
Book 1: Child of a Snake (Neji x Oc love story)

Kaiya was abandoned at the gate of Konoha by her father for her own safety. All she had was a scroll with a letter written by her mom and a snake necklace in a box with her name on it. She is brought to the hokage by Izumo and Kotetsu who orders Kurenai Yuhi to adopt her.

HokageOrochimaru · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 : Prologue

Third person's P.O.V

"It's a girl!" A young doctor exclaimed over the cries of a newborn baby girl. A mother with blonde hair panted in exhaustion and leaned back in relaxation, after 23 hours of delivery she had finally brought her daughter to the world. A father with black hair was just staring at the baby in awe as his hand was being bandaged up from his wife crushing it as the nurse cleaned up the baby girl.

After the baby was cleaned she was given to her mother who held her with a gentle smile on her face, the father his hands on his lover's shoulders looking down at his new daughter in his wife's arms.

'She so beautiful.' The father thought.

"What is her name?" The doctor asked.

"Kaiya," The mother replied, as her heartbeat on her heart monitor started slowing down, the father felt a frown making its way on his as he heard this sound.

"Oh my snake don't start frowning, we both knew that the pregnancy was killing me," the mother replied smiling at her lover as her heart rate kept slowing down, she handed the baby girl to the father who held her gently in his arms.

"You promise that you will keep her safe no matter what?" The mother asked, the father.

"Yes, my love," the father replied.

"Good and make sure she gets the scroll I wrote her," The mother said as her eyes started to close as the heart monitor flat-lined. The father back his tears of losing his wife. The baby girl then started cry, he managed to calm her down as the staff took the dead mother away.

'I'm going to miss you, my love.' The father thought.


After a day of observing that the baby was healthy. The father was jumping from branch to tree branch holding the baby close. He looked at his daughter snuggled in his chest. He knew it was safe to take the baby with him to where he was going and was taking her to the one place she would be safe.

He wished he could keep her and watch her go but the place he was heading wasn't going to safe, as much as he hoped to keep her he just couldn't risk her getting hurt.

'I love you and want to keep you but it just isn't safe. Maybe one day we can be together again. I just can't take you with me.' The father thought as he looked down at his daughter.

After a week of traveling the father had finally arrived at his destination, sighing he looked at his daughter in his arms cooing in wonder at the surroundings around them. Taking off his cloak he wrapped it around his daughter, he also put the scroll from his wife in the buddle and placed a small black box with a necklace in it next to the scroll. He placed his daughter at the gate gently kissing her forehead before disappearing, Kaiya then began crying as soon as the father left.


Izumo and Kotetsu we're opening the gates to Konoha as usual when they both heard something.

"Did you hear that?" Kotetsu asked.

"Yeah, it sounds like a baby crying," Izumo said. Kotetsu nodded his head in agreement, the two opened the gates and saw a bundle.

Walking over to the buddle they saw that inside there was a baby and they weren't just imagining things. Kotetsu picked up the baby and rocked her in his arms making the baby stop crying. While Izumo looked at the scroll that was with her, but it had some seal on it that prevents him from opening it, so he opens the black box and saw a golden snake pendant inside. With the name engraved Kaiya S. On the back of it.

"We should report this to the Hokage," Izumo said, Kotetsu nodded in agreement.


The hokage was sitting in his office looking through his crystal ball watching a shadow figure standing in a tree staring at the gate before poofing away when there was a knock on the door, deactivating the crystal ball he said, "Come in." Izumo and Kotetsu walked in, Kotetsu was still holding baby Kaiya.

"Kotetsu and Izumo and who is this?" The hokage asked pointing to the sleeping Kaiya.

"We have no idea, sir, we found her at the gate crying," Kotetsu said.

"We think she was abandoned, there were this scroll and this necklace with her," Izumo said holding up the scroll and necklace up.

The hokage examined the scroll and the necklace and hummed knowing only one person who loved snakes. "Leave her to me you two, get back to work," the hokage said, Kotetsu gave the hokage the baby and left her, and headed back to the gates to do their work.

The hokage held Kaiya up wondering what he should do with her, then an idea struck him, he called in Kurenai Yuhi while waiting he tickled Kaiya smiling as she giggled. "Hey there I'm Hiruzen, your hokage but you can call me grandpa," Kaiya giggle as she tugged at his time sleeve.

The hokage laugh as Kaiya tugged at his sleeve when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." He called out and Kurenai stepped inside.

"Kurenai, I want you to take care of this orphan," he said, Kurenai was too surprised to speak, so she just nodded.

The hokage handed Kaiya to Kurenai and gave her the scroll and necklace and some money. "Good luck I expect to see her at the academy when she turns 7 years old," the hokage said having them off as Kurenai went to her apartment carrying Kaiya.

Kurenai brought some baby stuff like a crib, a monitor, diapers, formula, and a stuffed snake it was cute so she brought it to go with the necklaces, she took the stuff in a scroll and carry it to her apartment.

She put the stuff she brought in her spare bedroom room in her apartment putting Kaiya in the crib with her stuffed snake, smiling as she cuddles the toy with a smile. She then went to make a bottle of formula for the baby figuring she was probably hungry.

After the formula was ready she went into the bedroom and began feeding the baby and smiled. She was a single mother now and was going to do her best to raise baby Kaiya. She then looked at the necklace and was curious about what the S stands for. All she knew is she was determined to raise Kaiya into a wonderful person.


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Q: What do you think the S on her necklace stands for?

Q: What do you hope to see throughout this story?

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