
Tutorial Time! (1/2)

After clicking accept Izuku immediately passed out once more, waking back up in his room all Izuku could feel was pain, intense searing pain all throughout his body

Izuku: 'It's like there's lava pouring through my veins, AGH'

The pain was so intense Izuku couldn't even scream. After what felt like hours the pain quelled and Izuku could finally move

Izuku: 'Okay, what the hell was that?'


[Quirk acclimatization complete, Initializing system tutorial]

Before Izuku could question the system and its timing another window popped up in front of him

[System tutorial #1 Questing

Quests simply refer to tasks assigned by the system, quests usually come with a reward whether it be from the system itself or others affected by your actions as a result of the quest. The system will now issue a tutorial quest so you understand the format]

Izuku: 'So like those old RPGs huh? But I wonder what kind of rewards the system will administer? If the quirk creation is anything to go by they will be interesting to say the least.'


[ Quest Alert

Tutorial Quest #1 Ranking: F

Don't be a dummy! Learn how to use your amazing


Requirements: Complete tutorial #1

Rewards: How not to be a dense protagonist! Skill

[ACCEPT] [̷D̷E̷C̷L̷I̷N̷E̷]̷ ]

Reading through the quest description Izuku couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the system's self confidence, founded or not. Seeing as the decline button was slashed out Izuku clicked accept and the window closed being replaced shortly after

[Quests are ranked by their difficulty of completing them the rankings are as follows:

Au - Quests so impossibly difficult that the chance of completing them are at 0% Ex: take down all of the top 100 ranked heroes all at once quirkless.

SS - Extremely long term quests or a quest of seemingly insurmountable difficulty Ex: Take down Gal-Might without external aid

S - Long term or Extreme difficulty quests Ex: Get into U.A. without using a quirk

A - medium length quests or of hard difficulty Ex: Take down 5 hero course students in a spar 1v5

B - short length quests or of medium difficulty Ex: Ace the entrance test to U.A.

C - short length easy quests Ex: Run a mile in 12 minutes or less

D - story driven quests given out by the system to aid the user in life pursuits Ex: Ask the girl you like out!

F - tutorial quests issued by the system Ex: Tutorial Quest #1 ]

Izuku: 'While Au quest difficulty is extremely worrying the rest seem aptly described'

[Lastly, please note that all quests are issued for a reason and declining a quest can have drastic consequences]

Izuku: 'Ominous'


[ Quest Completed: Tutorial Quest #1

Rewards gained: How not to be a dense protagonist! Skill ]


[ Quest Alert!

Tutorial Quest #2 Ranking: F

Don't be a dummy! Learn to use your sweet new skills awarded by your generous system!

Requirements: Complete Skill Tutorial

Rewards: Devilish Charm skill

[ACCEPT] [̷D̷E̷C̷L̷I̷N̷E̷]̷ ]

Izuku couldn't help but twitch his eye at the ego of the system at this point but sighed shortly after and clicked accept

[Skills are the fundamental building blocks of power! Your skills can be things menial all the way to your Quirks, try thinking 'Skills List' to bring them up]

Izuku: 'Okay well here goes nothing, Skills List"


[ Skills List

Rising of The Phoenix

Details: Your first created Quirk! A powerful ability to produce fire from your body that can

damage or heal others! Has drawbacks in that it uses your energy to produce the fire so

exhaustion will come from overuse

Rank: A Exp: 0.00%

How not to be a dense protagonist!

Details: You have a system! Of course your the main character! And the system will not stand

for a protagonist that can't understand when people throw themselves at him!

Rank: Au ]

Izuku couldn't help but be a small bit upset and confused about the second skill, but decided not to question the system and it will only lead to headaches.

[While your Skill List may seem small and unimpressive right now it will grow in due time!

Remember master a skill and no matter how unimpressive the skill may seem now they can

grow to be monstrous]

[Much like quests Skills have rankings, but unlike quests skills can metamorphose into a higher

ranked skill, the higher ranking the skill is the harder it is to "Rank Up" here's the skill rankings:

Au - Skills so incredibly powerful they alter reality around them and not the other way around!

