
Chapter 1

Devlin's POV

So like today was terrible. Imagine going to school sick without medicine whatsoever and having gym class the first period. 

Can you imagine it?

Most likely not but that is my life today. I woke up with a banging headache and a stuffed nose. My body felt so hot I thought I was on fire and my brain felt like mush sloshing around in my skull.

Of course mom wasn't there or more accurately,off somewhere getting pumped up with who knows what my brothers were out and there was no medicine(not like there ever is) for me to self-administer myself. 

So like every day in my entire life. I just deal with it. 

Now before you pity me, know this, it gets easier over time to learn to ignore things and not look too deeply at them, I learn to roll with it.

When I got to school, Mr. Elvis, my gym teacher made me run laps around the field. I tried to tell him I was sick but he didn't care to listen as 

1.I didn't have a doctor's note

2. He's just a fat,bald guy too bothered with his receding hairline to care about your physical or mental health

So imagine this, running on a field with a fat, middle-aged man shouting obscenities at you with spit flying at 50 m/sec and a face as red as a monkey's behind with a balding head and a huge potbelly sticking out . 

You can't imagine that either can you. Well that is just a little peak into what I'm experiencing right now

I'm hot,sweaty and dizzy and this donkey's barking isn't making it any easier for me. 

I feel like I'm literally seconds away from upchucking the little food I ate in my stomach

Sometimes I don't know why this dolf's always mad at me. It's infuriating to say the least but I gotta do what I've always done;deal with it.

So I run faster to tune out his shouting which maybe wasn't a bright idea because soon after I found myself faceplanting 

I know what you're going to say and honestly,I think I know what might've happened

You see,when you do strenuous activities without any kind of nourishment a.k.a food, it results in fatigue then you faint. 

I know, I know the magic of ✨science✨, what a wonderful concept

So here I am a few hours later lying in a hospital bed at the clinic with a cute nurse not so far away from me and before you say anything, I'm just admiring her from afar.

I sit up after working out all the kinks in my body and she turns to me with a look of surprise and concern

"I'm so glad you're finally awake,I was debating whether or not to send you to the hospital when you didn't show any signs of waking up. So what happened? You look a bit malnourished. Are you eating well? It seems to be the most accurate reason of why you fainted"

"Oh me, I'm fine just a bit shaken up from the strenuous exercises I was forced to undergo"

"Are you sick? If you are,why didn't you say anything? I'm sure the teacher would have understood"

I rolled my eyes when I heard this 

"Oh that old geezer, he knew I was sick,he just didn't care. He likes seeing others in pain. I think he gets off to this sort of power play he likes to pull."

"That's not a very nice thing to say",she said sternly

"Will you snitch?"


"Then I don't care. I'll insult that fat pig as much as I want. It makes life interesting to cause the fat oaf problems"

She laughed when she heard my words 

"You're quite funny, aren't you?"

"Well I try to be. Is it working?", I say wiggling my eyebrows

"Maybe",she replied slyly

"Then I must be doing something right?",I say with a slight drawl in my tone

"So how bad is it? When can I leave? Is it hospital-serious or normal serious"

"It's pretty bad, I might actually have to call the hospital. I might also have to call your parents as you have to see a specialist of some sort. You look malnourished and underweight so maybe a dietitian or a nutritionist is best in this situation"

"Don't call my parents, when I get home I'll inform them so it isn't necessary"

"Are you sure? This is essential for your health"

"Definitely. You don't need to worry about it"

'It's not as if they'll even come at all. All they're concerned with is work and my brothers. I'm very sure they wouldn't even give a damn if I rolled over and croaked'

"Well do you have any other family members that might be available, any brothers? sisters? an aunt or uncle close by?"

"Nah I'm an only child so no sisters or brothers. I don't have any relatives close by. At this point it's only I and my parents"

'It's not as if they'll come if I asked. They're only concerned about themselves so it wouldn't matter. They'd probably be happy if something happened to me.It's not as if I haven't tried before 

"Ok If you're sure. I'll give you juice and snacks for now to at least stabilise your immune system right now. You can go now"

"I don't think I'm fit to go back to class, cam I get a home pass?"

"Unless your parents are the ones taking you then no"

I pouted, feeling upset at the missed opportunity to miss school

'This damned sickly body isn't even useful for anything"

"Seeing the expression on your face, I guess I can give you an out-of-school pass but that'll depend on how you'll fare in class"

"Really?!", I asked feeling excited at the mere prospect of missing class.

"Yeah",she replied chuckling when she saw my enthusiasm at the idea

"Thank you, you're the best!! I really appreciate it"

After collecting the slip, I quickly rushed to the door before turning back and asking

" Can I come back later?", I said with a smirk

"Well unless you're sick, that won't be possible but it was fun with you while it lasted. I hope I never see you back here"

"Oh you wound me with such hurtful words! How can I EVER survive this pain?", I said loudly with exaggerated hand gestures for dramatic effect

"Oh stop it! Don't make me laugh more than I already have. I don't want to wish you'd come back. I don't like seeing people sick in general so don't tempt me!", she said trying but failing to hold in her giggles 

"Ok ok I'll leave now but now that I'll be back, whether it be willingly or not depends"

'That wouldn't be a problem especially seeing how my family treats me. A dog can get better treatment than I do in that house'

With a final wave, I turned to leave dreading the next period and hoping my body messes up so much that I can leave early

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