
Crazy Untitled Chapter 1

"OK, Class! Let's call it a day!" The teacher said as soon as he heard the ringing of the bells.

"Goodbye and thank you, Mr. Zhao!" The students said goodbye to him in unison.

This is Zhao Wuhao. He is a teacher of Ruyi University in Beijing. This university is one of the low tier universities in Beijing.


At the cafeteria

"Mr. Zhao! Did you hear about the news?" A colleague of Zhao Wuhao surnamed Yu walked towards his table, but Zhao Wuhao didn't stop eating.

"What news, I think it doesn't concern me in any way though." Zhao Wuhao said, apparently unconcerned by the "news" of Mr. Yu.

"What 'it doesn't concern'? This concerns your house!"

"What concerns my house?"

"The reporter said there'll be a meteor shower near your place."

"That doesn't matter to me."

"It doesn't matter? Why the hell not? It's your chance to make a house near your house!"

"House?" Zhao Wuhao said as he was confused and perplexed.

He used his hands while still holding the spoon to smack Mr. Yu's head, it was very skilful.

"Don't use your euphemisms on me! Don't you have nothing to do? And also I still don't plan to have a family."

"Zhao, I knew you more than the others, think about it? Your handsomeness gets itself useful and living alone is lonely, right? Nah! And don't you see what I'm doing right now? I'm eating with you in the table at the caf—"

He was interrupted by Zhao Wuhao, with a smack on his head.

"Ahk! Why do you like to smack my head?! Ok! Let's change the subject. Why. Are. You. Leaving. The. School?!" He said that in a loud manner. In a very loud manner.

All the students and teachers on the cafeteria look at them with silence. Even the cafeteria staff.

Zhao Wuhao knew, that in that moment, was the perfect time to smack Yu's head.

Yu apologized to everyone knowing what he had done. The matter of Mr Zhao's leaving is still a secret, however he exposed it.

"It's ok, I'll leave when everything's all right."

"Your leaving is a big matter, Mr. Zhao. All our students loved you and your class! And also when will everything be all right? Three months later? April?" Yu guessed.

"Yes, April." Yu guessed right.

"April, huh?" Yu said apparently lost in thought. "Well, let's change the subject—"

That afternoon, after lunch, every class that Mr Zhao teaches seemed gloomy.

Time quickly passed, graduation ceremonies were done and everything's all right. Three months passed.

"Mr Zhao, Goodbye!" The teachers and staff said in unison. Apparently, the students were not present, this time, their vacation already started.

All those staff and teachers in the school was there, showing how much gratitude and thanks they want to give.

"Goodbye, everyone!" And everyone knew that was their last goodbyes. Even though they still might see the helpful Mr. Zhao, they will not see him again as a teacher.


"Ahh…" Zhao Wuhao stretched his arms as he looked at the alarm clock on his nightstand. 04:20, he thought that it was the latest wake-up record he ever seen. He never woke up without the alarm from his alarm clock and he always woke up 6 exact, even if his sleep was just a short nap, he even changed all the ringtones in his cellphone to make them the same with his alarm tone, just to wake him up if needed. He reached out to get his cellphone, jumped out of bed then he groggily walked towards the bathroom while turning on all the lights on his way. When he was in front of the bathroom door, he didn't forget to turn on the lights. Now this, he didn't notice but his house was the only lit one in his neighbourhood, and the fact that it has many rooms, it stood out like a firefly in the dark. When he got inside, he turned on the heater and the faucet on his bath tub. Yes. He has a bath tub and that was one of the things he was proud of. And then he charged his cell phone on the socket near the arm of the bath tub. He removed his clothes and hung them on the hook near the charger immediately and jumped in the bath tub. Water splashed everywhere in the bathroom. However, the moment his butt reached the bottom of the bath tub—

All the lights turned off.

"What the fuck?" Zhao Wuhao, an ex-English teacher is apparently bad-mouthed when he's in the house and apparently he's still half asleep. If someone was with him, surely, he/she will surely wake up.

He reached out his hand to get his cell phone but he touched something. It isn't his cell phone. It isn't soap either.

