4 Idea 3: The Dreamer

Everytime I dream, I create a multiverse, a new character, linked to me, and I could be anything. At one point in time, I can't remember because it has been years since then, I could take control of my dreams. Everything was under my control. I created and destroyed anything I wanted. I had 7 dreams a night, each time a different person, from wherever I could and couldn't think of. 

At one point in time, I became immortal, with the power of my dreams transferring to me over time, I quickly lost interest in this multiverse, but I could never break free from it. Something was always restricting me. This started to sare me and after only 10 years in real life, and thousands of years during my dreams, I couldn't take it anymore. I killed myself, succumbing to fear, destroying a few billion multiverses in the process.


"What the…"

[Welcome Master, to the Multiverse of the Beginning. I have been programmed to help you regain and help control your powers, so you can live up to your legacy of becoming the Supreme King of AL]

[Please create your avatar and multiverse to begin]
