2 chapter 2

What do they do?

When the library is open the books don't do much but one day there was a kid who was mad at his homework and needed help so the new book thought maybe I can help?So the new book turned into a kid and walked to the kid who was getting mad at his homework and the new book said hi my name is Tom and do you need help? The kid said um ya. Well is this math I see the book said as a kid.Yes I can't figure out this problem.

Well I am good at math you know Tom said So hours later the kid was done with all of his homework, not just math he got all of it done with. When the kid left the new book turned back into a book and went back into its place. Time for the Books to go to sleep while the Library is closed.The kid came back again and there was Tom the book, and waiting for him. The kid said I forgot to give you my name. My name is Nick. Tom said nice to meet you . Nick asked him if he wanted to fly one day . Fly what's that? OH flying is like you are on an airplane and you go through the clouds. I would like to fly one day. Tom got the idea that he would teach Nick how to fly one day.The next day, Nick came up to Tom and said you want to fly? Tom said I do! So they both went outside where there were no people around because magic things and people might cause a bad reaction. The next day it was Saturday and The new book turned into Tom again to go see Nick but there was a problem Tom did not know where Nick lived. So Tom went outside and ran very fast and tried to fly but he fell around 3 or 4 times. Then he thought maybe I can be like a superhero. I just have to believe I can fly. So he thought I could believe I could fly and he began to fly . Awwww oh I am flying oh my gosh ! Ahhhhh I see a tree ! He turned into a rocket and turned right to go away from the tree. Phew, I missed that tree. Ahhhh a car booom, Nick ran into the car then another car and then another tree . Nick had to turn into himself again and had to rest for an hour and he took a nap under a tree he ran into.