"What are these holes? I don't remember them here—"He said as he touched something cube shaped. And yes, an interruption again.

"Ahh!!!" A long scream ensued. This was a scene where every author laughs evilly, a death? Maybe. Who knows?


At the hospital.

"Nurse, can you check the status of the patient in Ward 29?"

"Yes, I'll go immediately." The nurse walked briskly towards the ward as she looked at the patient's condition in her small clipboard.

'—the patient has been admitted to hospital due to accidental electrocution, the whole body of the patient has been permeated by shock, most body tissues; both major and minor, has been damaged by shock, and also, most sensory nerves are paralyzed due to excessive—and only a small chance of survival, even though not guaranteed--'

When she saw the summary of condition, her heart was filled by thoughts; curiosity, pity and more, however curiosity remained majority as she rushed towards ward 29.



[Hello! Welcome to the BOOM! System Interface!]

`What? I don't remember anything about this… Wait. Why am I conscious… where am I? `

[This is the BOOM! System Interface.]

`Wait again, why the hell did I ask those questions first, what are these floating words! What the fuck, where am I?! ` He complained as he thought he uttered his first curses out of the house.

He furiously struggled in the black world as he was angered, who wouldn't? If someone injected some black-tech somethings in your brain, waking up in some black-everything world?

This goes on for an uncountable amount of time, he didn't even pay attention to the words in his consciousness as he was still struggling out of this black-everything world.

After repeated struggles, nothing happened. This let him knew that he might be forever trapped in the black place, just then, at that moment, he noticed the floating words

[Thank you for listening to the BOOM! System Interface Introduction. To access the System Interface and other services, just apply will.]

`Huh? What just happened? Whoa! I can see myself in the dark! I broke down on the spot? K… What's that? Just apply will…, just apply will? Let me try that…` He tried as what was said to the words.

It's a wonder how his attitude suddenly changed drastically. Where and how did the normal and astute guy vanish? God knows!


A big 'BOOM!' appeared in front of Zhao Wuhao which almost made him have a heart attack.



BOOM! Points:

System's Current Universal Language: English

User's Native Language:

Initial Profession: English Master Teacher II – Ruyi University

Current Profession: [None]

Last Profession: [-]

Items Stored in Inventory: [-]

Lucky Spin [RECORDS]: [-]

Lucky Spin [AVAILABLE]: 3


Lucky Spin

Save ['Save' Item Required]

Load ['Load' Item Required]

[New Game] Not Available in Your Area.

[Quit] Not Available in Your Area.


The "BOOM!" and others are trademarks of [REDACTED] Factory located in [REDACTED]

`What?! Wait, why was system's current… system as in solar system? Who uses that? Current universal language… I understand that there might be wars and extinctions, but who uses [Redacted] in their trademarks? SCP's? Bullshit! Wait… There's something clickable…` He said as he reached out to the clickable Lucky Spin in the Menu selections. Is it foolish to reach out to something immaterial, maybe it's just instinct? Well, it turned out right.


Another big 'BOOM!' logo appeared before him scaring him like a cat jumping out of terror.

`It'll be hard to get this feels out my chest` He said as he massaged his chest and then he noticed the slot machine in front of him.

He observed the slot machine in front of him as he clicked the question mark—

'Wait, I'm sure if I click this there'll be a BOOM! again.' He said as he readied himself.

Click. Then nothing happened.


A second.

2 seconds.

3 seconds.

`Nothing Happen`--Boom!

'Fuck! Who's the fucking pervert who made this! ` He complained. This is obviously a fucking retarded system.


A Lucky Spin that depends on luck, contains various items.

Buy Lucky Spin Chances: [100,000 BOOM! Points

Chances: 3

It contains:

Equipment 5%

Abilities 10%

Skill Books 30%

Potions 10%

BOOM! Points [1/10/50/100/500/1000/5000/10000] 40%

Daily Jackpot COOLDOWN: [0000:23:59:59] 0.4%

Weekly Jackpot COOLDOWN: [0006:23:59:59] 0.3%

Monthly Jackpot COOLDOWN: [0029:23:59:59] 0.2%

Yearly Jackpot COOLDOWN: [0365:05:59:59] 0.1%

A Lucky Wish ?

