
New People.

I personally never thought in my life that one day, I'd be shaking the hands of strangers. I don't plan on being friendly with them forever, once this annual test is over, things will be back to normal, good old isolation. Anyway, The school for the day was over, I was invited to a meeting in the library to meet all the people involved in this group, With Sora-san's guidance, I made my way to the library. I looked around inside, there was a group of people on the right side of the library, talking and reading.

"There's our group."

Haruto said,

We slowly made our way towards that table, and out of all the people I didn't expect to see there, I saw the quiet and serious girl at the end of the table, reading her book.

"Oh, is that the guy you mentioned?"

One of them said,


"Hello, I'm Kyosuke Ryo"

I said as I bowed my head and conveyed formality.

"I see, Interesting name! I'm Takahashi Arata from Class A! Nice to meet you!"

The guy with an under-cut haircut and black hair greeted me enthusiastically. He looks friendly enough.

"Hello Ryo-san, I'm Airi Akamine, also from class A."

She bowed her head elegantly, She had Whitish-blonde hair with crimson red-eyes, and she looks like she came from an elite household.

"Ryo-kun, I think we don't need to introduce ourselves anymore, we're classmates anyway!"

Last but not least, Ayane-san. She awkwardly waved her hand and showed an awkward smile.

"And lastly, that's Fujimoto Kyouko. She doesn't like talking but once you get to know her, she is friendly, "

She pointed at the serious girl with black hair, and void eyes, in the corner. However, his voice gradually lost its enthusiasm as he completed his statement.

Anyway, Haruto and I grabbed a seat and sat. Haruto begins the conversation within the group with an introduction along the lines of " I'm very happy that we all gathered here" And some other things, and then he begins to ask a question.

"So, Ryo-kun, What amplitude do you have?"

He asked after he turned his head towards me.


"There are a total of 8 common amplitudes; Flames, Water, Stone, Wind, Nature, Electric, Light, and Dark. Based on what amplitude you have, you can learn all the spells within that amplitude. There are also those that we call "Uncommon Amplitudes,". A good example is "Ice," Which is from "Water". Normally, It's quite rare to have two amplitude at once. However, certain people have it, just like one of the student council's honourable members, the president."

"What are those two?"

"From the rumors, I've heard, He has Electric and Flames. But I'm never sure, I never met him in person anyway."

"I see."

"Coming back to the topic Ryo, what is your amplitude? Mine is electric by the way,"


"I see. Very interesting. Ayane-san has nature, Akamine-san has Ice, Takahashi-kun has Stone, and Fujimoto-san also has electricity."

Haruto says as he points at them individually as he states their amplitudes.

"Now, for the real reason-"

Just as Haruto continued talking, his phone rang in his phone. He picks up his phone and goes to the corner of the room. In the meantime, I also checked my phone. There was a single message from my mother. I opened it and inside was a picture of my little sister, wearing her uniform with a short message saying: "Your little sister passed the exam for her middle school! She said she wants to be like you, a strong magician!". This brought earnest happiness to me, and about the part about me being a strong magician, I highly doubt I'm a strong one, but...Maybe since they're expecting something from me other than just blandly graduating here, I should probably earn some achievement while at it. Not for me, but for them.

Just then, Haruto returned, I quickly hid my phone and looked straight back. His friendly face was replaced with a somewhat melancholy, albeit slightly worried demeanour.

"Uhm...I was called and I need to go, let's continue this tomorrow."

He said in a disappointed voice.

"Why? Were you called again?"

Airi worriedly asked,

"I'm afraid, yeah. I'm sorry, you guys head out without me!"

He hurriedly grabbed his bag and ran towards the door. Looks like something urgent happened. I looked at the others to see what we were gonna do right now,

"Everyone, Let's just come back here tomorrow after class,"

Takahashi-san suggested. We all agreed except for Fujimoto-san, who said she's gonna stay and read a book. I grabbed my bag and put it over my shoulders. Arata, Hina and Airi said goodbye and left the library, leaving us alone. I looked back to see If I forgot anything, none. I walked out of the library and made my way into my dorm.


Kyouko waited a few minutes after Ryo left, before closing her book and grabbing her phone from her front uniform pocket. She called a certain number and put her phone on her ear

"Hey, Kyouko, what's the news?"

The voice from the other side said in a happy-going man's voice.

"There's nothing much for you to worry about the first-year students."

"I see, I see, Looks like we're gonna throw a large number of students out from this school, huh?"

"And about the other "thing"

"Oh, about that boy who solved Sensei's puzzle? What about him?"

Kyouko tells the man on the other side everything she knows about him, including his amplitude and traits.

"I see."

"Tell me Kajiyashaki-san, why did the president release the annual test three weeks earlier than the expected time?"

"You're asking the wrong person Kyouko, the student council members, including you know better than anyone that he's mysterious in all aspects, even asking him won't work."

"He's your classmate, right? Maybe if you push him further,"

"No can do. For now, just do the task I've assigned"

"How foolish, spying doesn't count as official work. This is only a mere request of yours"

There's now a slight hint of annoyance in Kyouko's voice while the person on the other side burst into boisterous laughter.

'I know, don't be too mad, will ya? Anyway, is being the only first-year member hard?"

