8 Our Mission With Sasori

Sarada: Hey, Mitsuki, Boruto!

Sarada waves at the two and approached them

Boruto: Hey!

10 minutes later

Mitsuki: Great, Sasori told us to be here at 10 am sharp and yet he is 10 minutes late himself.

Sarada: I'm sleepy...

Sasori: Hey guys! Sorry, I was late, I went to the supermarket to buy loads of snacks for us.

Boruto: Cool!

Sasori: Now, let's get going!

In the jungle

Boruto: Ugh, I'm tired of walking. Can we just set up our campsite here?

Sasori: Hmm, it is a well-shaded spot. Sure.

After setting up the tent

Mitsuki: I'll go catch some fishes, be right back!

Mitsuki searched for a pond

Mitsuki: Ah, found one. Let me grab my fishing rod.

Mitsuki threw the line into the water and waited for a bite

15 minutes later...

Mitsuki: Wow, are there any fishes in this pond? Oh well, I'll just head over to the other area and-

Mitsuki senses someone to his right and jumped away from where he stood

Mitsuki: Who's there?

Mitsuki: I said who is there? Show yourself!

Konohamaru: Ah, sorry, sorry. I just happened to find you all heading into the jungle with Sasori, so I was worried.

Mitsuki: Konohamaru Sensei...

Konohamaru: Ah, I've got a new mission for the three of you so, let's all head back to the campsite!

Mitsuki and Konohamaru headed back  to the campsite

Konohamaru: Hey, Sarada, Mitsuki and Sasori.

Sarada: Konohamaru sensei? What are you doing here?

Boruto: What...?

Konohamaru: Ahaha... well... I forgot to tell you that your missions will start today.

Boruto: Wait what, we're on a trip with Sasori and you came here to ruin our fun? I'm NOT going to go foe the mission.

Sarada: I cant believe I'm saying this but, Konohamaru sensei, we came here to get to know Sasori, i don't want anything or anything to ruin this day.

Konohamaru: What do you think, Mitsuki?

Mitsuki: Boruto's answer is my answer.

Konohamaru: Hmm, then Sasori...

Sasori: Hmm?

Kobohamaru: You will be coming with us and your trip won't be ruined since you're still bonding with Sasori.

Sasori: HUH?!

Sasori drops the tent that he was about to set up

Konohamaru: Then, let's go!

They went to the Hokage's office to find out their new mission

Boruto: Hmm... it says, "Mission 2- Help the cheif of the lost village solve her problems"

Sarada: The lost village?

Mitsuki: I heard of it, it has rumours saying that monsters unknown creatures live in that area.

Konohamaru: That's right, Mitsuki.

Sarada starts to tremble

Konohamaru: Well, we have no time to waste, let's go!

Konohamaru brings the 4 of them to the village

Sasori: Woah, this place's atmosphere feels really tensed.

Konohamaru: I agree.

Chief  Yona: Hi, I'm Chief Yona, of this village, are you from the Hidden Village?

Konohamaru: Yes, we are pleased to meet you.

Konohamaru bows and the rest of them follow

Sarada: *I'm so scared, why though? I can fight them off, but why am i so scared?*

Sasori: *Is Sarada ok?*


Hey, i know i said ill have 2 months break. Well, I won't, I'm gonna write now. Hope you enjoy!

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