Reset Items ?

Items including but not limited to:

Reset Hidden Status Points ?

Reset Level ?

Reset Cooldown ?

Reset World ?

Change World Opportunities ?

Load ?

Save ?

New ?

Failed Draw 3%

The "BOOM!" and others are trademarks of [REDACTED] Factory located in [REDACTED]

`Whoa! A lucky wish? Most of those are question marks eh? Those question marks… all those question marks are just once in a hundred? Nah! Let's just finish this, maybe this can get me out of this.' He said.

Hoping that everything will be all right, he click the SPIN which he just noticed, he closed his eyes.

A fast ticking sound sounded immediately and ended quickly seconds later then—


`I'm used to it now eh? Wait… what did I get?' He said as he looked forward

[You can spin 3x] [YES] or [NO]

'The fuck?!' He complained, apparently that was just a notification ring, as he clicked the [YES] button.


He wasn't surprised this time. It looked like the BOOM shocks get weaker when used repeatedly.

You won:

Change World Opportunities x1

1000 Points x1

[B-Class] Soldier Skill Book x1

Click here to open [Inventory]

He quickly clicked the 'here'. He wanted to use everything and see if the farce is actually true.

After clicking that, well, of course a boom again, he saw a column of eight bars and three of them contains what he actually won.

Without thinking, he clicked [1000 Points], then guess what? It disappeared and on the upper right portion of the Inventory, the balance of 0 quickly became 1000.

Inventory Balance: 1000

[Change World Opportunities ]

[[B-Class] Soldier Skill Book ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

`Ah? So clicking them activates them? Let me click this skill book…' He said as he clicked the [B-Class] Soldier Skill Book.

`Huh?! How did this get to my hand!? Whoa!" He was amazed. He fondled with a small book that looked like a candy.

`Oh! I get the reference, hehe…` While he was observing the semantics of the system, he had an epiphany, a breakthrough, which of course, said that everything it does is based on his conditions, like what he is: a human of earth, earthling, homo sapiens, and what his environment consists of: Earth, what others around him does and etcetera which is hard to explain but you know that I know you knew what I meant. He immediately knew where the design of the small book candy came from. Of course, that moment he also knew how to use it.

He put the book candy in his mouth as he wondered how it tastes.

`It tastes like… like… wait, it doesn't taste like anything…` He said however he was hit by a sudden—

"Ah!!!"It was a long one. It doesn't matter because it's headache time.

After another uncountable amount of time and a long irritable scream, he woke up.

He felt the changes to his body, except for some knowledge on killing people, vehicle and armament construction and related, nothing changed.

"Wait, what? That seemed super effective… does that boom thing exist?" He murmured as he willed the Main System Interface to appear.

And it appeared. He noticed it, of course and also noticed the nurse. However, the nurse doesn't seem to notice the fact that he is conscious.

Then he willed the interface to disappear and guess what? It disappeared! While the nurse, which was already done for her inspections, was called—

"Hey! Can you please get me some water? I'm too thirsty and these things, what are these? Did you put something inside me too?" He said, looking at the IV drip and tubes ignorantly.

"Huh? I'm hearing things eh? Am I drinking too much coffee? Eh?" She was shocked out of her wits when she saw Zhao Wuhao looking at him stupidly?

A second.

2 seconds.

3 seconds.

A shrill high-pitched scream escaped from her mouth. Who wouldn't when you see a dead person request you for water?


"Doc, what and how in the world did this happen?" A doctor asked to the doctor-in-charge of the patient. Apparently, a crowd of shocked doctors who read the patient's summarized condition and heard the report of the nurse looked at the window of the ward.

"The nurse said that she saw his heartbeat stop on the monitor and also the condition summary dictates that he has an unsure and low chance of survival, maybe he survived." The doctor-in charge said even though the look on his face shows that he's still unbelieving.

"What survived? When I was 20, I was sound in my body in mind, but still, how can he do those?" An old doctor said as he looked at the man they had been talking about doing backflips and somersaults inside a small area. "Even I can't do that!" The old doctor said as he looked on the window obviously amazed.

