
Boruto : Two Blue Vortex

The Era of Naruto and Sasuke is over Now it is the time for new generation to shine It is the story of Uzumaki Haruto who is the big brother of Boruto and eldest son of Uzumaki household He is also the one who is destined to loose everyone close to him Will he be able to win against his destiny or will he loose everyone precious to him Only the future will tell

Harman_Singh_2059 · Anime & Comics
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Uzumaki Haruto Is Here

[Insert picture of Boruto here]

Can't believe you went this far... Kawaki

I will send you where I sent our big brother Boruto

[Insert picture of Kawaki here]

You still can't stop thinking about weird fantasies, Kawaki.

He is my brother and is not that weak to be trapped there. He went there of his own free will to rescue our parents.

I should have ended your life when I had the chance, but now I will correct all my mistakes by erasing you from existence.

Try it, you fool, Boruto replied.

The age of shinobi is over.


I guess this was the only possible outcome.

Then Boruto wears his Sensei's headband and activates the Karma Seal.

I am still a Ninja.

After that, both of them dashed toward each other and the final battle ensued.


Present Day

Boruto's POV

Yep, I am a Ninja.

But back then, I couldn't care less about being a Ninja if my brother hadn't persisted in pushing me to become one.

You see, my father is the Hokage.

So naturally, all the responsibility of the village is on his shoulders.

Let me tell you how his brain works.

He thinks that the whole village is his family, which is certainly a good thing.

But to his second family, he is neglecting his real family.

You could be thinking that I should hate my father, but I can't.

All due to one single person, which is none other than my nee san.

[In Japanese Nee San = Big Brother]

Because he is always there for us in the place of my father and cares about us deeply.

He is very protective of us.

Mother said in the morning that Nee San went on a big mission; I wonder what he might be doing.

Then Boruto went to the drawing room.

[Insert picture of Hinata here]

Mom, when will Nee San come back from his mission? Boruto asked his mother.

Don't worry, Boruto. Haruto will return before dawn, Hinata answered his question.

Okay Mom, I'm going to the academy.

Inform me when Nee San comes back.

Yeah, take care, Boruto.

After that, he left for the academy.

Somewhere in the Land of Fire

Three figures were running in a forest wearing Konoha's headbands.

[Insert Picture Of Konohamaru here]

The one leading the group was Konohamaru.

One of them, a youth with blond hair, was wearing a white t-shirt beneath a full-arm jacket and black pants.

It was none other than our protagonist.

Uzumaki Haruto.

[Insert picture of Uzumaki Haruto here]

But the other one was a girl with red eyes and black hair in standard chunin uniform.

[Insert picture of Sarutobi Mirai here]

Okay everyone, listen, Konohamaru began giving instructions.

Today our mission is to clear the bandits in this area.

There are reports that crime activities in nearby villages are increasing and children have gone missing.

Our top priority is to save the children and eliminate the targets.

Hear that?


Very good, let's begin.

Mirai, listen, you will stay back and provide us with cover. Also, don't let anyone escape. We will use the left ones for interrogation and it will be a good experience for you as both of you have recently become chunins.

I will check your progress, so do your best, okay?

All clear? Konohamaru asked one last time.

"YES," both of them replied.

Then they entered the hideout.

3rd POV

When they breached the hideout

Haruto activated his [Blue Three Tomoe Sharingan] and used the [360 Vision]. It allowed him to view everything within 1500 meters and tell the exact position of the enemy.

Then Haruto and Mirai started moving around the base, also planting hidden bombs and explosive tags so that they could finish everything after taking care of the boss.

After that, Mirai bypassed the enemies without being detected.

Both of them transformed into bandits and entered the main building.

"Mirai, Konohamaru Sensei is watching us, so we will have to perform well and impress him."

"Okay, Haruto-kun, let's go and show them what we can do together."

Okay, follow my lead.

Then Haruto called a bandit from nearby.

And used a genjutsu, effortlessly making him a fool.

