
Round 1

From the spectator zone, being cuddled by Momo and Ochako, I observed my classmates preparing to fight one another.

As soon as Present Mic announced for them to begin, Reiko took the initiative and made her move against the brooding Todoroki.

Despite her quirk being named poltergeist, for the moment she could only make use of simple telekinesis moves. Which by the way, allowed her to manipulate medium sized objects and also hover close to the ground at a very fast pace.

Against someone like Todoroki, her best strategy would be to separate him from the ground while positioning herself on his left side.

It seems his self imposed handicap didn't remain unnoticed to her, so she made sure to capitalize on that.

But different from me and Inasa, she lacked the necessary power to throw him with enough speed, so Todoroki had enough time to act in response.

Despite not having many options for using his ice in mid air, he had something to call upon.

Although raising massive walls of ice required some kind of connection to the ground, he diverted his momentum by conjuring a small wall of ice and surfing on it while he continuously made it grow forwards.

Having gained some experience regarding surfing, Reiko acknowledged his swiftness and skill while maneuvering close to the arena's limit.

But as soon as he corrected his trajectory and landed facing her again, she was surprised by the sheer commitment he had put on his following attack.

"Apologies." He said with an annoyed expression.

It came startling fast from his right hand, spreading through the ground as she heard it creaking and growing, and if not for her quick reflexive dash to the side, she knew that he could've won the match right there.

The ground shook just like it did during my match against Shinso, but this time the fallout was much less controlled.

An enormous glacier shadowed at least a quarter of the stadium, and its peak was at least half the size of what my clones did when they attacked me.

Even the right half of Midnight became covered under a thick layer of ice, making her uncomfortable due to the cold.

Shoto spared no effort on that attack, but it still wasn't enough to give him the victory.

He barely had time to breathe out his frosty puff before he felt an invisible force pushing him backwards again.

Though this time it only managed to drag him, not being strong to lift him from the ground.

Shoto managed to stop himself again when he was almost standing over the borderline.

That second close call drew a little surprise alongside his usual annoyance, so he decided to not give her any more chances.

He used a technique he hadn't perfected yet.

He used his ice armor.

Inspired by Kirishima's Unbreakable mode, Todoroki coated himself in ice, doubling his size.

With each step he made, his feet immediately froze itself on the ground anchoring him very strongly, before breaking apart and repeating the process again and aging.

His body temperature rapidly decreased when he was encased in ice like this, so he had little time before its side effects hindered him beyond salvation.

Reiko wasn't expecting that move from him, especially after he almost covered a segment of the stadium under his ice, so her first response was to hover around him while trying to crack open that armor of his with her consecutive telekinetic pulses.

Obviously Todoroki wouldn't allow her to evade him forever, so after each attack she dodged, he made sure to block that area with sharp ice spikes.

Reiko's energy was already reaching its limit, but she hasn't managed to produce even a single small crack on his ice shell.

She was getting out of options.

"Just give up already. You don't have enough strength to push me out of the arena and I won't give up either." Todoroki tried to convince her, but at that instant he managed to trap her feet to the ground. "It's over."

As the ice slowly grew to encased her body, she desperately used everything she had and attempted something she just came up with.

*Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!...

Instead of breaking free of Todoroki's trap, she snapped the tips of the ice spikes dominating the arena, and with a swipe of her arms, they all converged together at him with tremendous speed due to their lighter mass.

This time his thick layer didn't remain undamaged, the sharp ice improvised daggers managed to stab him deep enough to draw a sliver of blood.

Part of his icy shell dismantled right there and exposed part of his chest.

Todoroki had his eyes wide open in surprise.

But as soon as he turned to look at his opponent, he noticed she half frozen and fainted due to fatigue.

"Yanagi is out of commission! Todoroki advances to the second round!" Midnight announced a little startled.

After the audience also recovered from their shock, they proceeded to cheer for both competitors.

In my opinion, it was by far a better result from what poor Sero went through in canon.

But then again, Reiko stood silent during the entire match, so I wonder how she will feel after Recovery Girl wakes her up.

Shoto proceeded to melt the ice mess he had made, but he couldn't help to stare at me from time to time, obviously thinking I had something to do with her surprising performance.

Heh, just like Bakugou will probably think after facing Uraraka.

Speaking of their match...

Do I think she has a chance against him?

Of course! But not with that strategy she pulled in canon!

You know, taking the risk that some of her debris could hit her. And even if she managed to touch Bakugou, I'm pretty confident he could easily guide himself mid air with his explosive bursts.

And how the hell did she survive the blast that cracked the ground into pieces?!

Anyways, at the moment I was calming Ochako and Yui.

Her matches aren't actually favorable for them, so some encouraging words are probably in order.

Momo otherwise was a little too confident for my liking.

I know, Kinoko isn't the most effective fighter in our class.

