
Strange people

"Lilith can you cook the dinner the kids will be back any moment" Bob asked his wife as he leaves for work.

His job is to make sure the farmers are safe in the fields.Bob is a tall a giant of a man standing at 8tf tall hes fat from eating too much and drinking alcohol. He isn't a cultivator because he is on the edge of the most backwater continent called rosc.

There is nearly no essence in the air which makes cultivators 1 in a million chance to appear. Only the big villages have cultivators. No one messes with his village because he is unmatched in the mortal realm he easily smashes bandit and criminals that try to murder or Rob his village.

He rarely has to do anything because no beasts are in the forest around his village. Which makes it the perfect safe zone for non-cultivators. He fell in love with Lilith when he was 20 and they have been married for 10 years his children are twins they are 8 years old called Aaron and John.

Today was sunny like a average sunny summer day. He made sure the farmers we're safe they harvested the fields from potatoes to wheat his village did good in the winter. No one starved and everyone had good lives.

A occasional bandit attack happened but nothing happened as bob was alert. His weapon of choice was a steel war hammer with a 2m long shaft and a huge head the weapon weighed 100kg no can lift it except him as he is gifted with insane strength.

His father and mother died when he was ten his father was the village head. Which meant he was the heir. Everyone in the village loved him. He treated everyone with respect. His village has 60 people. Which is tiny compared to big villages. But he loved his peaceful life here.

*3 months later, the first day of winter*

His village didn't get that cold in the winter. He was bringing his twin sons to the village school. He suddenly heard the village bell went off which usually meant a attack he ran to the village Barracks and hid his sons there as it was the safest place. There were 10 warriors in the village including Bob. He grabbed his hammer and sprinted to the gate. With the rest of the warriors.

He saw a carriage with 2 huge 3 meter tall bulls they were pitch black they led the carriage behind the carriage was multiple cages. A man with long black hair and a red robe climbed out of the carriage.

He emitted a blood red aura his eyes were red vertical slits. Bob felt like a mountain was on his shoulders but he didn't kneel. It was clear to him that this man was a cultivator.

It didn't look like he had good intentions. From the bloodthirsty aura he emitted. This was the first cultivator John has ever seen. The other warriors knew that this was a cultivator too.

Bob's voice bellowed"State your intentions"

The man didnt respond. Before bob could blink the man appeared Infront of one of his warriors and thrust his hand into his chest. He ripped out his heart and tossed it into his mouth like a small snack. The man fell with a terrified look on his lifeless corpse

A massive hammer smashed down on the man's previous position but the man Cleary dodged" Mere mortals fighting back" the man chuckled. Bob was launched into a tree which collapsed in the process. Bob held onto his hammer blood crawled down his mouth. A footprint was embedded in his skin where he got kicked.

All the warriors stood still in shock before they processed what happened their heads flew away from their bodies. The man waved his hand all the corpse Infront of him disappeared into thin air as a ring on his finger glowed he licked his blood stained fingers.

The carriage continued on into the carriage the man sat on-top of it. On the side of the carriage a blood red symbol with 2 black eyes which all feared the farmers ran back to the village to warn everyone. The carriage arrived to the centre of the village 10 men jumped out of it with the same robes as the man from before.

The men grabbed anyone they saw and threw them into the cages at the back of the carriage. A man that looked like he was 50 years old with pitch black robes laughed manically as he saw the village get burnt to the ground.

All that was left of the village was a piles of ashes and debris. Screams from frightened children echoed in the village all the men hopped back into the carriage happy about there Fruitful harvest.

The carriage left the village through the front entrance. After a hour no sound except the crisp sound of fire was heard.

Bob woke up" I must get back to the village" but all he saw was fire and a few leftover burnt corpses of men no woman or children could be seen.

Where's Lilith where my sons that bastard must have takes them I'll kill him I swear on my life. I'll torture him until he loses any bit of sanity he has left he'll beg for his life.

Ill have to follow the road until I get to another village.

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