This is a story about some guy that became a sinner and finds out what sinners have to experience in hell as he is now one of them.
*Bang*, a gunshot was fired. "F*ck," I whisper yelled, not wanting to be heard, but I didn't think it mattered all that much. As I think my shooter knows where I am. The sky started to change to pitch black fast and it's raining. I continued to move away from my shooter while the rain continued to get worse. Bang, another shot was fired off. My shoulder was hit causing me to cry out another curse. I tried to pull out my phone, but the act was difficult as my dominant arm was the arm that the shooter shot the shoulder of. And it hurt like a b*tch to use it.
Desperately, I tried to reach across with my other arm and drag my phone out of my pocket while trying to jog away from my shooter. Slowly I was able to get my phone out of my pocket. Sliding it out of my jeans was a nightmare and the rain didn't help. My hand finally pulled the phone free, but it fell to the floor with a thud. I picked up my phone from the ground and started to wipe it on my hoodie then quickly unlocked it and dialed the police.
One ring, two rings, three, then the phone picked up and the operator asked, "How may-," and as the operator tried to continue speaking the voice stopped. I checked the screen and the screen turned black. "F*ck," I shouted in a hopeless voice. Then in a panic I started to search for something that can be used as a weapon. I panicily started to look around, to try and find something, anything that can be used against this psycho mother f*cker with a gun.
But the street was clean, there wasn't anything I could use as a weapon lying around. 'Desperate situations will make me do some crazy sh*t as I used my good arm and grabbed the wrist of the injured one and bashed my elbow of the bad arm into a nearby car window that was parked on the street. The only one in fact. I realized that a few shards of glass wouldn't do shit against the crazy person with a gun, but it's a weapon, so I took a bigger shard and was careful not to cut myself by having the flat side of the glass face towards my palm and the sharp side poke between my middle and ring fingers. *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*
The car alarm went off immediately after I grabbed the piece of glass. *Bang* The gun went off again, then again *Bang*. The first shot missed, but the second shot hit the windshield causing it to have a hole in it with cracks all around the hole. "What did I even do man?" I shouted in panic. No response, only another shot from the gun *Bang*. This time it hit the back of the side-view mirror causing it to shatter. I started to run away from the car. Two more shots were fired off and the second one hit me in the head causing my body to ragdoll across the concrete sidewalk and making a trail of blood as my body slid to a stop.
I woke up in a line. The line seemed to go one forever. Everything is white and clean. People around all wearing white robes. I tapped on the person's shoulder in front of me. "Do you know where we are going?" "Nope, no idea. Just appeared in this line like you." The conversation ended after some small talk, and we slowly made our way forward over an indefinite amount of time. The setting didn't change; everything stayed white all around. We didn't feel tired, but boredom was apparent in most of the people waiting in this line. The further up the line I saw the more antsy the people looked.
Now one thing I did like about this line is I didn't have to use the bathroom. A blessing, but also is payment for having to wait in this line. Slowly the line moved up and I finally arrived in an office with a man on a desk with a book in hand. He quickly introduced himself, "My name is Jophiel, the archangel of patience and other things." He glimpsed at his book quickly and not finding my name the floor underneath me opened and I fell.
A/N- So I'll update this whenever I wanna, so yeah. Also comment if you enjoyed please and thank you.