But ask Mei if she isn't a nightmare for technological equipment!

As we waited for the next match to begin, my clone responsible for taking care of Toga informed me her noticeable appreciation for Reiko.

So my yandere cousin liked my gothic friend...

That's interesting.

"Is everything alright Monoma?" Asked Ochako. "You look lost in your thoughts again. Is anything wrong?"

"Not really, infinity girl. Heh." I chuckled. "Quite the contrary." I pinched her pink cheek and said. "Although I'm thinking about visiting Yanagi. I'm a little worried she might've hurt herself or something."

Before Ochako recovered from her pouting expression and answered back, someone else spoke up. "Actually... I've already recovered!" Announced Reiko with a tired expression and more pale than she normally is.

The girls immediately hugged Reiko, but I noticed she was still sore from her recent match.

"Guess you enjoy surprising us, don't you?" I teased her as the others praised her effort. "I didn't know you were hiding that much from us."

"You are one to talk." She replied back with an eye smile.

"Point taken." I conceded before patting her in the head, making Uraraka a little jealous.

I turned to the side, this time Bakugou wasn't the only one seated alone.

A few seats behind him, I saw Todoroki contemplating a small flame in his left palm.

Obviously the last match was an eye opening for him. Up until now, he had the excuse that his ice was more than enough for him to become the number one hero.

Even his losses in the first and second games weren't a message effective enough for him.

But single combat was supposed to be his strong suit.

He clenched his hand, extinguishing his fire, and turned to look at me.

A single nod was everything I gave him, to his frustration, and turned to look at the arena.

Present Mic spoke up to announce the next match.

Inasa Yoarashi VS Ibara Shiozaki

Man, I knew airhead was tall. But looking from here, he must be half giant or something.

He's taller than Shouji!

Imagine how small Ibara was looking standing close to him.

While she was speaking with Present Mic, Inasa was cheering and flexing to the audience similar to a pro wrestler.

He indeed has Bakugou's drive, and although he might have some problems with communication as well, dude was clearly charismatic.

As soon as they were allowed to fight, Inasa brought a tornado out of the clear skies and slammed it into the ground.

Ibara promptly pulled the same move she used against Kaminari, but this time she had clearly miscalculated.

Instead of dispersing as soon it met the ground, it actually drilled the concrete and "Shinra Tensei" the whole arena.

To Ibara's credit, she braced herself as best as she could, but the wind pressure was enough to make a hole large enough to pull her by the roots and blow her away.

Floating above the crater was Inasa, with his satisfied expression.

Not surprisingly, the crowd began to applaud and cheer for him. They were very satisfied with his display of power.

Think about it! It was the third match, and U.A was capable of consistently providing quite the spectacle for them.

As Inasa offered his hand to Ibara, I received a message from the clone I sent to Tokyo.


Heh, it appears I've found the dirt of Hosu City.

And with Shinso's quirk, he didn't stand a chance.

I ordered that clone to take care of it for now, I'm still busy with the sports festival.

Did I also manage to make a deal with that reporter?


Okay, where was I? Oh, Kirishima is about to face Yui!

Have to admit, I'm never tired of seeing him using his extremely rugged and monstrous appearance.

And seeing how frequently he uses it, I guess he feels the same way as well.

Can't believe they didn't allow Yui to carry the utility belt I've made for her.

That's really unfortunate for her. And also unfair.

As soon as they received permission to fight, Kirishima rushed towards her like a furious bull while Yui walked backwards until the edge of the arena.

To her credit it was her best option given the odds.

But Yui wasn't just a pretty face, not that there's a problem with that, and immediately threw at him some pebbles she had caught on the ground.

Her quirk really reminded me of antman, the rock didn't only grew in size, but it actually gained mass. Similar to that ninja Todoroki fought against during the license provision exam.

But looking at her, I noticed that she needed to train her aim a little. Not that she missed Kirishima, but her attacks weren't bullseye either, so Red Riot simply shrugged them off with little to no pause to his movement.

When he was about to grab her, she flipped over him and enlarged a...

Wooden stick?

Guess she had to scavenge something from the environment to make due.

But the difference between her and Kirishima's masses obviously didn't allow her to push him out of the arena as she might've planned.

Instead, she launched herself backwards.

Back at square one.

This time she decided to make her last remaining stored objects even larger, trying to immobilize him by burying him under so much stuff that wouldn't be able to break free.

However, this Kirishima is much stronger than the one that fought Rappa or even class 1B in canon, so he pulled a Bakugou move and broke out of her improvised trap with a roaring shout.

When he was about to charge at her again, Yui simply raised her arm and yielded, making Kirishima almost trip out of surprise.

Ha! What a Shikamaru move!

Though in her case she at least received a lot of praise from the audience. As did Kirishima, obviously.

