


Crystal Lemiere

I walked into the house and threw myself to the sofa. I just got home from Raja Ampat, I always go there once a month hoping that one day Lucas will comeback but until now.. there's still no trace of Lucas. I looked for him all over the world for 3 years but still can't find him. If you think I will give up, you're all wrong. I won't give up until I find him.

/"You're home. Found him yet?/" Brandon asked and Priscilla smacked his arm for asking me that question.

/"Not yet.. I will find him one day./" I said.

/"Don't give up just yet, Crystal./" Priscilla said as she sat across me.

/"I won't and I will never give up./" I smiled at her and she gave me a thumbs up. I closed my eyes and fell asleep right away. I got up because someone picked me up from the sofa.. I opened my eyes slowly and found my dad carrying me upstairs to my room.

/"Hey dad./" I said as he put me down on my bed.