After that, he entered the boss's room.

The bandit boss was busy drinking a third-rate booze.

Seeing a new face, he became a little alert.

"Hey newbie, are you a new face? Where are the other ones?" he asked arrogantly.

Successfully making Haruto mad.

"Don't worry, you will join them soon," Haruto answered his question, which left him confused.

"What the hell ar...," before he could have the chance to speak, Haruto swiftly cast

[Genjutsu: Demonic Illusion Fake Death]

[The one trapped in this technique experiences

death until the user wants or stops it willingly.

Those with high willpower can stop this technique easily.]

The bandit started to scream madly; some moments later, sweat was coming out of every part of his body.

"Stop it, stop," the rogue pleaded.

"Now you will tell me what happened to the children that you kidnapped. If not, you know better than me."

"Yes, yes, I will tell you everything.

So please don't kill me, you see we were the shinobis of Iwa.

For obvious reasons, we didn't want to alert the main shinobi villages, so our group started kidnapping children. Then we sold the children into the black market.

A big group wanted these children and were ready to pay a hefty price. We didn't have any problem with that, so we made the deal and these children were the first batch to be sent there, but you guys..."

Before he could complete his words,

he was simply sliced in half. Then Haruto made sure to clean his Tsurugi Sword, which was gifted by his Sensei Sasuke when he visited the village last time.

When Haruto returned outside the camp,

Mirai had already settled the situation outside and was tidying up her tools.

"Oh, good job, Mirai," Haruto praised Mirai, seeing the handiwork Mirai had already done.

Seeing Haruto, her ideal praise her, Mirai blushed and averted her gaze.

Haruto was about to continue, but Konohamaru came at the right time, effectively saving Mirai from embarrassment.

"Well done, everyone. Good performance. As expected of you guys.

Haruto, well done, your skills are improving day by day. As for Mirai, your shuriken techniques have improved greatly.

It looks like both of you are ready for the chunin exams. I expect great results from both of


"Yes," Haruto and Mirai were very eager to prove their worth.

After that, Team 7 started their journey back to Konoha. It took them 3 days to reach their destination.

After reaching Konoha, they directly went to the Hokage office.

Some time later, they finally got the chance to meet Lord Seventh, who was busy with paperwork. Seeing us coming, he said,

"Oh, come in, Konohamaru. Tell me how the mission went."

"Yes, Lord Seventh, both of them performed extremely well. I think they are ready for the chunin exams."

"Oh, that's good. Tell me, Haruto and Mirai, are you ready for the chunin exams?"

"Yes, father," Haruto assured Naruto.

Seeing Haruto's confidence, Naruto was also relieved.

"That's good, Haruto. Go home.

After Haruto left, Sasuke suddenly appeared.

Seeing this, Naruto was not surprised.

Naruto: Sasuke, we've got a situation. That kid I saved back in the day, he was a part of the Kara organization. He's got the Karma seal.

Sasuke: Karma? That's troublesome. How did he end up in this situation?

Naruto: I don't know all the details yet, but we can't ignore it. We need to figure out a plan to deal with this threat.

Sasuke: (narrows his eyes) It seems like the past is catching up with us. We can't afford any lapses in our guard. What do we know about his abilities?

Naruto: His powers have definitely grown. He's two years older than Boruto, and that Karma seal... it's not something to be taken lightly.

Sasuke: (crosses his arms) We'll need to gather intel, find out Kara's objectives.

Naruto: Agreed, Sasuke. We'll face this challenge together, just like always.

Your mother and sister are awaiting you. Don't be late," Naruto reminded him.

After that, Haruto went to his home.

After reaching home, he saw Hinata and said, "Mom, I am back."

"Oh, Haruto, you are finally back.

How was your mission?"

"It was fine, mom," Haruto assured her.

To which she just smiled.

"By the way, where are Boruto and Himawari?"

"Himawari is in the backyard whereas Boruto is with his friends," Hinata answered his inquiries.