When she joined us again, I noticed her disappointment for not winning, but she remarked that Kirishima was much stronger than she had anticipated.

We ended congratulating both of them, and Inasa wished him good luck, being his next opponent.

Next is... of course.

Tenya's lesson to learn to not be that gullible of a person.

Sorry buddy, but it's a necessary lesson for you.

Man, I just remembered that we didn't have the best first impression of one another back at the entrance exam. Beats me that I actually became close friends with an egghead like him.

Anyways, initially Midnight questioned all the gear he was using, but after Iida gave her a passionate explanation about him wanting to have a fair match, she decided to allow it.

The next ten minutes were actually pretty interesting for me and my parents. From my clone guarding them, I noticed they were very impressed by her talent and creativity.

Seeing Mei not taking her eyes from them as well hinted that's what she wanted all along.

By the end of the match, Mei voluntarily stepped out of bounds while Iida shouted at her. Not even his much stronger engine allowed him to catch her with all that crazy gear.

That obviously raised a flag to me, he needs to learn how to make sharp turns.

Perhaps Grand Torino's style would be more adequate for him in these situations.

Food for thought.

Following match...

Lord explosion murder Vs Infinity girl

I had helped Uraraka strengthen her body in the last two weeks, and also helped her push her limits in regards to her quirk.

This Ochako is tougher than the one that faced Bakugou in canon.

Problem is, thanks to me, this Bakugou is even more powerful. After all, he was aiming to defeat me, not to mention he also had to consider that I could also use her quirk.

The match was much flashier this time.

As expected, the crowd initially opposed Bakugou, but after Aizawa took the microphone from Present Mic and explained the situation, things changed.

Obviously Uraraka knew she would die if she took a direct hit from Bakugou, so she kept her distances as they fought.

This time she even felt confident to fight him in mid air a few times, but his larger mobility was something she had no way of competing without having any support gear with her.

I noticed she had the same plan in mind, though this time the quantity of debris floating above them was much bigger than it had been in canon.

She wasn't crazy, from a distance she decided to release it over Bakugou just after making him disorientated due to his explosions' smoke.

Then again, Bakugou had been training to fight me, so his blast was much more intense than I expected. It reminded me of the ice armor Todoroki pulled out, because I don't recall him using that move in canon.

The following blast was almost like when Todoroki used his ice and fire subsequently in his fight with Midoriya.

The upward explosion was powerful enough to blow Midnight out from her standing. Not to mention Uraraka, who was easily thrown away from the arena.

Bakugo won again. But seeing him faltering a little with his arm, I guess that he overdid a little.

And Uraraka fainted... again. Poor girl.

As he returned to his seat, I noticed his gaze towards me as he tried to intimidate me.

Just like I teased Todoroki, a casual nod was more than enough to acknowledge his effort.

For the next match, I turned to look at Shinso and signaled for him to pay attention.

He still had his doubts, but nodded all the same.

Tokoyami Fumikage Vs Izuku Midoriya

It matched much harder than the one he faced against Shinso, and now he didn't have OFA to use as plot armor.

Man, that utility belt is really cool! I wonder if it is just as good as the one I've made for Yui.

Immediately after the match started, Fumikage ordered Dark Shadow to attack.

His quirk was indeed very powerful, not only it had incredible reach, but it also had great speed and allowed him to fly.

Just before he was hit by Dark Shadow, Midoriya pulled a smoke pellet and threw it to the ground, releasing a thick cloud of smoke.

Usually I wouldn't recommend giving the shadow based quirk user more of his nature, but from what I saw he couldn't see through the dense fog. So Dark Shadow went straight through it without hitting his target.

Tokoyami was preparing to do a swipe attack when something small came through the cloud of smoke.

It didn't go straight to Fumikage at first, but when he decided to ignore something that appeared to be falling out of the arena, I noticed the small object making a turn and smacked him in the back.

When he turned to inspect what hit him, a grapple came out of the already dissipating cloud and pulled him from behind.

Instead of cutting the metal wire or resisting it, Tokoyami decided to follow its trail until he found Midoriya. But when he followed it to its end, he noticed the grapple was attached to the ground and that no one was nearby.

Dark Shadow warned him that something was about to hit him again from above, but when he turned to intercept it, he saw something that I myself like to use.

Stun grenades.

*Flash! Flash! Flash!

After being temporarily blinded by the very bright flash, he felt something resembling a hunting net trapping him.

Even though Dark Shadow had been weakened after the last attack, he was confident that it could at least free him from a simple net.

Before he even had the chance to attempt it, he felt an electrical discharge locking his muscles movements and dispelling Dark Shadow.

What a decisive win for the quirkless boy!

I'm not sure if I was the only one to clap after Midoriya confirmed that his opponent had been knocked out.

But after the metaphorical shock of everyone else wearing out, cheers filled once again the large stadium.

