jumped off Salamence's back.


Salamence looked at the weak Eevee even more provocatively, with disgust on his face.

However, Eevee did not show any fear towards the fierce Salamence, but instead bent her body and smirked.


Salamence grinned, flames gushing from his teeth, the threat clear.


Eevee shivered, holding back tears, and gripped the man's clothes.

The man placed his hand on Eevee's head and rubbed it lightly.

Eevee sniffed.

Do not be afraid!

I have supporters!

"Yanxia." Joanna stepped forward and called the man's name.


The one standing at the top of the mountain right now was Natsu after the makeover.

According to the agreement with Agatha, he would sneak into the Hunter's Guild as soon as possible and take one of the twenty-six seats.

Agatha probably didn't think and didn't know that Natsu was already connected to the Hunter's Guild before accepting his assignment.

In terms of identity, Natsu was now an outside member of the Hunter's Guild.

But to become an inner member, Joanna is definitely the fastest and most reliable way.

Undercover in the Hunter's Guild, Natsu will agree to the mission, and not entirely because of the conditions Agatha promised.

Of course, that's an important reason, but not the only one.

Also because, in the Hunter's Guild, there was Ritchie.

More important point.

As a member of the Hunter's Guild, Natsu is more comfortable selling and catching Pokemon, which is still one of his main sources of income.

Only now it's more legal.

After all, there is no hunter who doesn't catch Pokemon.

To enter, Natsu is naturally unavoidable, and can only "reluctantly" join.

He was an Alliance licensed Hunter.

Natsu glanced at Joanna, then at Salamence, and said in a calm tone, "If you don't let your Salamence calm down a bit, I can't guarantee it will fly or fall."

Joanna's eyebrows shot up and looked at him with a bit of surprise.

"What's the problem? Very grumpy."

While saying, she stretched out her hand to signal for Salamence to calm down.

Salamence let out two white lines from his nose, and after glaring at Eevee again, he turned his head and lay on the ground.


Eevee looked at him and made a face.

Joanna is still quite afraid of Natsu, who has a great Master.

As Natsu himself said.

Joanna didn't take it seriously.


From the current status of the two, Natsu is Joanna's subordinate.

Natsu turned around.

"It's nothing, I'm short on money recently, and I'm not in a good mood."

Now that he had decided to infiltrate the Hunter's Guild, Natsu naturally could no longer use his "friendly" personality. and coward.

Otherwise, the more friendly you are, the more intimidated you will be.

So Natsu had clarified the character characteristics of his identity.

The plan is also clear.

Finding Joanna today is the first step of this plan, and also the most important part.

"You ran out of money?"

Joanna was surprised.

"Everyone is short of money."

This is not a lie. Natsu's current account only had over 2 million Alliance coins left.

Most of the money was used by him to invest in building a Gym, building a Pokémon farm, or consuming Pokémon training.

Don't look at two million or more.

But at Natsu's power level, just buy some Pokémon training materials and Items, and they'll run out in a few minutes.

He saved the money just in case.


"I want to be a core member, I want to participate in the large-scale activities of the Hunter's Guild, and even have the right to regulate some people, I want to be one of the twenty-six seats."

Natsu doesn't shy away from his goals and ideas.

Joanna had revealed her thoughts and goals to Natsu several months earlier.

She's not ashamed.

Natsu didn't hide anything.

The two of them were in the Hunter's Guild, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that they were grasshoppers on the same string.

Joanna was silent.

The eyes under her sunglasses stared deeply at Natsu before saying solemnly "The core members can participate in large-scale hunting activities, and can also manage a small number of people, I can handle this. But for twenty-six seats, do you think the Hunter's Guild is owned by your family?"

Joanna's tone also became serious.

"As I said, it's not that there isn't an opportunity for us to work together. But the premise is that I have to sit in the top six seats first, so you can sit in those seats too. This matter cannot be rushed."

Joanna didn't know which of Natsu's muscles was cramping today.

His demeanor and tone were very harsh today.

