
Lights in the car

Aki only gets to breathe for a moment before he's being pushed up against a car. The strangers hands are making their way up his shirt and his tongue slides into his mouth, muffling any sound he made. Aki places his hands on the guy's chest and tries to break their kiss up, but the guy was way more excited than Aki had imagined him to be. And a much better kisser than that.

"Can I at least get a name?" Aki asks, panting as the guy's lips press against his neck, his tongue licking the skin there before he bites hard on it. Aki's eyes shot wide open and he arches his back, holding his breath to surpass his sounds.

The guy pulls away and looks down at him, his hair no longer slicked back as Aki had run his hands through them. He raises an eyebrow and steals a kiss from Aki. "Tell me yours first."

Aki rolls his eyes before wrapping his arm around the strangers neck, pulling him down to his height and whispering it into his ear. "Aki. My name's Aki."

The guy chuckles at the way he said and grabs the back of Aki's thighs, hoisting him up and opening the door with his free hand. Aki yelps and ducks down, protecting his head by hiding it near the guy's shoulder. When Aki opens his eyes again, the guys closing the door to the car and reaches up for his face. "Well then, Aki. It's nice to meet you. My name's Hiroto, please take good care of me."

Aki opens his mouth to reply when Hiroto locks his lips with him again, shutting out any words he tries to say. Aki leans back when he feels Hiroto's finger slide down the waistband of his jeans. His hands begin to pull them down when Aki pulls away and asks, "We're doing this here, right now?"

Aki had never tried car sex before. The situation just never seemed to ever arise. Most of the people he met would take him to a hotel, or their room, and try to impress him as much as they could. But Hiroto was impatient and Aki couldn't deny the butterflies he got when he thought about doing it in the car.

Hiroto helps Aki out of his jeans before throwing them to the back of the car and smiles up at Aki. "The glass is tinted, no one will be able to see us.*

Getting caught wasn't Aki's biggest concern. There had already been many awkward incidents involving roommates that come home earlier than usual and door opening when they shouldn't have. Aki was more worried about whether both of them would feel good doing it in such a small place.

Hiroto continues as Aki thinks about his choices. He gets himself out of his own jeans and laughs when Aki stares down at his erection in surprise. "I'm gonna have to thank Levi after this.*

"You're saying this only after seeing its size, how about we put it to some use, yeah?" Hiroto switches them around and pushes the seat down so that they have more space. He reaches into the side pocket of the seat and pulls out a few condoms.

"Well aren't you well prepared," Aki teases, watching in amusement as Hiroto tears the packet and rolls one onto Aki, purposely running his hands down his thigh.

Hiroto takes a condom out from the side of the car seat and opens it slowly, smirking when he sees Aki twitch impatiently. "Calm down," Hiroto places his hand on Aki's thigh and erotically slides it up and down, watching in amusement when grunts fall out of Aki's lips. Just as Hiroto pulls down Aki's boxers and holds his fingers wrapped in a condom by Aki's legs, he pauses and looks up. "Before we go on, what's your second gender?"

"Is that important right now?" Aki whines, lightly hitting Hiroto with his knee. Hiroto holds his knee in place and kisses the side of his leg.

"Yes, Aki. I think it's important."

Aki holds back another whine threatening to come out and lets out a deep sigh. He didn't particularly like telling people that he was an omega. It wasn't as if omegas were still heavily discriminated against, but a lot of people wouldn't want to have sex with him in case of him getting pregnant. "I'm an omega, now can we get to it?"

Hiroto glances down at Aki with discomfort in his face but nonetheless slips his fingers into the heat between Aki's legs. Aki's back arches with surprise as he wasn't expecting him to do it so quickly. Slick had already been dripping from behind him so the fingers slipped through easily. Hiroto's face lights up and he says, "I knew omega's secreted slick to accommodate their partners, but aren't you a little too wet?"

Aki blushes at the comment but doesn't get to dwell on it for too long when Hiroto curls his fingers and brushes against his sweet spot. He covers his mouth again when Hiroto purposely keeps barely rubbing against the spot. He's teasing Aki and as much as Aki wants to complain, he can't find his voice. There's something about the way Hiroto's touch felt, so gentle and soft. It reminded Aki of something he couldn't remember. His scent was sweet, but he didn't look like an omega, so just what was he and why did he seem so familiar?

The confidence that Aki had when he had walked up to Hiroto was draining out as seconds ticked by. This wasn't like Aki, he wasn't this submissive. But as he was lying in that steam filled car, panting almost like a dog as Hiroto thrust his finger into his asshole, Aki didn't know what to do.

When Hiroto leans forwards and presses his body against Aki, the warmth is so comforting it brings tears to his eyes. Aki didn't know what was happening. Why was he acting like this, was Hiroto doing something to him? Aki was lost in thought when Hiroto licks his earlobe, his fingers hitting right against his prostate, causing Aki to lose it and feel relief pass through it. Cum drips onto his stomach as Hiroto holds back a laugh of surprise.

"You came just from your behind, just how sensitive are you?"

Really and truly, Aki wasn't that sensitive. He would never cum first, making sure his partner felt as good as he did. But Hiroto's touch was so stimulating, the tiniest lick was enough to make the pressure top over the top.

Aki's head starts spinning as he spreads his legs open, holding his fingers down to his hole and making an inviting look towards Hiroto. "Please," he begs, all reason and sense gone from his mind. Hiroto's eyes follow the trail of cum rolling down his stomach to where his hole was twitching, waiting for him. "Please put it in already."

Hiroto pulls out another condom and rips it open with his teeth, his hazel eyes dazed almost as much as Aki's were as he leans forward and licks the saliva leaking from his lips. He sure likes to lick Aki. "Well, if you say it like that, I can't exactly refuse, now can I?"