"Oi! Oi! The hospital director will come at any moment!" An intern said alarming the crowding staff.

Kring! Kring!

"What? The director passed by in your area a few seconds ago?! Oh fuck!" He said after he answered the phone call, it was from one of his colleagues on the "network".

"Sirs and Madams, the director is in right now, time to show your best face! Showtime!" The intern said as he looked at the panicking staffs making themselves presentable.


"Good afternoon Hospital Director!" Two passing nurses said, greeting an old man in his fifties wearing a white suit an excited expression on his face but still looking wise and experienced.

After hearing the greeting, the hospital director nodded and continued.

Seeing that, the two nurses chatter.

"Hey, did you see what he was wearing?"

"The white suit?"

"Yeah! The girls on the information counter said that the director came here right after his meeting with the Ministry of Health because of that incident."

"That incident? On ward 29?"

"Yeah, you know, he took off the moment he heard about that! Doctors call that a medical miracle!"

"Nah, why are you still talking about work matters, we're off now!"


"Good afternoon Director Bei Tang! The patient we've been talking to you is inside the ward." The doctor-in-charge said to the Director as he approached the director with an amiable smile.

"What happened to Wuhao? Did his condition revert after your last update?" Hospital Director Bei Tang asked the doctor-in-charge.

"No, sir. Sir, his condition is still same, and his vitals—sir? Sir? Sir!" He said as he ran towards Director Bei Tang. He didn't expect that the Hospital Director would have such courage to confront such monster, if something happened to the director—it's hard to guess what'll happen to them… wait… Did I just hear Director call him his name? But still, it might be dangerous!

"Sir! It might be dangerous! What?!" He said as he looked at the scene in front of him. It's hard to not be surprised.


"Huh?" Zhao Wuhao was perplexed.

"Zhao Wuhao! You're really hard enough to get yourself hurt, huh?! Do you believe that I won't say this to your mother?!"

"Grandfather?! Why are you here? I thought my mom sent you home to rid your stress? Now, this, do you believe that I won't say this to mom?"

"You? You think you can threaten me with that? This is your safety concern!"

"What safety concern, you certainly thought I wouldn't know ah? Your body is full of sugar and cholesterol, Grandfather, and here you are, still going here and there, working yourself to death? Why not let me give a suggestion, Grandpa?"

"You? Giving me a suggestion?"

"Of course!"

"You're so confident with that suggestion. What's your suggestion?" Grandfather Bei Tang said. 'I thought this kid knows that I'm a doctor?'

"Reconciliation with benefits." Zhao Wuhao said.

"Oi, what reconciliation with benefits? Do you want me to keep silent 'bout this matter? You will worry your mom? What if you collapse and she knew after that?"

'He just wants to silence me!' Grandfather Bei Tang said.

"What collapse, aren't you a doctor, grandpa? Didn't you check what those guys there reported to you?"

"Sir! It might be dangerous! What?!" The doctor-in-charge was shocked the scene. An old and young man were bickering in front of him, and that old one is their Director.

"What 'dangerous'? This child is my grandson! And why didn't you immediately give me your report?" Grandfather Bei Tang said as he looked at the doctor.

"I was about to give it to you but you rushed in…"The director murmured.

"Well, just get my grandson out of this hell hole. And! Call my assistant. We need to modify the schedule for tomorrow." Grandfather Bei Tang commanded.

"Yes sir." And the doctor replied.

"Grandpa why do I feel like their terrified of you?"

"No Wuhao. It's just your feels. Your feels."

"Yeah, my feels. I feel like talking to mom about what you're doing." Zhao Wuhao murmured.

"Yeah, and I feel like talking to your mom about what you're doing." Grandfather replied.

"Nope, Grandpa." Zhao Wuhao retorted.

"You? Stop bickering. Let's talk about your offer sometime later. I have appointments." Grandfather said as he waved me a goodbye which I returned with a smile, then he closed the door.

"So…" Zhao Wuhao said to the doctor-in-charge said while he was removing the tubes around him and looking at the doctor in the eyes.

