
brand new blade

"Uh you know you just can't keep doing this can you?" The voice of a girl began speaking.

"What do you mean like it's not gonna be a disaster this time. just trust me on this." a boy replies

"Look Xavier you know that trying to put light magic on your blade will just lead to more damage right? light magic isn't used like that."

the girl's reply to Xavier

"I get where you're coming from melissa but both of us know that i have done more crazy stunts like this" Xavier's reply to melissa

"But you remember back then. when both of us first met?

"I know I know but come one it's not my fault that it hit a random person you were the one who deflected it."

"And you were the one who shot it. and i deflected that beam of light. and if i hadn't i would have gotten hurt as well. *sigh* just dont blame me when things go south"

"Yeah yeah and also tell vargas i said hi."

And that melissa left and Xavier continued on what he was doing. A few minutes passed by and Xavier began to think

'It's been a long time hasn't it. back then nobody really cared. It's really weird how i didn't manage to see that they were just using me for their personal gain. i still remember it as if it was just yesterday when i first came to this world'

A few moments passed by and Xavier was finally finished luckily it didn't cause any damage to the room and the blade. Xavier goes out and begins to go to a nearby forest to try his new blade. a blade that has a blue shining Aura from the handle to the blade.

"Alrighty then lets try this out" after that Xavier begins his test. he slashed a tree. but the tree remained intact but a blue slash mark appeared. br slashed again but to his surprise the tree started going down as the second slash of Xavier manage to finally damage the tree and was able to cut it

'Oh so my first slash leaves a mark and the second slash damages the target though it's weird it didn't function like my other blades they only have effects and attributes. this one however didn't only have both but a function. that means light magic has more to it and maybe i can add star magic to it as well for extra sturdiness.'

After Xavier finished his thoughts. he decided to do more tests to see its capabilities. Xavier decided to head back as it was going to be dark soon.

We see melissa going to a nearby tavern and buying a few drinks and just chilling there. that's when the bartender strikes a conversation with melissa.

"So melissa how have you been. i heard you paid off Xavier's damages again."

"Yeah it was just a few silver coins since it only burned a small part of the wall"

"Oh really? what did he do actually?"

"He thinks it would be fun to mix condensed flame magic with light magic making it explode in the room we were in"

"Oh by the way I'm curious what class is your friend Xavier again?"

"apparently he is a conjurer and a good one at that he can conjure up gateways for fast travel and conjure elements to put or apply on his weapons for more damage dealing and special effects. weird how he never used his actual ability."

"Well that's great isn't it. with you as a summoner you can help him by supporting him from the back"

"Yeah and were planning on going on our next mission so sadly we have to leave for a few days"

"I wish you good luck then"

"Thanks I'll promise to bring something when we get back"

"Oh no need" the bartender declines and melissa

gives in "Alright if you say so but me and Xavier will be sure to stop by before we leave"

"Sure thing I'll see you off when you do"

And melissa left after paying and began heading back. on the way home she heads to where Xavier has been staying for the past couple weeks and the place where she also lives. the inn near the town hall and which was also near the guild which where Xavier and melissa was getting their missions from.

Xavier can be seen sweating as he just finished doing his exercises to stay fit. after cleaning himself up he sits on his chair and begins to sketch more ideas in his desk.

"So because it worked i can mark it as a success.

It's weird how the blade worked like that when i removed the blade from the handle and replaced it with a different one it worked normally even though it had a different damage to the tree the cut remained the same it only slashed. but for the one i just made i had to slash twice actually cut the tree."

Xavier begins to think. he had so many ideas but not sure if he can do them. he still isn't the best he couldn't even perform high level magic and still can't infuse them with other weapons other than a sword.

But ever since he manages to get a blue star it helps him a lot. It helps by increasing his magic energy and helping him be able to control light magic more by making the light magic blue instead of yellow.

Xavier is still happy about his achievements but he would rather not show them other than the people he trusts.

Xavier is now tired from all the sketching finally made a new design rather than a blade a removable like the rest. its a sword pure white in color. and a thin blade sharp enough to cut through steel and rocks.

"Its done even though it might cost me having a blade switching sword is great but its good to have a back up just in case."

"*Yawns* man im tired i should get some sleep i have a mission with melissa tomorrow"

Xavier swiftly fell asleep and comfortably on his bed. We will see next time how he came to this point and how he became the blue star conjurer