Aki glances down at where Hiroto's hand reaches beneath his knee and pushes it up above his shoulder. He holds his breath as he feels Hiroto enter him, slow and steady. Aki can feel his every movement as Hiroto pushes further into the heat of his hole, pressing against all the right spots. He stays there for a moment, allowing Aki to get used to him, because he sure as hell wasn't a size easy to bear. But then he pulls out almost entirely, leaving the tip to tease Aki's rim.

Hiroto looks up at him, a smirk masked over his face as sweat from the heat surrounding them drops down his face and gathers at his exposed collarbone. Aki reaches his hand out to tug at Hiroto's shirt, a silent plea for it to be removed. Hiroto wastes no time to pull it over his head, revealing his lean body before plunging himself straight into Aki, causing the omega to gasp in surprise. He's clearly not here to play.

Aki's arms fly up to the top of the seat as he tries to find something to ground him as Hiroto starts thrusting at an incredibly fast pace, grabbing Aki's waist and pulling him onto his dick. The grip of his fingers were going to leave a mark, and the thought of that aroused Aki even further. The sound their skin makes as they slap against each other echoes in the car, which was already rocking back and forth at the same speed as Hiroto.

"Too fast!" Aki barely manages to cry out, Hiroto's dick hitting right against his prostate. "You're—"

Aki's words get mixed into incoherent cries as Hiroto pulls his arms above him and nibbles on his neck once again, looking like he felt at home there. Hiroto's tongue pokes out to lick a stripe up his neck to his lips where he slipped it into Aki's mouth. He's so good at kissing that Aki doesn't know where he should focus, where he was connected to Hiroto or where Hiroto was practically tongue fucking him.

Hiroto drinks up all of Aki's moans as he sucks on his bottom lip. "Didn't you want something like this?" Hiroto chuckles before pulling away completely, letting Aki's arms drop down. Aki takes deep breaths as Hiroto wipes the sweat on his face with his arm. The sweat mixed with the strange scent he was emitting was making Aki almost lose consciousness. "Unless you want to take control?"

Aki's eyes snap wide open and he nods, whining a little when Hiroto pulls out of him but changes positions so that he is on top of Hiroto. "I like it better like this," he says, guiding Hiroto's dick to his hole. "Makes me feel superior."

Aki takes him in slowly, his face scrunching up as he tries to handle his size once again, but just as he was about to bottom out, Hiroto thrusts his hips up, smirking when Aki's head swings back in pleasure, frozen in place as he gasps.

"Feel superior enough yet?"

But Aki wasn't one to back down. He rocks his head forward and shoots back a smirk of his own. Aki steadies himself by holding Hiroto's shoulders. "That's right, I am."

With that he raises his hips and brings them down with power, the sound of his thighs hitting against Hiroto's loud enough to make him blush. "Is that all?" Hiroto looks bored and that infuriates Aki further. Why did he look so unbothered compared to Aki? Why was he the only one tearing up from the amount of pleasure he felt.

Picking up his pace, Aki bounces on Hiroto's lap, moans slipping out from his mouth. He wasn't quiet in bed, although a few people had complained about it. Well, he couldn't be quiet in bed. No matter how hard he tried to keep the moans in, he just couldn't.

"You're quite the loud one, aren't you," Hiroto comments, raising Aki's shirt. "Here, bite on this. The windows may be tinted but that doesn't mean they're soundproof."

Aki bites down on his shirt as he continues riding Hiroto, the strength in his legs getting less as he goes on. Hiroto leans forward and kisses Aki's nipple, causing him to arch his back, trying to get as much contact as he could.

"I forgot omegas feel it a lot here as well," Hiroto says, pinching Aki's nipple with his fingers, licking on them as Aki hums. "You think I'd be able to get some milk from here?"

"Of course not!" Aki tries to reply, but the shirt in mouth stops him from doing so. Hiroto continues to suck on his nipples as the strength in his legs gives out. The shirt drops from his mouth and Aki pants slowly. "'m tired."

"So soon?" Hiroto's playing with him, but Aki can't take it anymore. His dicks aching with how badly he wants to cum and he can even feel Hiroto standing hard and strong inside him. He knows both of them are almost there, but it just isn't enough.

"Please," Aki's head drops to Hiroto's shoulder, his breath fanning his cheek. "Please, just let me cum."

It seems like his begging snaps a thread in Hiroto's head and Aki suddenly feels himself get flipped around. His head gets pushed into the head of the seat and Hiroto's hand runs down the small of his back before he quickly thrusts deep into Aki.

"Fuck," Hiroto curses, grabbing onto Aki's wrists and pulling them behind him. "You feel so good, better than any other omega I've fucked."

Aki cries at the words, trying to say Hiroto's the best he's seen before as well, but he doesn't get to say anything as Hiroto's thrusts become sloppy but still deep and filling.

"I'm cu—" Aki's words are cut off as he silenting cries whilst cumming, his semen filling the condom Hiroto had put on him at the start. But he still hasn't finished when Hiroto keeps fucking him deeply from behind at a merciless pace. "Wait! I'm still sensitive!"

"I haven't cum yet," Hiroto grunts back, wrapping his arm around Aki and dragging him up and placing a kiss on his shoulder. He cums shortly after and despite it being in a condom, Aki feels the heat in his stomach. It's warm and comforting and Aki's head falls back to rest on Hiroto's shoulder.

The two move around a little so that they were sitting more comfortably as silence fills the space between them.

"Hey look," Hiroto says, taking Aki's hand into his and pointing out the window. "There's people coming out of the bar. You think they'll be able to see you if I press you against the window hard enough?"

Aki breathes heavily, his half-closed eyes staring out the window. He doesn't say anything for a while before turning to look at Hiroto and smiles. "Guess we'll only find out if we try."

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