Get an offensive one of these and the world will be at your feet instantly! Ex: Black Hole

SS - Skills powerful enough to alter a continent, whether that be by destroying it or through

induced change for example: a mind control skill that could make all heroes in Japan into villains

S - Skills strong enough to Alter a district/State for ex: A skill that could repair an area of a

natural disaster's effects

A - Skills strong enough to Alter a city, These are where most Quirks fall under for ex: Katsumi

Bakugo's Quirk Explosion

B - Skills strong enough to alter a building, for ex: Cementoss Quirk Cement

C - Mundane Skills that aid in everyday life, for ex: Quick Change ]

[You'll notice there are no D/F ranked skills, this is because there can be no skill mundane

enough to require that rank! So if you get one understand you did something so mundane the

system had to reprogram itself to allow that! ]

Izuku's eye was perpetually twitching at this point, was the system admonishing him, warning him, or making fun of him at this point he didn't know

[Skill Experience is awarded for using skills in the proper or unique ways, also finding out new uses for skills provides a LOT of Skill Experience so be on the lookout for those! For passive

Skills they gain Exp over time as opposed to for using them, and the main way to 'Rank Up'

Them is by getting Skill Exp from Quests]

[Next up is 'Skill Evolution' not all skills can reach Rank Au right off the bat, these skills when

they reach Rank SS will undergo evolution and become much stronger! For example your Quirk

Rising of the Phoenix, will become this:

Quirk: Rebirth of The Vermilion Bird

Details: User can produce White Fire from their body at will, this fire can attack or heal the

target by contact, The user can also become a fire incarnation of the Vermillion Bird

Weaknesses: No inward weakness as the energy to produce the fire is taken from the air

surrounding the user, but an equally strong water ability could stop this Quirk ]

Izuku's eyes bulged at the Evolved version of his quirk

Izuku: 'THAT SOUNDS SO COOL the sheer power of a quirk like that sounds amazing, no less that it removed the requirement to use the energy of the user, that could be the strongest power

I've ever seen, it could be *gulp* stronger than All-Might's Quirk at that point!

[Evolved abilities Rank Up the same way normal skills do but they require much more exp to do so]


[ Quest Completed: Tutorial Quest #2

Rewards Gained: Devilish Charm skill ]

[ Devilish Charm

Details: The user is innately charming, helps prevent fumbling of words or actions in front of

Others, Allows the user to keep calm during interactions that would leave them flustered, or

otherwise mentally impaired

Rank: B Exp: 0.00% ]

*in another world*

Je Suion: "It's too late now Gamer Han Jee-Han I hold control of Gaia, Noone can stop me now!"

Han Jee-Han: "Cast Absolute World control!"

Je Suion: "What is this magic?!?!? WHY CAN"T I MOVE?!? I CONTROL GAIA, I SHOULD BE UNSTOPPABLE"

Han Jee-Han: "I've become too strong for gaia to rule my ability, I have become the Game Master! Cast ABSOLUTE DESTRUCTION!"


Han Jee-Han: "Why do I suddenly feel very jealous? Eh who knows"

*Back With Izuku*


[ Quest Alert!

Fighting Tutorial! Ranking: F

The system won't stand for a weak user! Learn how to fight with the system's aid!

Requirements: Complete Fighting Tutorial

Rewards: Observe Skill, Status command, Exp system unlocked, Dojo system unlocked,

Devilish Body skill

Failure Requirements: HP drops to 0

Failure Penalty: Death

[ACCEPT [̷D̷E̷C̷L̷I̷N̷E̷]̷ ]

While Izuku was worried at the added failure penalty of death, he wasn't too worried, no tutorial would intentionally kill the player right? And so with haste he clicked the accept button

Oh how wrong he was

So chapter two is here! this is more just exposition for whats to come and an explanation of the system and its various parts, next chapter should be more interesting and have a few more laughs in it, It should come out later today if i don't get sidetracked and have to continue re-watching bnha with how much I put into the next chapter as always criticism always welcome and thank you for bothering to read my story :)

thelastgamer313creators' thoughts
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