2 The Martirs

In the era of boredom every desease had been eradicated. Life expectancy had broken through 200 years. However society faced a new challenge: suicide rates had gone up tremendously. As it has happened in history before, the way to prevent death was developed, but only some people were able to access it. The new high class were the ones with access to entertainment. Prices of games, books, movies and music grew exponentially and the nerds of the previous era, who stockpiled that kind of entertainment became the richest people in the world. The forerunners where sports enthusiasts, since although sports provided entertainment, they couldn't be practiced by people above 70 years old, which now made up most of the population.

The only thing the new AIs weren't able to do for humanity was being creative, so the only proffesion that has survived the change in paradigma is the creators known now as "the martirs". They are forced to forgo their entertainment and come up with new ideas that are made into entertainment products by the AI.
