
1. Love

Love. It's four letters but it can be a pain. It's hard to be in love or to even be loved. It sometimes isn't even your fault, it's just... complicated. Who am I to talk you say? Well, to start my name is Heather and I am a college student at Bluevet University and I can relate to being in relationships that weren't even worth it. It can get rough at times but to be honest, I am happily in a better place than when I was a year ago.

"So wait you mean to tell me he stood you up and you didn't do anything about it?" my dearest best friend Angie says to me.

Angie is the one that I've been friends with since I moved here and she is the best (hint: best friend). I babble to her about the last relationship I been with and he was absolutely the worst. It's crazy how dating can be a waste of time but can be worth it if not putting in the work.

"I know he was such an asshole! he didn't even care. The next day I saw him and he pretended as nothing happened." I reply annoyed at the situation again.

We continue to chat in the cafeteria and eating our lunch. After an hour of chatting our heads off, we part ways and I wait at the campus entrance. Who am I waiting for you ask? Well, he's a charmer. My boyfriend to be specific. Remember when I told you that it can be worth it when not putting in the work? He's the one and I know it.

"Hey, babe. Been waiting to give you this." George, my true love approaches me with a bouquet of Chrysanthemums my favorite flowers in the world.

I smile brightly as I receive the flowers. "Thanks, babe."

I give him a quick peck on the cheek and we walk to his car. We have been together for a few months but it feels like years. Ever since I met George he never disappoints me. He never stood me up like that douche and he's always caring for me as a boyfriend should.

We get in the car and not to sound like a gold digger but this car is fantastic. The smell always is right and it suits him perfectly.

"So where we off to?" He asks me as he drives looking at the road.

"Anywhere." I answer with a smile.

hey everyone. so I am back with another book and it's a romance like the other book. I hope you enjoy this. this book was random so that is why this will be a short story but let me know if I should change it to a novel. that is all for now. happy reading!

tiara_rosecreators' thoughts
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