The doctor shivered, as he asked himself why it felt like his cruel director was looking at him, is it genetic?

"Who was the one who brought me here?" Zhao Wuhao asked

"Me. I brought you here!" A beautiful figure carrying a paper bag said while opening the door.


"Landlady?! Is this money talk again?!" Zhao Wuhao screamed. He was screaming inwards and outwards, this woman was an absolute scammer, she always says she's his classmate but she still takes advantage of him on and on, this is an absolute definition and without doubt, a good example of wolf in sheep's clothing!

"What money talk?! I'm your classmate! Your colleague! Where do we put our trust in each other if it doesn't even exist?!" She complained.

Here she goes again…

"What do you want?!" She obviously wants something from Zhao Wuhao.

"You'll just say that after what I've gone through?! Did you know how heavy you are?! Luckily, I have these mussels here… And what landlady? I own the land, yes I accept, but, that sounds too old!" The woman said as she flexed her biceps, which I, can't see. I understand if she kicked me from there to here, yeah, her kicks are strong, but looking at her like that, she looked cute instead of looking fierce.

"I have these two things here for you." But I have to do this.

"Where?" She asked looking like she looks for something.

"First, it's muscles. Not mussels." I said while getting the water which the nurse brought earlier. He thought that he needed to correct this miser, these are my only revenge moments.

"What?! Is that it? I thought you have a gift or something like that." She said, disappointedly.

"Here's the second. I know you're here to get something from me. What is that? Did you pay the hospital bills in advanced then extort me money?" Zhao Wuhao asked after drinking water. Surely, she's up to something. Tsk.

"Nope not the hospital bills, this time your housemate paid them and look here, she even saved you from death." She replied as

"What a helpful and generous roommate…" He said before drinking the remaining water.

A second.

2 seconds.

3 seconds.

"Prruhhhrt!" What a waste of water! He threw up all the water that he was about to gulp in.

"Wha?! Hahahahahaha!! You look like a complete idiot, look at that expression!"

"What roommate?! I already bought that house, right?! And that?! A she?!" He was about to throw his wits out of this world.

"Yeah! You already bought the house! But did you see that contract? A clause there dictates that I, without the need of your permission, can do that."

"Wait, you get her money, then, I lose half my house?!" I complained.

"Nope, you get her money, then you might make a house! See? You get everything, I lose one customer, and she lose her money." She replied as if she was the one losing her house.

"Why don't you get her to your house?"

"You forgetful idiot! I live with my parents and brothers, how can I let someone squeeze in that small space, moreover, she's beautiful, not suited for our house." She said.

"Reasons! You just want to take advantage of me!" Zhao Wuhao complained again

"Wait. What was that sentence?" Zhao Wuhao thought that maybe this one could help himself out of this.

"Nope, you can't throw her out, it's also there." But the landlady already expected him.

"Nah! How can I take advantage of you? I am just helping an old customer. Did you think I won't know?"

"What won't you know?"

"That of course, you retired from "teacher-ship" eh?"

"I thought you knew months ago? I said that in our private chat!"

"You really said that?" She asked while fumbling in her pocket for her cellphone.

She hurriedly scrolled to find where Zhao Wuhao said that.

"Why didn't you said that face to face?" She said that while pouting when she found that message. Of course, it was really there.

"I was still a teacher that time, where the hell would I get the time to waste for this inconvenience?!"

"But still you should have said it to me."

"Didn't you just see what I sent you? I HAD already said it, months ago."

"Nah. Why am I making a fuss with you?"

"Good that you know."

"Well, I came here for two things initially but—"

"But what?"

"I saw you here, I thought you were sick, so I just came to flex and not worry you but how could this guy?"

"How could I what?"

"How could you do backflips in this small sick hole?"

"How did you know about that?!"

"??? There is that window over there, no? Don't you know that they can see you from there? All the staff I met were gossiping about this monster this monster that."

"That's not really important, what are those two things?

"First, now that I think of it, it's really hilarious." She said as she prevented her laughs from leaking out her mouth.

"What's funny?!"

"Did you notice that the door was open when you came in?"

"Well… Hell no! How the fuck would a drunk man know?!"

