

I always dreamed of becoming a football player but I because I had a weak body I didn't but now that changed because now I got reincarnited in blue lock with a system

bsatn_888 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs



We went to the pitch ,then I grabbed the ball passed It to Rin and looked at him " you have the ball ".

when he got the ball he came near me

and did a feint to the left 'seeing that I did't fell for it ,he tried to do another feint but this time I stole the ball from him , he tried to get it back ,but could'nt because I moved the ball before he could then went ahead and scored it was now 1-0

I looked at him while smiling and did't say anything ,he seemed to get pissed off , he then went and grabbed the ball once again ,he started dribbling towards me ,once he reached me he tried going to the right but I stole the ball from him and started doing step overs on the third

one I suddenly bursted to the left and with my speed he could'nt catch me and I shot at the goal and scored.

it was now 2-0 and once again I looked at him and smiled ,

he grabed the ball and started dribbling once again when he reached me he tried to do a

la croqueta but I stole the once again and started walking towards him and did a feint to the

right but he did't fall for it he then tried to steal the ball and once he reached the ball I pulled it back

and went to the left then scored .

it was now 3-0 once again I looked at him and smiled and he got even more pissed off,

he then grabed the ball and started dribbling once again but this time he tried to shot but I blocked the shot and got the ball I then nutmegged him and went to score the goal

it was now 4-0


I shot at the goal and the the score was 20-0

I look towards him and I see him in the ground panting hard then I spoke for the first time since we started "this is boring " he tried to get up after what I said , I looked at him said"so now that you know am the best It's clear that iam the best in here , so Iam gonna plan our lineup"after that I turned around and started walking but before I leave I heard Rin's voice "you may be better now but someday I will be better than you " I looked at him and noticed his eyes were glowing , I then grinned and said "you would have to work very hard for that " and left .

Ego's : Pov


In the begining I was curious about their 1v1 so

I started watching it and it was complety one sided Rin was out classed in everything ,

Taro Sakamuto he is the best player in blue lock by far and with this level he could easliy go play

in the top 5 leages but that is not enogh he is yet to Use his Ego , then I heard what Rin said and looked at his eyes they were glowing "this is gonna be Intersting".


in the evening I went to our room and they were all gathered there ,so I claped my hand and said

" now our plan is gonna be a 4-4-2 " they came near to hear the plan "and for the line up Shido and Rin gonna be our strikers for the match and

am a attacking midfielder and the left midfielder Is Katou ,,"after I was done listing the line up I told them the tactics ,when I was done I said

" we don't have time to practice the tactics so we have to hope for the best " after what I said I went

to sleep they also went to sleep.