
Chapter One


I wake up to see both of them asleep, so I went out of my home and went for a hunt I walked around for a couple of minutes and find a blobby looking thing it looked like moving liquid, I walked up to it and touched it, it then moved and grabbed me with tentacles I couldn't move, and one of its tentacles was at my ass I felt liquid just moving outside of my asshole, I then got scared but didn't back down a fire light up in my belly and something happened. 

(System) - "For your heat in your belly you've gained skill fire claws, this will help you beat the slime," 

I was confused at what happened but saw movements in my head of where I need to strike and how much force to use, I got out of the grip of its tentacles and hoped on the wall to build momentum and used fire claw to strike at the slimes core but it only got halfway to the slimes core, I pulled my hand out of the slime and got back up to the walls I bounced to wall to wall, until I had enough momentum, and one final bounce off the top wall and hit his core, it was defeated I then got to level 3. 

I didn't know what that system thing was, but it helped me defeat the slime so it was a good thing I think. 

I went back to my home and see the girl and mom with worried eyes they saw me and their eyes light up with happiness, (Mom) - "Where were you" (Plaguepaw) - "I was hunting" I pulled out the core of the slime from my mouth and showed it to my mom (Mom) - "You brought down a monster 2 and a half times stronger than you I'm so proud of you!" (Plaguepaw) - "It almost put its tentacles up my ass hole" (Mom) - "Oh so you killed a slime" (Plaguepaw) - "Yes" I look at the girl she had fear in her eyes (Plaguepaw) - "Why are you scared" (Girl) - "The slimes they're monsters who only care to satisfy their lust, with they got ahold of me they would do unspeakable things to my body" I got mad at the thought of what they might do to her, and thought there might be a nest of them nearby. 

So I decided to go look for it once they were asleep, I walk back to the spot where I found the slime and started to search for the nest, I walk for a while and I see traces of slime leading to their nest, I walk for a few minutes and found there nest, I see a slime but it was shaped like a human girl I wondered what it was then the system came through my head again. 

(System) - "Species slime girl, a slime that can reproduce more slimes, this monster is level 10," 

This must be it, but I can't take on a level 10 but I had to try, I waited for it to go to sleep, I moved closer than soon as I was 1 meter away the slime girl woke up and grabbed me with lots of force, (Slime girl) - "So you're the one who killed my child, I just will make more with you" a tentacle went to my ass and jabbed it in (Plaguepaw) - "Ahh!!" I screamed as it came into my ass hole the system then said. 

(System) - "The slime girl will put her slimes in your belly with you don't do something fast," 

I tried to move, but I was still restrained, I struggled for a few minutes when I hear the slime girl say (Slime girl) - "Just a few more minutes and my baby will be inside you" I struggled to break free but then the system took control of my body. 

(System) - "Emergency!! I am taking over your body to kill it," 

I trusted the system it was my only hope, it took over my body my eyes started to glow, my teeth getting bigger, the system bites the slime to get free, and it worked he than jumped all over the walls the slime girl couldn't even see him my body turned black, then the system then jumps off the top wall and it puts my paw out aiming for the slime girls core it broke its core and killed her children and eat their cores I now have (Cross Breeding.)

after that I turned back to normal, but felt a sharp pain all over my body because I went faster than I ever went before so it put a strain on my body, 

I walked back to my home to see them both awake they saw blood dripping from my body the Priestess healed my wounds, but she couldn't heal the strain on my body, (Girl) - "What did you do your hurt all over your body" (Plaguepaw) - "Don't worry about the slimes I killed them all" after I said that then I passed out. 


(Girl) - "What did you do your hurt all over your body," (Plaguepaw) - "Don't worry about the slimes I killed them all," after Plaguepaw said that he passed out, (Mom) - "So what happened to him," (Girl) - "He killed all the slimes for me," I start to cry because of what he did for me (Mom) - "Just remember he did it for you because he likes you," 


I wake up to see me in the girls hands with her shirt off (Plaguepaw) - "Why is your shirt off," (Girl) - "Here," she brings her naked breast up to me and got confused (Girl) - "Here you can lick them or play with them it's the least I can do for what you did yesterday," (Plaguepaw) - "It's ok I did it for you there's no thanks needed," (Girl) - "Ok but at least let me thank you some other way," (Plaguepaw) - "Just rub my belly then," she rubs my furry belly and I purr, (Girl) - "I guess I should tell you my name, my name is Rose." 

She kept rubbing my belly until it was time to sleep, my mom went to sleep, but me and Rose couldn't sleep (Plaguepaw) - "Why can't you sleep Rose" (Rose) - "I just still want to pay you back somehow) (Plaguepaw) - "Well you did" (Rose) - "No I just want to do more" I think for a minute and say (Plaguepaw) - "Well with you stayed with me forever that would make me happy" (Rose) - "As long as you're happy than that's what matters" I didn't want her to leave me so I used that chance to make her stay. 

We then went to sleep, the next day, I wake up to see myself on my back with Rose's hand on my penis area, I got up and went for a hunt, I saw a slime girl I wanted to have sex with something because iv been holding back my lust towards Rose, so I sneaked up behind it and said (Plaguepaw) - "Hello" (Slime Girl) - "Hello oh I see what you want" I look at the slimes ass and went behind her, then knocked her down on all fours, I then jabbed my penis into her tight slimy ass hole (Slime Girl) - "Ahh!" I heard her moan and moved my hips repeatedly (Slime Girl) - "Ahh!" I then cumed into her ass hole (Slime Girl) - "Ahhhh!!!!" I let out more cum than I should have the slimes belly was huge, I then take my penis out of her ass and cum leaked out from her ass. 

After it was done, I said (Plaguepaw) - "I won't kill you even though my friend hates slimes, but I need you to breed in an army of them for me ok,"

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