If not for the fact that the two knew each other and had a good cooperative relationship, daring to speak to her like this, she would have acted long ago.

"Is Ritchie in any of the top six seats?" Natsu asked directly, ignoring him.

Joanna frowned.

But still nodded: "Sit down."

"Well, how much power does she have in the Hunter's Guild now?" Natsu continued.

"Right now, the top six seats are all independent, but in the regular seats, there are already 1/4 standing on their side."

Although Joanna didn't know what Natsu's question was for, but she was telling the truth.


That is, five people were arrested by Tom Ritchie.

Even if twenty seats cannot be divided into six equal parts, 1/4 is already a large proportion.

Natsu didn't expect it to be this fast even though he took it seriously.

Keep asking: "How many died?"



Tom Ritchie caught four .

Not many.

After all, how long has it been?

"Do you think you can compete for any of those four? With your current strength."

Joanna pursed her lips.

She gradually understood what Natsu meant.

"Not now, but with Salamence and I, give us a little time."

"Time!" Joanna was interrupted loudly by Natsu's loud voice.

"How much time did you have? How much time do you think you had with Ritchie method? How many chances did you have then?"

Ignoring Joanna's ugly face, Natsu continued: "Who are you following now?"

"The highest seat, Miss Q."

So it looks like it was Mr. A from the past who was murdered.

However, Joanna's ability to sit at the top of the standings shows that she is still quite capable.

"What are you trying to say?"

Joanna couldn't stand Natsu's attitude.

Although she had heard many of this kind of overbearing tone, it was the tone used by superiors and subordinates when communicating.

What does Yanxia mean now?

Consider yourself his subordinate?

Natsu slowly sighed, his expression and state relaxed slightly, and he said with a laugh: "The two of us join forces and send one person first."

"You, you mean you're active?"

Joanna laughed furiously.

"Unless you use the connection behind you, why would you? This Shiny Eevee? Ridiculous!"

One thing never changes.

The underground forces, whether it was Team Rocket or a relatively inactive organization like the Hunter's Guild, all relied on fists to speak.

The so-called Hunter Levels, Hunter Integral Points, were a joke in the face of absolute power.

Otherwise, Ritchie, an outsider, would be able to sit in the top six seats in no time and bring such a huge civil strife throughout the Hunter's Guild.

Wasn't it because her strength was strong enough and her abilities formidable enough that others didn't dare to be the first birds to face her?

Even though Natsu doesn't have the power like Ritchie.

But her success gives Natsu a "suggestion".

That is a "hit"!

Previously, it was not possible.

Insufficient power is one of the reasons.

Not wanting to provoke is another reason.

The most important issue is identity.

The identity he created back then, someone with a bit of power would probably find it.

But it's different now.

With Agatha helping to falsify and cover up identities, even though the Hunter's Guild covered many areas, people, and resources, it was clearly impossible to go beyond the Elite Four to investigate someone.

Natsu wasn't worried.

The worst.

Ignore the task and run.

If not for the Hunter's Guild's channel and abilities, who would want to make the good Gym Leader restless and come to this muddy water?

"That's why I came to you today." Natsu confirmed again.


"Fight with me. If you win, I will do my best to help you. But if I win, the relationship between the two of us will be reversed, and I will take the lead!" said Natsu confidently.

This is an important part of his plan.

Joanna is likely to be a hunter of J in the future, but now in the Hunter's Guild she is only a core member, Natsu wants to wake up quickly, she is the best stepping stone.

Looks like Ritchie used Mr. A as a stepping stone to skip many unnecessary steps.

"A fight? With you?"

Joanna was a little surprised.

But she knew exactly what Natsu meant now.

Simply summarized in one sentence.

You can't, it's too slow, let me do it, I'm stronger.

Joanna's eyes gradually turned sharp, scanning Natsu up and down.

After two or three seconds of silence, she spat out a word, "Okay!"

Joanna waved her hand.

Salamence, who had started to stir behind her, was immediately excited when he saw Joanna's action.

While flapping his wings and rolling in the wind, he stared at Eevee with fierce eyes.