Satisfied with the result of the match I went to check out if Uraraka was doing well in the infirmary, while one of my clones went to talk with Shinso.

When I met her, I noticed she had a face of someone who had recently cried, probably due to speaking with her parents.

Wanting to distract her a little I told her about the previous match and left her to recover after cheering her up a little.

While I made my way towards my seat, I met the number two hero.

"Greetings Endeavor!" I said respectfully.

Better avoid antagonizing the guy for now, after all, I want to meet his daughter without unnecessary drama.

"Ah, I was looking for you. Good to see you know how to show respect." He turned to speak with me.

"Me? How can I help you?" I asked him, already knowing his answer.

"I watched your match against the brainwashing guy." He started pointing his finger at me. "The power you possess is indeed impressive. To make such terrifying attacks with simple clones... your future will undoubtedly be bright. And you seem to be very close to All Might, especially during that show of yours."

"I guess we are. He's been an amazing teacher after all, and his quirk is definitely one of the best in my arsenal." I replied casually, gesturing with my hands.

"You know, it's my Shoto's duty to surpass All Might as the number one hero. But he is refusing to accept his fate." Endeavor said before making the flames of his body shine brighter.

"What are you doing?" I asked him curiously.

"I don't know how you do it, but I want you to copy my quirk." He said to me with a serious expression.

"I'm humbled by the offer, but would you mind telling me why are you offering it to me?" I said, pretending to have never copied someone's quirk without permission.

"I want you to use it against Shoto, show him how much training he has left. If you do, I will offer you an internship for my agency." He declared. "That's all I wanted to say. I apologize for bothering you."

He attempted to walk past me, but with a simple hand gesture I stopped him.

Raising an flaming eyebrow at me, he was obviously rushing me to explain my action.

"You know, since I was young I've watched you. There wasn't a single person that was seriously trying to surpass All Might." I poked a finger at his chest. "You were the only one!" I looked him in the eyes. "But knowing what you've sacrificed and who you've hurt... I now feel pity for you."

"How dare you speak of matters that you don't-" He tried to bark at me, just like his son did, before I interrupted him.

My hair burst in flames, but instead of becoming bald, there I was doing my best impression of a Super Sayian. "All Might's days as the number one hero are counted, his powers are decreasing by the second. Allow me to be the first to congratulate you for finally becoming the number one hero."

Endeavor's eyes were wide in disbelief and confusion.

"But know this, as soon as I graduate from U.A, I'll be taking that spot from you." I declared before walking past him. "If I were you, I would make sure to face my past and be better for my family." I told him without turning back and deactivated my fire hair.

After that, I left him alone brooding.

Like son like dad I guess.

I made my way towards my friends and not long after, both Midoriya and Fumikage also came talking to one another.

Should've expected that the chicken of darkness would still show respect despite losing the match to him.

"Hey guys, congratulations for the match." I said to them. "Even though I feel the need to point out that you were careless buddy..." I said to Tokoyami before turning to Midoriya. "You've definitely made it very hard for him to take you out."

"You are right. I was too focused on not giving him room to think, that I forgot to think about the situation myself." Tokoyami nodded with seriousness in his tone.

"Thanks, though I wasn't sure if it would work at first. Betting that light was your weakness was a gamble that thankfully paid off in the end for me." He replied with a smile. "And I had my doubts in regards if my electrical net would be effective at all against you, given that I saw you resisting Monoma's electric attack during the cavalry battle."

"I see, for a moment I was afraid he had shared my secrets with you Midoriya." Tokoyami sighed in relief and turned to me. "Sorry to have doubted you, friend."

"C'mon man, you know that I would never do such a thing to you! Besides, if Midoriya wasn't capable of finding a way of defeating you by himself, then I think he would agree as well that he wouldn't be deserved to win." I started looking for Izuku's response.

"He's right." He nodded.

"Tokoyami, there's no time to wallow. Watch carefully the next matches to acquire more experience and to improve yourself. Make sure to never commit the same mistake again." I told him and heard Iida praising my wisdom a few seats away.

After that brief exchange, we sat down to watch the final match of the first round, as one of my clones continued to discuss with Shinso about Midoriya's victory.

Momo Yaoyorozu Vs Kinoko Komori

I wanted to say that it was a close match, but even though Kinoko managed to cover half of the arena with her mushrooms. Momo came prepared and applied some antifungal on herself.

Copying my style, she immobilized Kinoko with a glue grenade.

Momo knew I would notice that and winked at me from the arena.

That girl...

But I guess with this, the first round fights have officially ended. It's my time to face the fusion between sasuke and Zuko.



*Hope this chapter is of your liking. Anything you wish to ask, feel free to do so.

Thanks as always for your attention and please be safe.

Any problems with my writing, just point them out and I will correct them as soon as possible.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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