
Power Levels

Existing Level Rank (Last Updated 4/07/24)

Common-Level: The level of strength commonly possessed by the majority of beings. Ordinary persons depend on inborn talent, training, or other tools to face daily challenges.

Elite-Level: Elite-level beings are above the common fracas; they hone their skills or have innate abilities beyond that of the norm. These beings would stand out in a crowd of thousands and are able to change outcomes of many smaller conflicts.

Leader-Level: Leaders command respect not only by authority but the superior strength of their character. They are very powerful in a way that they dominate heads of groups or squad, even those of small communities.

Lord-Level: Lords are in control of the dominions of great territories or belts by which they command forces capable of changing the face of a region. Their might is scarce and honored; hence, they are highly important in whatever political or military sphere.

King-Level: Kings are the beings of the apex in most contexts, ruling over vast realms of power. Few can challenge a King-level entity in direct combat.

Saint-Level: Beings at this level of the heavens are endowed with powers that piercing even the world seems to offer. Often, these is a thing that people at the saint level can do, which cannot be said to be explained, attaining powers that break the natural laws.

Primordial-Level: ???

Supreme-Level: ???


False-God: A bridge between the real and divine, the false-god has stepped beyond the mortal coil. Its manifestation is in powers(Power of faiths) that can only be described as of a god but haven't managed to break that ceiling into a plane of actual godhood.

True-God: ???


General-Believers: At this point, it gets to the level of faith, where one actually identifies with the faith, but they may not follow or practice all its requirements. Belief now becomes a part of one's identity, which includes their lifestyle choices and behaviors.

Devoted-Believers: This stage entails the people who have a very strong level of commitment to their faith. Their lifestyle represents decisions from faith giving major references, and majorly, their decisions and lifestyles reflect their belief.

Zealots: It is the last stage of high belief. They may display a strong focus solely on their beliefs and may go to extremes to take care of them, even beyond personal well-being and the norms of society. They are usually on a mission to convert people, mayhaps with full zeal, to their faith.

Saint-Believers: ???

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