

"Kid, maybe I could have your drink? I am thirsty." An old woman said.

"I have a name so don't call me kid. Here, it's yours." I said reaching the drink to her.

"Thank you so much, kid!" She replied.

"I said stop calling me a kid!"

She tried to touch me.

"Don't touch me!"

The wind blew harder. People around us are gone and it was the two of us who remained here.

I looked back to the old woman but a younger woman is here in front of me.

"Who are you? And why are you wearing a costume? It isn't halloween yet, right?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious that I am a fairy?!" She angrily said.

"What are you talking about? You must be crazy. Where's the old woman here awhile ago?"

"I am the old woman you're talking about."

What?! Is this for real?! I started to believe her slowly.

"I think you're just a crazy woman. You're a fairy but you're holding a book of nursery rhymes?" She should've been holding her magic wand instead of a book.

"Is it my magic wand you're looking for? Then..."

In a glimpse, her magic wand is now on her hand. Fuck! It's true!

"And that book you got there, what is that for?" I asked.

"Because your manners are so bad, I'll punish you. And this book, I'll imprison you here!

The book opened on its own and the wind blew stronger as if a storm is actually happening right now.

I tried to run away but my feet aren't touching the ground anymore. I was floating on air.

I hope it was my mind floating, but it's not. Everything is real.

"You cannot get out of the curse until you find the necklace of infinity!" The fairy said.

Everything happened in a fast paced time and the book sucked me in totally.

I fell on the grass with my butt face down.

"Ugh! Sh*t!" I groaned in pain. My ass hurts. I paid attention to my bum instead of knowing where I am.

I'm in the middle of nowhere. In the middle of prairie. A beautiful meadow with sunlight striking the grasses around me. Birds are flying and the wind is gently moving the grasses. Fluffy clouds and blue sky.

Indeed, a beautiful place. But still, my ass hurts. And before anything else, I am trapped in this book.

And I need to find that d*mn and lame necklace.


Author's note: Anything stated in this story is only a work of my imagination and thoughts. A fanfiction per se. I do not intend to harm any of the character's or artist's image, career, family, or name. Thank you!

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