"It is. If you think being ordered around is easy, we should swap places sometimes."

"Hahaha! I don't know about that, how did you even get in the first place?"

"I told you this many times, didn't I? The graduating students from the middle school are given a chance to enter the student council. I won that chance and got in"

"I see, thank you for the service, I'll see ya later"

He hung up on her. Slightly Irritated, she threw her phone at the table and sat at her seat, opening her book once more and continuing reading.


She murmured to herself as she frowned her eyebrows.

The next day at lunch,

"And then, there's that! Don't you agree Kyosuke-kun?!"

Arata said in his loud voice, bragging to Airi and me about something that happened yesterday in his life.

"Yeah, I get you" I answered, feigning interest as I pondered what to choose for my lunch.

Letting him be, I looked around the glass shelf, and one particular food got my attention. Grabbing my wallet, and rummaging through, looking for the right bill. I called out for the lady vendor and placed my order. She tiredly grabbed the bread I ordered and wrapped it in a white plastic. From her gestures and facial expression, It seems like she's been here for days without rest, with pale skin and eyes, and It's not normal. She looks like she's in her late 20's, maybe she has a disease.

She placed my order on the countertop of the glass shelf. I grabbed the tray and we walked towards the table where Fujimoto-san and Sora-san were, with Takahashi-san still on with the "Ultimate story of his life," his eyes sparkling like a star.

Arriving at the table, I noticed that the friendly girl, Hina was not there. This struck me as odd, so I asked.

"Where's Hina?"

"Oh, she said she has something to attend to so she won't be able to make it", Akamine-san replied while smiling.

I laid down my bag and placed my tray on the table before pulling my chair and sitting. All the others do so as well.

"And then, and then, a huge BANG! echoed throughout the whole street!!!"

He raised his hands like a kid telling a scary story. I grabbed my bread and took a bite as I listened to his childish story about a guy who saved a girl from being kidnapped in his street.

"Yes, yes, now, we don't want the food to get cold, you might want to eat before it gets into one"

Airi, looking overwhelmed by him, tries to somehow cease his energy most calmly.

"Oh yeah, you're right."

He says as he opens up his burger and once again, as he sees the burger, his eyes light up and compliments that burger in the loudest way possible like a kid. Argh, I could feel the others staring in our direction, which is unsettling.

"Keep it down, Takahashi!"

Leaning over and looking at Arata, Haruto said in a whispering voice as he put his index finger on his lips, signalling him to lower his voice. I let out a sigh as I took another bite.

"My bad, My bad"

Finally, silence reigns over us, we finally have the time to eat peacefully, but after like a minute or so, Sora decides to break that silence.

"So, Takahashi, who was this superhero you were talking about?"

"Oh that, *nom* I don't know for myself but, *nom* I heard that it was one of the student council members here, *nom* but I'm not sure who."

Sora said in between chewings. As he said this, I noticed in my peripheral vision, that Fujimoto was about to take a bite of her sandwich but stopped frozen at Takahashi mentioning the student council. I slightly shifted my gaze towards her, it looked like the mentioning of the council affected her in some way.

"Student council huh?'

"Do you know anything about them, Sora-kun?" Akamine asked.

"I'm a new student here who passed the exam just like you guys, I have no clues to the student council here whatsoever. Fujimoto-san, you studied here ever since middle school right? Do you know anything about them?"

In order to pass this school, I need to know everything about this, So I enhanced my senses and focused it all on what she is about to say.

She nonchalantly put down her sandwich and wiped off her lips before facing us with her serious gaze.

"The student council, the aristocracy of Kohinshitsu high, or the "elite students" that reigns over this whole highschool."

The first time hearing her unexpectedly soft yet serious voice, I was surprised.

"They are called in many names, the upper echelons, the elites, the aristocracy of this high school, or they are commonly called The student council, consisting of 8 talented members regardless of their grade-level. They are considered the strongest in the whole academy, with the first and top member being the President of the council while the second is considered the Vice president, and from there on, all are just normal officers."

Student Council huh? Strong and talented members, seems quite engrossing.

"They are also the ones who control the school, from the events to the tests, all come from the council, not to mention that the teachers are also obligated to obey them."

"Ohh, they're like the gods of this school eh?"

And here goes Takahashi once more in his imaginations. But coming back to her statement, controlling over the school but, thinking of events and such are just drags, not to mention you're also the one ruling the whole school, so you need to be a model student, the one that everyone can look up to. Sounds tiring enough, I can't imagine myself being in that position.

"Well, well, how do you enter the council?" Arata asked,

"There's an annual competition every end of the year, the 8 winners will be the members of the student council for the upcoming year, and so on."

"I see, seems easy enough!" He said jokingly.

Just then, the school bell rang and because I was too absorbed in the story, I didn't notice that a chunk number of students are already gone from the cafeteria.

"How come time is so fast?!" Takahashi complains, struggling to finish his bread.

I just covered mine again and put it in my pocket to eat after school. We all stood up from the table and walked away towards the exit door.

But in the shadows, watching is a girl, staring at someone in particular. Ryo. She nervously held a letter in her hands as she hid behind a wall.

"K-Kyosuka-kun...I-I finally found him!"

She said under her breath before leaving,

Next chapter