"Guess what!"

"What again?"

"She saw you there. She was already there while you were out lazing. She probably thought that this guy who's drunken is probably her "landlady"."

"The term landlady is a term I will only use for you!"

"Ow! How sweet!"


"With what? ...Yeah, yeah sure."

"Where am I? Yeah, right, this girl probably thought you know what to do since you can go home alone, so he let you by yourself. Then she doesn't remember anything after, do you know why?"

"How would I know?!"

"She slept, Hahahaha! How would she remember when she already slept?"

"That's it?"

"Nope. Here's the catch. In the middle of the dawn on around four AM, she was waked-up by lights so she got out of bed to turn off the lights, of course no one would want to wake up at four if not needed eh? Then while she was turning off the lights, she suddenly saw this drunk guy, muttering something about his latest wake-up record and something about alarm this alarm that, turning on the lights on his wake going to the bathroom, so she followed you. She said that you stopped right in front of the bathroom door and clicked the switch of the kitchen then entered the bathroom door, so maybe she thought to herself, I'll help this guy this one time, so she entered the room and saw you going to charge your phone, so she turned on the lights herself, maybe you thought you were the one who opened the lights, no? Then she got out of bathroom, well, she heard you and your speech about being proud of the bath tub before she left, that should be a nice surprise eh? Then there comes this thing, the brownout—"

"There's still brownouts there? I thought you already arranged those?"

"Nope, it was accidental and not the fault of the electricians. The transformer exploded, luckily no one died and nothing was destroyed except that transformer, luckily we have this guy electrician, an expert at that, so we offed all the electricity then it was fixed within seconds."

"OK. So what happened then?"

"This happened. The girl heard you squealing like a pig so this girl had gone superwoman mode on to save you when the light returned. Then when she opened the bathroom, of course she'd seen you naked, she also saw you poking your finger at the socket. Why the fuck would you do that?!"

"Like hell would I know?!"

"Yeah, you're a sane man. Yeah. So she ran towards the main switch and turned it off. Then she called me to help you to the hospital. She could've gone out alone with you to the hospital but guess what she reasoned?"

"You're too heavy."


"What? You're really too heavy. That's it!"

"That's it?"

"Nope. There's also this one thing. Two months ago, our batch decided to have a reunion, and this, the decided date is—Tada!"


"Tomorrow! Wait, how'd you know?! Even I were only informed last month!"

"How would I not know? I was the one who suggested that!"

"You got a date?"


"Wow. Handsome guy without a date, is she gay?" She whispered to an imaginary person while pointing her finger on me.

"That? Discrimination!"

"Nope. Just a joke. I'll arrange you one. You'll surely like her."

"Try me." This one is a no win-no lose agreement. Who cares who she is? This landlady would of course have a bad idea again.

"Well, change the subject, the doctor said you can leave the hospital, right now."

"Why? I thought I have the need to stay?"

"Nope, your grandpapa arranged everything before he even came to the hospital."

"He didn't pay the hospital bills?"

"Nope. Your roommate paid faster than him."

"Yeah of course, you two were the one who brought me here."

"Nah, can we go now sick oldie?"

"What sick oldie?!"

After bickering and arguing, the two got down to leave, it flowed smoothly because Grandfather Bei Tang already fixed the bumps.

The two agreed to ride landlady's car to get Zhao Wuhao home, because it was already night, there was less traffic, so she sped up. No one talked while landlady was driving home, they were already used to this, and also they were too tired and lazy to argue with each other.

"Brrrnt…" That was the sound of tires screeching.

"Thank you for the drive, landlady!"

"Nope. Just servicing my old customer—bye!" The so-called landlady said as she sped up her car, leaving Zhao Wuhao to dust.

"Now, it's time to meet my tenant." He said as he fumbled his pocket to get the keys.

A second.

2 seconds.

3 seconds.

"Arghh!" He didn't expect that he would leave his keys inside.

But he didn't expect that the door would open up slightly and a cold face of a breathtakingly beautiful woman would meet her.

That ice woman was really like her name, and our meeting at this time too huh? Bing Yue. Landlady casually mentioned her name while we were talking on the way down the hospital.

