
Bonded By Trauma

After facing an embarrassing public rejection, Skye Heath had to pick up the pieces of what was left of her life without having to depend on her ruthless ex for survival. She was fueled by revenge and the burning desire to find out the truth about her parent's mysterious death. In the fortunate turn of events, she finds comfort in the arms of Ash Walter, her ex's boss who was willing to help her get revenge for the emotional damage she was put through all in an attempt to win her over, but Skye was hellbent on not falling in love again after the heartbreak she went through. With the law on their side and power in their hands, the two set out on a journey that not only brought them closer, but also ignited a spark between them, a spark strong enough to melt the walls around Skye's heart.

Kieolar · Urban
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34 Chs

Road trip

Since they were going on a road trip and the weather was hot, Skye decided to wear jean shorts, a white shirt which she tied at the side, and white sneakers. For accessories, she went with sunglasses and a baseball hat.

She happily hummed her favorite song while skipping down the stairs, the feeling of happiness that morning was all over the house.

"Good morning." Ash greeted her once she got down from the stairs.

"Good morning." She greeted back.

He was already at the breakfast table dressed in casual attire. It was the first time Skye saw him in something other than his signature suits. He too wore jeans and a white shirt, one would guess they planned their outfits.

"I didn't know you had something other than suits in your closet." Skye joked as she took her seat opposite him.

"Did you think I was that boring?" He queried.

"Absolutely... you surprised me with your outfit this morning." She chuckled.

"Well, I'm full of surprises and did you think I would wear a suit on a road trip...in this heat."

"I did. It does suit your personality after all."

"Well then, it looks like we have to work on your perception of me." He smirked.

"Yeah yeah...so now can you tell me where we're going? I'm so curious." Skye tried prying information out of his mouth.

"There's no way I'm telling you after you insulted my dressing style." 

"How would I insult the great fashionable King Ash?" Skye tried buttering Ash up but to no avail.

"Your sweet words aren't working on me. The destination is still a surprise, now eat up so we can leave early."

Skye sighed in defeat and faced her food. She ate silently while trying to guess where they were going but nothing came to her mind.

After the meal, they both got in the car. Wanting to have some privacy with Skye, Ash decided to drive although the bodyguards followed right behind them in another car.

"Looks like you're my driver for today." Skye teased Ash as he started the engine.

"Looks like I am. Where would you like to go, my lady." Ash joined in on the tease game.

"I don't know, how about you tell me where we're going, good sir."

Realising Skye was trying to trick him into spilling the details of their destination, he smirked slyly, "That won't work on me, I'm still not telling you."

"Dang it!" Skye exclaimed, disappointed that her plan didn't work.

Feeling bored and having nothing important to do, Skye brought down the car window and played music by her favorite artist on the radio.

Forgetting Ash was around, she sang the songs happily with no care in the world as her legs were crossed on the car seat.

"When the wind blows your perfume~"

"All I do is think of you~"

"And I can't help but wonder...Do- you- love- me- too~~"

She sang he heart out, even using her water bottle as a makeshift mic in the process.

Ash just watched in silence as her mood changed quickly depending on the song she was singing, whether sad, happy, or energetic but what truly amused him was the fact that she knew every word in every song she played.

'She sure is a unique character.' He thought to himself.

Soon a breakup song started playing and he watched as she sang it passionately as if she were the one who got heartbroken.

"You betrayed me~"

"And I know that you'll never feel sorry...for the way I hurt~"

"You talked to her when we were together~"

"Loved you at your worst, but that didn't matter~"

"It took you two weeks to go on and date her~"

"Guess you didn't cheat, but you're still a traitor~"

She even dramatically clenched her chest as if she were hurt by the song. Seeing how cute she was while singing Ash just chuckled to himself as he enjoyed the mini performance Skye displayed for him. It was like he was witnessing ten different personalities in one person.

The show went on and on until Skye had to take a break due to her sore throat after singing for nearly an hour.

"Is this how girls are?" Ash asked once the radio was turned off.

"Most girls are but as for me personally, I get crazy when it comes to the songs I like. I hope I didn't bother you with my singing."

"Not at all, I enjoyed watching you have fun like that and besides, you have a very pleasant voice."

"Thank you." Skye shyly replied.

Ash wasn't lying about Skye's voice because ever since she was young, she was complimented for her angelic voice and once she reached high school, she joined the music club and ended up winning many awards. 

"It feels nice to be on a drive like this, it's been a while since I felt this free and relaxed." Skye's eyes were closed as she spoke, she was enjoying the cool breeze blowing on her face with her hand sticking out of the car window.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself and feel relaxed around me." He smiled warmly at her.

"Is it okay for you to be away from work like this?" She curiously turned to him.

"Yes, it's alright. No one is going to fire the boss for missing a day after all." Ash joked, earning a chuckle from Skye.

"Underneath your cold outer appearance, you're a soft and funny guy once someone gets to know you."

"Is that an insult or a compliment?"

"You can take it as both." Skye teased.

"So aside from singing, what else do you enjoy doing?" Ash asked, eager to know more about Skye.

"Mmm...I enjoy painting."

"That's interesting. What in particular do you like painting?" Ash asked, his eyes still focused on the road as he drove.

"I like painting the night sky, sunsets, seas, and animals. Those are the things that bring me joy when I see them so I just capture the moment on my canvas."

"I'd love to see those things and place with you as you paint them someday."

"I'd love that too." 

"How about people? Can you paint or draw them too?"

"I can but I rarely do it...my services are expensive after all." She joked, mentioning the same words he said to her the previous night.

"I hope loyal customers like me can get a discount then." Ash joined in on her joke.

"They certainly can." 

The two laughed out loud at their childish role palay but the bright smiles on their faces showed they were enjoying the conversation.

"If you are so good at painting, why didn't you attend an art school to perfect your skills and make it professional?" Ash asked once more once the laughter had died down.

Skye looked out of the window with a sad look on her face before sighing heavily, "I wanted to attend an art school but it wasn't something I could afford so I figured it's best to leave it as a hobby instead."

Ash clenched the wheel hard, feeling bad for all Skye had to go through without him being there to protect her.

'Now that you have, I'll make sure you never suffer again.' He gave her a silent promise in his head, a promise he swore to keep no matter what happens.