He had already considered what methods to use to let this little guy experience the power of a Quasi-Legendary Pokemon.

Natsu didn't hesitate either, rubbing his palm on his waist.

At the red light, the heavy blue and white Pokemon sat on the ground with the buttocks, making a dull sound, but also carrying a lot of movement.



Joanna's pupils constricted when she saw Snorlax appear.

Not suprisingly.

No wonder the tone is so aggressive today, it turns out to have a quasi-Elite Snorlax!

Joanna had to admit that with this Snorlax alone, Natsu did have the ability and power to demand it.

But Joanna is not someone who will give up just by looking at the strength level of the opponent's Pokemon.

How much Snorlax Natsu can play, you won't know until you play!

With the identity cloak to cover, Natsu finally no longer has to hide this quasi-Elite Pokemon.

Don't worry about that old Elite staring.

Even though Snorlax is not his main Pokemon.

But after hanging out for a long time, the tacit understanding and mutual understanding were definitely much better than the quasi-Elite level Pokemon that had just been subjugated.

Reaching a level of rapport with Beedrill and Alakazam is unrealistic.

However, against Gym Leader-level Salamence, Natsu feels that with Snorlax's "sea of ​​moves" and a few tactics he's adapted for Snorlax, he'll be fine.

This was his first step in gaining a foothold in the Hunter's Guild.

Take Joanna!

"Salam, Dragon Dance!" Joanna looked serious.

She thought that Natsu's biggest role might be the relationship behind her, and her own strength might not be like that.

But unexpectedly, Natsu actually summoned a quasi-Elite level Snorlax, which was beyond his expectations.

So right now, she was paying 100% attention to Natsu.

Because on paper, she seemed to have lost.


Salamence violently flapped his wings, and a blue-purple Dragon Type energy surged rapidly.

He also felt a lot of pressure from Snorlax.

The pressure forced him to refrain from his previous humiliation.

Natsu's mouth twitched.

"Snorlax, Curse."

Snorlax, the Pokemon, can learn and master too many moves.

Natsu also has too much tactical backup about it.

"Curse" is one of them, and it's the one Natsu is most familiar with for Pokémon like Snorlax.

Mainly because the "Curse" move is too compatible with Pokémon like Snorlax.

The "Curse" move will have a different effect depending on the Attribute of the Pokémon used.

If a Ghost Type Pokemon that uses "Curse" will give a frightening curse to the opponent by reducing almost half of its own physical strength, so that after some time, its physical strength will weaken.

Normally, a Pokémon that is hit by a "Curse" cannot survive the activation of all four Curse effects.

And if the user is a non-Ghost Type Pokémon like Snorlax, then the effect will be relatively simple.

Reduces your own speed, thereby increasing your physical attack and physical defense.

Pokémon like Snorlax are already very slow, no matter how slow, it won't go any lower.

Increasing his physical attack and defense would definitely increase the abilities that Snorlax was already relying on.

Snorlax is a Pokémon with a special defense that is much better than physical defense. Increasing his physical defense was equivalent to making up for his shortcomings.

And Snorlax's physical strength is very thick, which is its biggest advantage.

In the event that the greatest advantage of physical strength cannot be increased, how to maximize the advantage of physical strength?

It was naturally to increase the defensive power.

This is equivalent to indirectly increasing the quality of physical strength.

Take a simple analogy.

The same thing is 100 blood, one defensive power is one, and one defensive power is ten, so the quality of these hundred blood will be the same?

The "Curse" move, for Snorlax, was to increase his physical qualities.

Heaps of armor!

Also comes with an increase in object attack ability.


Snorlax roared in a low voice, his thick palm slapped against his chest, and a faint Ghost Type energy wrapped up, drilling into his body along his palm.

brought about some remarkable changes.


Eevee, huddled in Natsu's arms, cheered Snorlax.

'Defeat! He's been mocking me! Beat it! Let him know that we are super fierce too! '

Small and cute Eevee, cute and honest Snorlax.

How is that not related to the word "fierce"?


(end of this chapter)

Next chapter