
Borderlands: A Backwater Universe

Ace doesn't remember much from his past, he doesn't remember friends or family, he doesn't remember what his favorite food is or what his favorite past-time was. He does, however, remember that he should not be on the dumpster planet of the galaxy, Pandora. With no money to his name, and memories coming to and fro, Ace needs to pull himself up from the ground and try his best to survive on this backwater planet of Freak Weather, Crazy Psychos, Gangs of roving Bandits, and Ferocious Megafauna, all trying to go unnoticed by the insane mega-corporations that control the galaxy. How hard could it be?

Netapel · Video Games
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Chapter 1

The sound of metal striking metal woke me up, finding myself tied by a rope several meters above ground."Hey Winona! The Boy woke up!" One of the people below me yelled to another person, far off from where I'm standing.A Young Woman with Dyed Purple hair and an Eyepatch strolled over, her body was covered in this scars and dirty clothes, with a large yellow metal plate hanging over her shoulder."So he did," The woman smirked as she looked up at me, her hand slowly inching towards a gun resting on her hip.I gulped as the group of bandits started to surround me, their hands menacingly heading toward their guns.How did I get myself into this situation? You might ask.Well, Allow me to give you the short gist of it.Hi, My name is Ace, That's not my real name, just what I go by, and recently I lost my memories.And for the last three days, I've been trying my hardest to survive the grueling weather of this planet after my supposed spaceship crash-landed here.I'm using supposed because I don't even know if it's my ship.All I do remember, Is that I'm not from this planet and that I don't want to die."Listen here Boy, I'll spare your life If you do something for me," The Boss of the bandits that captured me said as she stepped forward, the rope holding me slowly lowering.I quickly nod my head, no reason to refuse after all. Whatever she asks of me is much better than certain death."Good," She stepped even closer when I got lowered to her face, my body hanging upside down from a crane."Listen, Boy, There's an old Dahl outpost south of here, I want you to bring me anything expensive you find there, And I'd let you live." I quickly nod my head, agreeing to her job."Oh, And don't think of running away, I'll find you..." She grabbed my cheeks with her slim fingers and scratched them with her nails. Her Eyepatch bores into me as the rest of her gang starts laughing maniacally."Good luck," She smirks before palming me in the face, knocking me out.-------------------------When I came to, I found myself laying in the shade near a cliff, a large bunker door caught a large portion of the land, a military-looking sign on it.DahlI looked at the bunker door, and then I looked at the desert around me.Do I listen to what that crazy bitch asked me to do? Or do I escape into the desert and die of dehydration?Abandoned Military Complex? Or Desert?Most likely trapped and empty Bunker? Or Dehydration?I don't really have a choice, do I?"Okay Ace, You can do this," I told myself as I picked myself up from the ground, wiping sand and dust off of me."I mean, It's just an old Dahl Outpost, What's the worst that could be inside?"Little Did I know, This was the start of a journey I would never forget.

I wrote this chapter in July last year.

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