
I always stay out of final fights' probably.

" Gideon soon alot of things will happen and I will not be participating."

" In what Admiral?"

" The future events of this timeline. They will unfold and when they start I will disappear."

" Understood, Is there anything you want me to do when the time comes?"

" Yes, stay by the team and don't leave them or Rip, understood?"

" Yes sir, anyway I have woken you up because,"

" Let me guess Vandal Savage's Daughter is in the main cell and there is a giant robot on the way toward us."

" The first part yes but the second part I didn't know."

" Good don't inform anyone, Wake me when Vandal Savage is in the cell and he is alone, got it Gideon?"

" Yes, Sir Admiral."

" Gideon before I go to bed I just wanted to say, while I know you are not human nor do you have feelings *Cough* yet *Cough* I think of you like a niece, so please keep out of too much trouble."

" Understood Borsalino." I then go to bed with a smirk on my face

" Wake up, Admiral he is in the cell."

" Good, this will be goodbye for now then Gideon."

" Goodbye, Borsalino."

Then I walk out towards the cell room ( honestly I'm happy the ship has a cell but why a whole room for just the ONE CELL!!)

" Hello Savage."

" Hello, Light Man."

" You can call me Kizaru."

" Yellow Monkey?"

" Yes."

" Well then what brings you to my cell, Monkey."

" You're quite funny for a psychopath, Savage. However your intelligence is indeed impressive, manipulating Ray like that. I dislike you but, as an Ex-Navy Admiral, I have to admit your skills are amazing although I guess it is to be expected from someone as old as you,"

" Why thank you."

" I only speak the truth, anyway"

I start to say before my hand shoots a beam of light into the camera blinding it and then I use my speed to disable audio

" I came here to tell you, I know how to kill you and if I have too I will do it, I also wanted you to know, I Know about you and the time masters." His face goes from his usual smirk to a surprised, shocked and angry grimance.

" How do you know that!" He growls out in a low voice

" Oh, it would seem I got your attention, To answer your question, it is none of your business but also I want you to know, none of the team know except me."

" So you want something in return, you are trying to blackmail me?!!" He hits the wall and yells angrily

" No no I don't, I just wanted you to know, I know more than you, you aren't the smartest nor are you the wisest, You know nothing compared to me, I could kill all the time masters then put you in the sun for eternity or at least until your lives run out, The oculus can't do shit to me."

" HOW DO YOU KNOW SO MUCH, WHO ARE YOU!!!" He yells in pure anger, slamming his hand into the glass repeatedly. My lazy smirk appears on my face again as I walk away but not before fixing the audio and visual on the camera. His screams follow me all the way to the door as I just walk with my back to him.

10 minutes later

" Gideon is Jax in the jump ship?"

" Yes Mr.Jefferson is about to be sent to 2016."

I transform into light and vanish, while simultaneously Martin closes the Door on the jump ship. Thankfully I'm faster than those slow ass closing doors.

" It would seem we are back in the past, Jax."

He swivels the chair around quickly, in shock, as he looks at me

" How did you get on the jump ship?"

" Very simple, I can move at the speed of light and I figured out Martin's plan."

" Then why didn't you stop him!! He will die without me!!"

Jax shouts as he stands up

" I didn't stop him because if he didn't do this, you would die then he would die anyway. I also believe that you can get back, I believe he does too." My smirk never leaves my face as I turn on heel and walk out of the ship as Jax stares on in shock at my actions. As I got a little bit I yelled " Oh and if anyone would know how to help fix the jump ship, it would be Martin." without looking back.

I hid in an abandoned storage facility for the few days that myself would still be in 2016. Then I returned back to my home and back to my normal form which now felt weird but I quickly got used to it again and I also stayed out of all hero actions during my stay in the Past, Future,Present I don't know time travel is fucking weird. I also decided to abstain from anything until invasion, why, because well you see, fuck them I want to relax. Also yes I know it is like a whole year from when I came back and invasion and yes I have been training, I'm now definitely high Yonko level around Kaido in strength and Shanks in Haki, I could have gotten farther but I had another promotion to GM so I've been running around a lot at work.

" So Dominators, huh?"

" Borsalino, what the fuck, why are you here?!?!"

" Aliens, Are dope and the Dominators are strong and intelligent, just the type of enemy I like to beat into submission while I watch the light drift from their eyes as they slowly lose hope." They all looked shocked, confused and scared

" I'm a bit sadistic, I'm also ridiculously strong and I murder when bored sooooo the correct answer here is to make me not bored, also don't fuck up too bad I'll kill you." I walk away and throw Cisco a cigar which he catches and reads

" I'm joking you dumbasses get your shit together, LETS GOOOO!!" I then fly off.

2 days later, everyone has gathered at the StarLabs Hanger, I am of course late because I have a job. I show up and everyone is ""Training"" against Supergirl.

" Oooooh Shit y'all suck" I laugh out as I walk towards the downed group.

" Go Fuck yourself B."

" I'm good, Sara."

" Alright, Tough guy if they are so bad then why don't you come and fight me!"

" Oh, Supergirl it's good to see you, how is that uniform I made for you, did you like it? I'm put my name on it."


" Oh Kara, you seem mad how about you hit me."

" Is that an actual invitation, because I don't want to hurt you."

" Yes it is, I can take it I swear."

After hearing my agreement to being hit, Supergirl flies at me and drives a fist into my stomach, or she would have if I hadn't appeared behind her and slammed my leg into her back, causing her to break the ground as she slammed into the concrete face first.

" Ooooooh shit, Supergirl, I thought you were tough." I taunt, much to Kara's anger

Kara swift turns around and launches another punch at me, so I dodged to the left and KICKED HER IN THE FUCKING JAW. In response she flew into the wall on the far side of the hanger.

" Ooooh Shit is that Jaw broken, Kara!?!?"

" No it's not!" She yell back

" You want to continue or no."

" YES!!" Then she sends heat beams at me, I turn my head to the right without taking my eyes off Kara

" That was pitiful."

She flys up close and attacks me in rapid succession, I don't attack back, that would be boring instead I dodge without moving from my spot and taunt her by making noises.

" *Swish* *Swish* *Swoosh* *Oooooooo*

*Hmmmmm* You know it's weird that your heat vision makes a humming sound." I quickly notice Kara is getting more angry by the second or the dodge more accurately. So I K.O. THE BITCH with a swift UPPERCUT OF AMUSEMENT.

Next chapter