He wasn't shocked by her face and figure though, because his aesthetics were kind of higher than normal. People say he was handsome but to him, he wasn't even on the good level. This woman was just in good level.

Then the woman opened the door suddenly, caught him by the collar, slammed the door, and then slammed him to the wall.

Then she said:



"The fuck?! How did I get here?" Zhao Wuhao said.

The advantages she had was overwhelming him, it's too much, the landlady is too much of a scammer.

That ice woman fucking deposited 10 million taking advantage of the contract, because if she left the agreement, without my agreement or not, I would be required to reimburse her damage 10 times the deposit. Who would fucking take 10 million as a mere deposit for renting a house, that could fucking buy a house! I said it to her, and then she replied that my house was beautiful, and even offered to buy it! WTF? This is the symbol of my blood, sweat, and tears! For fucking years, I made this house alone! Those things? I bought them! The rooms? I designed them and made them real. Those furniture? I fucking made them! This is worth more than money, this fucking house with a bathtub is my pride! Arggh! Breathe in. Breathe out. I need to face these things calmly. Calmly!

Then he brought the knife down hardly to the fish he was holding. However he didn't destroy it. It was one of the skills he exchanged when he somehow gained 19 thousand something points from the hospital, which he didn't know where came from.

Apparently the system was real. However these things, he still didn't understand how these came to his mind.

Well, while he was on the hospital he actually won some things however the points needed to buy spins enlarges exponentially so he just bought 5 spins, but he stopped because he was already broke. He didn't apply some items because he's afraid that it might affect someone here because now he's only a slave to the woman named Bing Yue. But for the skill books he won, he immediately applied them. He had four skills right now, because he won 3 adding that B-Class Soldier Book. He was satisfied by those four skills, because they're not too broad and the knowledge he needed to use them was lesser, of course, he still hates that soldier gum because it's too painful. Too many knowledge was needed and he can't bear that large influx. On the four skills he acquired, two of them were of large use to him, namely, Soldier and E-Rank Sushi Master. The other two were the D-Rank Mechanic and C-Rank Musician.

"The soldier one was explainable, but this, it was weird, this sushi master thing is very broad but somehow, the knowledge was very easily made into his memory, no blackouts, maybe the letter corresponds to their rank, but how do they sort their rank? Who knows? And there's also these ones: The D-Rank Mechanic and C-rank Musician. The D-Rank mechanic contains knowledge about machines, it's given, but what is it limited to? Well, I don't know. The C-Rank Musician too, will I be like those guys who control snakes with the flute? Oh, I'm already done!"

He said as he looked on what he made at the kitchen table. This was a recipe created by him unknowingly, and of course, with the system.

"Does this system make me the best or just makes me learn it?"

But he already knew the answer to that question, because the creation that was in front of him looked to godly. These could not be simply just salmon sashimi. These are god sashimi!

His praising was suddenly interrupted by the opening of the door.

"Is the food ready?" Bing Yue asked while leaning on the door.

"Then I'll go to the dining table." She said.

"Go! Since I'm the one who cooked this, I'll carry them to the food grinder." Zhao Wuhao said as he put the food on the tray and covered it by the tray cover.

"Where's that food grinder?" She asked, confused.

"You." Zhao Wuhao replied

"…" After Bing Yue heard that, she unhurriedly walked towards the kitchen table and seized the tray.

"Why did you get that?"

"I'll bring them myself to that food grinder." Zhao Wuhao was speechless.

'I shouldn't have asked' He thought.

"Wait." He said as he stopped Bing Yue, and then he took the tray from her.

"What are you doing?" Bing Yue asked.

Zhao Wuhao didn't reply and just walked quietly towards the table. The table already had the utensils and other things so they wouldn't need to worry about going to the kitchen back and forth should they forget something.

Zhao Wuhao had already sat when he saw Bing Yue coming towards the table.

"Eat." He said as he gestured Bing Yue.

"It's too fast of a change, he's surely like Mengmeng." She thought as he looked at Wuhao's smile

Apparently, Yu Mengmeng was landlady's real name.