"Okay, Mom," saying that to Hinata, he made his way to the backyard.

Upon reaching there, an agile figure leapt on him, "Onee-chan, I missed you.

Did you miss me?"

"Of course, which fool would not miss my cute sister?"

"Onee-chan, when will you teach me Ninjutsu?"

"Himawari, you are still small," Haruto insisted.

"Onee-chan, please won't you teach your little lovely sister and you will also have to spend your day with me tomorrow, there is no way out for you this time," Himawari pleaded with puppy eyes which melted his heart.

"Okay, but now come, let's have a nice dinner."

After that, they ate dinner with their mother.

Naruto and Boruto were not there.

So finally the long day came to an end.


"The Next Day"

Haruto woke up early, feeling the morning sun filtering through the curtains. He stretched and quickly got ready, knowing that today was his day off and he had promised Himawari to spend it with her. As he walked downstairs, he found Hinata preparing breakfast.

"Good morning, Mom," Haruto greeted.

"Good morning, Haruto. Breakfast will be ready soon," Hinata replied with a warm smile.

"Thanks, Mom. Where's Himawari?" he asked.

"She's in the garden, playing with her dolls," Hinata answered.

Haruto nodded and headed outside. As he stepped into the garden, he saw Himawari arranging her dolls for a pretend tea party.

"Good morning, Onee-chan!" Himawari called out cheerfully.

"Good morning, Hima. Ready for our day together?" Haruto asked, smiling.

"Yes! What are we going to do first?" she asked excitedly.

"How about we start with some basic ninjutsu training? Then we can visit the market and get some treats," Haruto suggested.

"Yay! That sounds great!" Himawari exclaimed.

Haruto spent the next few hours teaching Himawari simple ninjutsu techniques. She was a quick learner, much to his delight. After a successful training session, they headed to the market. The bustling streets of Konoha were filled with vendors selling various goods, and the siblings enjoyed their time exploring and picking out their favorite snacks.

As they walked back home, arms full of treats, Haruto couldn't help but feel content. Spending time with Himawari reminded him of the importance of family and the bonds that held them together.

Later that evening, as they gathered for dinner, Naruto and Boruto finally returned home.

"Welcome back, Dad, Boruto," Haruto greeted them.

"Thanks, Haruto. How was your day off?" Naruto asked.

"It was great. I spent it with Himawari, and we had a lot of fun," Haruto replied.

"Good to hear," Naruto said, ruffling Haruto's hair.

Boruto sat down next to Haruto and whispered, "Did you hear anything from Nee-san today?"

"No, not yet. But I have a feeling he's busy with something important," Haruto answered.

After dinner, the family settled into their evening routines. Haruto decided to visit the training grounds for some solo practice. He wanted to refine his skills and be fully prepared for the upcoming chunin exams. As he trained, he couldn't shake the feeling that something big was on the horizon, something that would test not only his abilities but also his resolve.

"Meanwhile, in a Hidden Location"

A shadowy figure watched a group of children through a crystal ball. The figure's eyes narrowed as they focused on one child in particular—a young boy with blond hair and blue eyes, his face filled with determination.

"So, the Hokage's son is getting stronger," the figure murmured. "But strength alone won't be enough. We'll see how far he can go when the time comes."

The figure turned away from the crystal ball and began to formulate plans, knowing that the time to strike was drawing closer.

**Back in Konoha**

Haruto finished his training session, feeling the cool night breeze on his skin. As he walked back home, he couldn't shake the feeling of impending challenges. He knew that the path ahead would be difficult, but he was determined to protect his family and his village, no matter the cost.

As he reached his home, he looked up at the night sky, the stars twinkling brightly. Haruto made a silent vow to himself: to become stronger, to face whatever challenges came his way, and to uphold the legacy of the Uzumaki clan.

"Tomorrow is a new day," he thought, "and I'll be ready for it."

With that resolve, Haruto entered his home, ready to face whatever the future held.

To Be Continued...

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